Decentralized Autonomous Organization,簡稱DAO,以太坊中重要的概念。通常翻譯爲去中心化的自治組織。php
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0; contract owned { address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } modifier onlyOwner { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } function transferOwnership(address newOwner) onlyOwner public { owner = newOwner; } } contract tokenRecipient { event receivedEther(address sender, uint amount); event receivedTokens(address _from, uint256 _value, address _token, bytes _extraData); function receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, address _token, bytes memory _extraData) public { Token t = Token(_token); require(t.transferFrom(_from, address(this), _value)); emit receivedTokens(_from, _value, _token, _extraData); } function () payable external { emit receivedEther(msg.sender, msg.value); } } interface Token { function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); } contract TimeLockMultisig is owned, tokenRecipient { Proposal[] public proposals; uint public numProposals; mapping (address => uint) public memberId; Member[] public members; uint minimumTime = 10; event ProposalAdded(uint proposalID, address recipient, uint amount, string description); event Voted(uint proposalID, bool position, address voter, string justification); event ProposalExecuted(uint proposalID, int result, uint deadline); event MembershipChanged(address member, bool isMember); struct Proposal { address recipient; uint amount; string description; bool executed; int currentResult; bytes32 proposalHash; uint creationDate; Vote[] votes; mapping (address => bool) voted; } struct Member { address member; string name; uint memberSince; } struct Vote { bool inSupport; address voter; string justification; } // Modifier that allows only shareholders to vote and create new proposals modifier onlyMembers { require(memberId[msg.sender] != 0); _; } /** * Constructor * * First time setup */ constructor( address founder, address[] memory initialMembers, uint minimumAmountOfMinutes ) payable public { if (founder != address(0)) owner = founder; if (minimumAmountOfMinutes !=0) minimumTime = minimumAmountOfMinutes; // It’s necessary to add an empty first member addMember(address(0), ''); // and let's add the founder, to save a step later addMember(owner, 'founder'); changeMembers(initialMembers, true); } /** * Add member * * @param targetMember address to add as a member * @param memberName label to give this member address */ function addMember(address targetMember, string memory memberName) onlyOwner public { uint id; if (memberId[targetMember] == 0) { memberId[targetMember] = members.length; id = members.length++; } else { id = memberId[targetMember]; } members[id] = Member({member: targetMember, memberSince: now, name: memberName}); emit MembershipChanged(targetMember, true); } /** * Remove member * * @param targetMember the member to remove */ function removeMember(address targetMember) onlyOwner public { require(memberId[targetMember] != 0); for (uint i = memberId[targetMember]; i<members.length-1; i++){ members[i] = members[i+1]; memberId[members[i].member] = i; } memberId[targetMember] = 0; delete members[members.length-1]; members.length--; } /** * Edit existing members * * @param newMembers array of addresses to update * @param canVote new voting value that all the values should be set to */ function changeMembers(address[] memory newMembers, bool canVote) public { for (uint i = 0; i < newMembers.length; i++) { if (canVote) addMember(newMembers[i], ''); else removeMember(newMembers[i]); } } /** * Add Proposal * * Propose to send `weiAmount / 1e18` ether to `beneficiary` for `jobDescription`. `transactionBytecode ? Contains : Does not contain` code. * * @param beneficiary who to send the ether to * @param weiAmount amount of ether to send, in wei * @param jobDescription Description of job * @param transactionBytecode bytecode of transaction */ function newProposal( address beneficiary, uint weiAmount, string memory jobDescription, bytes memory transactionBytecode ) onlyMembers public returns (uint proposalID) { proposalID = proposals.length++; Proposal storage p = proposals[proposalID]; p.recipient = beneficiary; p.amount = weiAmount; p.description = jobDescription; p.proposalHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(beneficiary, weiAmount, transactionBytecode)); p.executed = false; p.creationDate = now; emit ProposalAdded(proposalID, beneficiary, weiAmount, jobDescription); numProposals = proposalID+1; vote(proposalID, true, ''); return proposalID; } /** * Add proposal in Ether * * Propose to send `etherAmount` ether to `beneficiary` for `jobDescription`. `transactionBytecode ? Contains : Does not contain` code. * This is a convenience function to use if the amount to be given is in round number of ether units. * * @param beneficiary who to send the ether to * @param etherAmount amount of ether to send * @param jobDescription Description of job * @param transactionBytecode bytecode of transaction */ function newProposalInEther( address beneficiary, uint etherAmount, string memory jobDescription, bytes memory transactionBytecode ) onlyMembers public returns (uint proposalID) { return newProposal(beneficiary, etherAmount * 1 ether, jobDescription, transactionBytecode); } /** * Check if a proposal code matches * * @param proposalNumber ID number of the proposal to query * @param beneficiary who to send the ether to * @param weiAmount amount of ether to send * @param transactionBytecode bytecode of transaction */ function checkProposalCode( uint proposalNumber, address beneficiary, uint weiAmount, bytes memory transactionBytecode ) view public returns (bool codeChecksOut) { Proposal storage p = proposals[proposalNumber]; return p.proposalHash == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(beneficiary, weiAmount, transactionBytecode)); } /** * Log a vote for a proposal * * Vote `supportsProposal? in support of : against` proposal #`proposalNumber` * * @param proposalNumber number of proposal * @param supportsProposal either in favor or against it * @param justificationText optional justification text */ function vote( uint proposalNumber, bool supportsProposal, string memory justificationText ) onlyMembers public { Proposal storage p = proposals[proposalNumber]; // Get the proposal require(p.voted[msg.sender] != true); // If has already voted, cancel p.voted[msg.sender] = true; // Set this voter as having voted if (supportsProposal) { // If they support the proposal p.currentResult++; // Increase score } else { // If they don't p.currentResult--; // Decrease the score } // Create a log of this event emit Voted(proposalNumber, supportsProposal, msg.sender, justificationText); // If you can execute it now, do it if ( now > proposalDeadline(proposalNumber) && p.currentResult > 0 && p.proposalHash == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(p.recipient, p.amount, '')) && supportsProposal) { executeProposal(proposalNumber, ''); } } function proposalDeadline(uint proposalNumber) public view returns(uint deadline) { Proposal storage p = proposals[proposalNumber]; uint factor = calculateFactor(uint(p.currentResult), (members.length - 1)); return p.creationDate + uint(factor * minimumTime * 1 minutes); } function calculateFactor(uint a, uint b) public pure returns (uint factor) { return 2**(20 - (20 * a)/b); } /** * Finish vote * * Count the votes proposal #`proposalNumber` and execute it if approved * * @param proposalNumber proposal number * @param transactionBytecode optional: if the transaction contained a bytecode, you need to send it */ function executeProposal(uint proposalNumber, bytes memory transactionBytecode) public { Proposal storage p = proposals[proposalNumber]; require(now >= proposalDeadline(proposalNumber) // If it is past the voting deadline && p.currentResult > 0 // and a minimum quorum has been reached && !p.executed // and it is not currently being executed && checkProposalCode(proposalNumber, p.recipient, p.amount, transactionBytecode)); // and the supplied code matches the proposal... p.executed = true; (bool success, ) =; require(success); // Fire Events emit ProposalExecuted(proposalNumber, p.currentResult, proposalDeadline(proposalNumber)); } }
設置爲全部者owner的賬戶很是強大,由於它能夠隨意添加或刪除成員。所以,在添加主成員後,咱們建議你經過執行Transfer Membership
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