上個星期碰到個客戶使用swoole compiler加密drupal致使drupal項目沒法運行的問題,逐步排查後總結問題是drupal中有部分代碼直接經過file_get_contents獲取php源碼致使的,由於項目代碼是加密事後的,因此直接獲取php源碼解析是獲取不到想要的內容的。php
protected function parse() { if ($this->parsed || !$fileName = $this->finder->findFile($this->className)) { return; } $this->parsed = true; $contents = file_get_contents($fileName); if ($this->classAnnotationOptimize) { if (preg_match("/\A.*^\s*((abstract|final)\s+)?class\s+{$this->shortClassName}\s+/sm", $contents, $matches)) { $contents = $matches[0]; } } $tokenParser = new TokenParser($contents); ...... }
public function __construct($contents) { $this->tokens = token_get_all($contents); token_get_all("<?php\n/**\n *\n */"); $this->numTokens = count($this->tokens); }
傳入獲取到的源碼經過token_get_all()進行解析,而後後續分析代碼獲取php文件的類、屬性、方法的註釋 ,父類的命名空間 和class名 ,本類的use信息 等,由於文件已經加密,因此file_get_contents獲取到的內容是加密後的內容,token_get_all就解析不到正確的信息。express
注:本次使用的2.1.1版本的加密器,經過swoole compiler加密器加密的代碼,在配置文件中save_doc配置選項必定要設置爲1,若是設置爲0則不會保存註釋,若是設置爲0,在2.1.3版本swoole_loader.so擴展中新增長的函數naloinwenraswwww也沒法獲取到類中use的相關信息,具體函數使用在後面會詳細說明。數組
$ref = new \ReflectionClass($this->className); $parent_ref = $ref->getParentClass(); ...... if (is_file($fileName)) { $php_file_info = unserialize(naloinwenraswwww(realpath($fileName))); foreach ($php_file_info as $key => $info) { if ($key == 'swoole_namespaces' || $key == 'swoole_class_name') { continue; } $this->useStatements[$key] = $info; } } $this->parentClassName = $parent_ref->getName(); if (strpos($this->parentClassName, '\\')!==0) { $this->parentClassName = '\\'.$this->parentClassName; } $static_properties = []; $properties = $ref->getProperties(); $parent_properties = $this->createNewArrKey($parent_ref->getProperties()); ...... $static_methods = []; $methods = $ref->getMethods(); ......
[ "swoole_namespaces" => "Drupal\Core\Datetime\Element", "swoole_class_name" => "Drupal\Core\Datetime\Element\DateElementBase", "nestedarray" => "Drupal\Component\Utility\NestedArray", "drupaldatetime" => "Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime", "formelement"=> "Drupal\Core\Render\Element\FormElement" ]
function drupal_rewrite_settings($settings = [], $settings_file = NULL) { if (!isset($settings_file)) { $settings_file = \Drupal::service('site.path') . '/settings.php'; } // Build list of setting names and insert the values into the global namespace. $variable_names = []; $settings_settings = []; foreach ($settings as $setting => $data) { if ($setting != 'settings') { _drupal_rewrite_settings_global($GLOBALS[$setting], $data); } else { _drupal_rewrite_settings_global($settings_settings, $data); } $variable_names['$' . $setting] = $setting; } $contents = file_get_contents($settings_file); if ($contents !== FALSE) { // Initialize the contents for the settings.php file if it is empty. if (trim($contents) === '') { $contents = "<?php\n"; } // Step through each token in settings.php and replace any variables that // are in the passed-in array. $buffer = ''; $state = 'default'; foreach (token_get_all($contents) as $token) { if (is_array($token)) { list($type, $value) = $token; } else { $type = -1; $value = $token; } // Do not operate on whitespace. if (!in_array($type, [T_WHITESPACE, T_COMMENT, T_DOC_COMMENT])) { switch ($state) { case 'default': if ($type === T_VARIABLE && isset($variable_names[$value])) { // This will be necessary to unset the dumped variable. $parent = &$settings; // This is the current index in parent. $index = $variable_names[$value]; // This will be necessary for descending into the array. $current = &$parent[$index]; $state = 'candidate_left'; } break; case 'candidate_left': if ($value == '[') { $state = 'array_index'; } if ($value == '=') { $state = 'candidate_right'; } break; case 'array_index': if (_drupal_rewrite_settings_is_array_index($type, $value)) { $index = trim($value, '\'"'); $state = 'right_bracket'; } else { // $a[foo()] or $a[$bar] or something like that. throw new Exception('invalid array index'); } break; case 'right_bracket': if ($value == ']') { if (isset($current[$index])) { // If the new settings has this index, descend into it. $parent = &$current; $current = &$parent[$index]; $state = 'candidate_left'; } else { // Otherwise, jump back to the default state. $state = 'wait_for_semicolon'; } } else { // $a[1 + 2]. throw new Exception('] expected'); } break; case 'candidate_right': if (_drupal_rewrite_settings_is_simple($type, $value)) { $value = _drupal_rewrite_settings_dump_one($current); // Unsetting $current would not affect $settings at all. unset($parent[$index]); // Skip the semicolon because _drupal_rewrite_settings_dump_one() added one. $state = 'semicolon_skip'; } else { $state = 'wait_for_semicolon'; } break; case 'wait_for_semicolon': if ($value == ';') { $state = 'default'; } break; case 'semicolon_skip': if ($value == ';') { $value = ''; $state = 'default'; } else { // If the expression was $a = 1 + 2; then we replaced 1 and // the + is unexpected. throw new Exception('Unexpected token after replacing value.'); } break; } } $buffer .= $value; } foreach ($settings as $name => $setting) { $buffer .= _drupal_rewrite_settings_dump($setting, '$' . $name); } // Write the new settings file. if (file_put_contents($settings_file, $buffer) === FALSE) { throw new Exception(t('Failed to modify %settings. Verify the file permissions.', ['%settings' => $settings_file])); } else { // In case any $settings variables were written, import them into the // Settings singleton. if (!empty($settings_settings)) { $old_settings = Settings::getAll(); new Settings($settings_settings + $old_settings); } // The existing settings.php file might have been included already. In // case an opcode cache is enabled, the rewritten contents of the file // will not be reflected in this process. Ensure to invalidate the file // in case an opcode cache is enabled. OpCodeCache::invalidate(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $settings_file); } } else { throw new Exception(t('Failed to open %settings. Verify the file permissions.', ['%settings' => $settings_file])); } }
drupal安裝過程當中有個配置文件default.setting.php,裏面存放了默認配置數組,在安裝的過程當中會讓用戶在安裝界面輸入一些配置好比mysql的信息,輸入事後此方法經過file_get_contents和token_get_all來獲取setting中的信息,而後合併用戶在頁面輸入的信息,從新存迴文件,由於整個過程涉及到讀取文件,更改文件信息,在存入文件,因此swoole compiler在此處暫時沒有更好的解決方案,須要在加密的時候選擇不加密setting文件。ui