技術博客地址: github.com/yongxinz/te…html
關於哈夫曼樹的定義、構建以及哈夫曼編碼,能夠參考《大話數據結構》這本書,也能夠看這篇博客( www.cnblogs.com/kubixueshen… ),寫的也很清楚。node
下面主要來看一下哈夫曼樹的 Python 實現:python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 統計字符出現頻率,生成映射表
def count_frequency(text):
chars = []
ret = []
for char in text:
if char in chars:
ret.append((char, text.count(char)))
return ret
# 節點類
class Node:
def __init__(self, frequency):
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.father = None
self.frequency = frequency
def is_left(self):
return self.father.left == self
# 建立葉子節點
def create_nodes(frequency_list):
return [Node(frequency) for frequency in frequency_list]
# 建立Huffman樹
def create_huffman_tree(nodes):
queue = nodes[:]
while len(queue) > 1:
queue.sort(key=lambda item: item.frequency)
node_left = queue.pop(0)
node_right = queue.pop(0)
node_father = Node(node_left.frequency + node_right.frequency)
node_father.left = node_left
node_father.right = node_right
node_left.father = node_father
node_right.father = node_father
queue[0].father = None
return queue[0]
# Huffman編碼
def huffman_encoding(nodes, root):
huffman_code = [''] * len(nodes)
for i in range(len(nodes)):
node = nodes[i]
while node != root:
if node.is_left():
huffman_code[i] = '0' + huffman_code[i]
huffman_code[i] = '1' + huffman_code[i]
node = node.father
return huffman_code
# 編碼整個字符串
def encode_str(text, char_frequency, codes):
ret = ''
for char in text:
i = 0
for item in char_frequency:
if char == item[0]:
ret += codes[i]
i += 1
return ret
# 解碼整個字符串
def decode_str(huffman_str, char_frequency, codes):
ret = ''
while huffman_str != '':
i = 0
for item in codes:
if item in huffman_str and huffman_str.index(item) == 0:
ret += char_frequency[i][0]
huffman_str = huffman_str[len(item):]
i += 1
return ret
if __name__ == '__main__':
text = raw_input('The text to encode:')
char_frequency = count_frequency(text)
nodes = create_nodes([item[1] for item in char_frequency])
root = create_huffman_tree(nodes)
codes = huffman_encoding(nodes, root)
huffman_str = encode_str(text, char_frequency, codes)
origin_str = decode_str(huffman_str, char_frequency, codes)
print 'Encode result:' + huffman_str
print 'Decode result:' + origin_str