

本文是https://github.com/china-testing/python-api-tesing/blob/master/books.md 的節選。html





自動化_性能_web測試 - 試卷.pdfgithub



優質代碼:軟件測試的原則、實踐與模式 - 2015.pdf面試

應用程序性能測試的藝術 - 2012.pdfshell

移動App測試實戰:頂級互聯網企業軟件測試和質量提高最佳實踐 - 2015.pdfapi

騰訊Android自動化測試實戰 - 2016.pdf安全

軟件性能測試過程詳解與案例剖析(第二版)- 2012.pdf

軟件測試價值提高之路 - 2016.pdf

Praxiswissen Softwaretest - Test Analyst und Technical Test Analyst Aus - 2015.pdf

Google軟件測試之道 - 2013.pdf

Advanced Software Testing - Vol. 2, 2nd Edition Guide to the ISTQB Advanced Certification as an Advanced Test Manager - 2014.pdf

std1008-1987 IEEE 1008 單元測試國際標準.pdf

IEEE Std 829-2008 測試計劃模板.pdf

BS ISO IEC 25010-2011 Systems and software engineering — Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) — System and software quality models.pdf


ISO-IEC 25010 系統和軟件質量模型.pdf

Hands-On Continuous Integration and Delivery - 2018.pdf

Remote Usability Testing - 2018.pdf

Database Benchmarking and Stress Testing - 2018.pdf

Python Testing with pytest - 2017.pdf



Software Testing Foundations 4th - 2014.pdf

Rocky.Nook Advanced Software Testing .Vol.3.2nd.Edition - 2015.pdf

深刻理解Android自動化測試 (移動開發) - 2016.pdf

精通Metasploit滲透測試 (圖靈程序設計叢書) - 2016.pdf

測試架構師修煉之道:從測試工程師到測試架構師 - 2016.pdf

Web滲透測試:使用Kali Linux (圖靈程序設計叢書) - 2014.pdf

Kali Linux高級滲透測試(原書第2版) (網絡空間安全技術叢書) - 2018.pdf

Kali Linux 無線滲透測試入門指南 - 2016.pdf

Android移動性能實戰 - 2017.pdf

有效的單元測試 (華章程序員書庫) - 2014.pdf

Kali Linux滲透測試的藝術 - 2015.pdf

程序之美系列套裝(6冊)團隊之美、項目管理之美、架構之美、數據之美、測試之美、安全之美 - 2015.pdf

Sample Exam Questions- ISTQB Foundation Level-Agile Tester Extension Exam - 2016.pdf



Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook 2nd - 2018.pdf

Learning Kali Linux Security Testing, Penetration Testing, and Ethical Hacking - 2018.pdf

Hands-On Penetration Testing on Windows - 2018.pdf

Offsec Press Kali Linux Revealed Mastering the Penetration Testing Distribution - 2017.pdf

Mastering Kali Linux for Web Penetration Testing - 2017.pdf

Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing - Second Edition - 2017.pdf

Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook - 2016.pdf

Kali Linux 2 Windows Penetration Testing - 2016.pdf

Kali Linux 2 – Assuring Security by Penetration Testing 3rd - 2016.pdf

Hacking with Kali Practical Penetration Testing Techniques -2014.epub

Python Web Penetration Testing Cookbook(PACKT,2015).pdf

Python Penetration Testing for Developers - 2016.pdf

Python Penetration Testing Essentials - 2015.pdf

Learning Python Web Penetration - Christian Martorella - 2018.pdf

Learning Penetration Testing with Python(PACKT,2015).pdf

Effective Python Penetration Testing - 2016.pdf

Learning Nessus for Penetration Testing - 2014.pdf

Penetration Testing with BackBox - 2014.pdf

Packt Mobile Application Penetration Testing - 2016.pdf

Mastering Wireless Penetration Testing for Highly Secured Environments - 2015.pdf

Penetration Testing with the Bash shell - 2014.pdf


Hacking Basic Security, Penetration Testing and How to Hack - 2015.pdf

Kali Linux Wireless Penetration - Cameron Buchanan 3rd - 2017.pdf

Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Cookbook - 2017.pdf
