
@protocol NSCopying  //定義協議
    -(id) copyWithZone:(NSZone *zone);
    /* 對於Obj-C 2.0 中,加入了@optional 和 @required 兩個修飾符 
     @protocol BaseballPlayer
     -(void) drawHugeSalary  //should be inplemtented
     @optional      //not obligatory
     -(void)swingBat;  //should be inplemtented
 @interface Car : NSObject<NSCopying>
        //implemention the methods
    @interface Car : NSObject<NSCopying, NSCoding> //實現兩個協議
        //implemention all of protocol methods
    //method of the copy
    // two copt methods
    //1. shallow copy  //copy the pointer  for reference instance
    // use the shallow copy, two pointer will point same instance
    //2. deep copy     //copy the instance for reference instance
    //use the deep copy, two instance should be created in heap