今天遇到一個問題是: php
在mysql手動建立數據庫表(大寫表名,小寫字段名)後,啓動項目後發現,hibernate又給我生成了一個小寫的同結構表,猜測到會不會是mysql表名區分大小寫後,google一下,果不其然,LINUX下的MYSQL默認是要區分表名大小寫的;聽說有個規則是: java
4.變量名也是嚴格區分大小寫的 mysql
看到這基本確認是mysql表名大小寫問題,可是忽然想到該項目以前在使用oracle數據庫生成的表名都是大寫,再次google,原來oracle在建表時候,大小寫都是能夠的(默認大寫,小寫的話,加引號),並且查詢的時候不區分大小寫,因此不會出現上面mysql的問題,查詢的大小寫表是兩個表。 redis
但是,我這項目都生成了30多個表,不能讓我挨個修改小寫吧,想到這裏,記起曾經看過hibernate的一個關於從class--》table等命名映射規則類,再次google,查到:原來是只要:「擴展org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy 命名策略,而後在配置文件中指向本身的命名配置文件便可」,ok,明白了,開始複寫一個ImprovedNamingStrategy,將裏面的方法tableName修改成 spring
public String tableName(String tableName) { return addUnderscores(tableName).toUpperCase(); }
最後個人ImprovedNamingStrategy就是: sql
/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ package com.qiyi.act.utils; import java.io.Serializable; import org.hibernate.cfg.NamingStrategy; import org.hibernate.util.StringHelper; import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure; /** * An improved naming strategy that prefers embedded * underscores to mixed case names * @see org.hibernate.cfg.DefaultNamingStrategy the default strategy * @author Gavin King */ public class ImprovedNamingStrategy implements NamingStrategy, Serializable { /** * A convenient singleton instance */ public static final NamingStrategy INSTANCE = new ImprovedNamingStrategy(); /** * Return the unqualified class name, mixed case converted to * underscores */ public String classToTableName(String className) { return addUnderscores( StringHelper.unqualify(className) ); } /** * Return the full property path with underscore seperators, mixed * case converted to underscores */ public String propertyToColumnName(String propertyName) { return addUnderscores( StringHelper.unqualify(propertyName) ); } /** * Convert mixed case to underscores */ public String tableName(String tableName) { return addUnderscores(tableName).toUpperCase(); } /** * Convert mixed case to underscores */ public String columnName(String columnName) { return addUnderscores(columnName); } protected static String addUnderscores(String name) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( name.replace('.', '_') ); for (int i=1; i<buf.length()-1; i++) { if ( Character.isLowerCase( buf.charAt(i-1) ) && Character.isUpperCase( buf.charAt(i) ) && Character.isLowerCase( buf.charAt(i+1) ) ) { buf.insert(i++, '_'); } } return buf.toString().toLowerCase(); } public String collectionTableName( String ownerEntity, String ownerEntityTable, String associatedEntity, String associatedEntityTable, String propertyName ) { return tableName( ownerEntityTable + '_' + propertyToColumnName(propertyName) ); } /** * Return the argument */ public String joinKeyColumnName(String joinedColumn, String joinedTable) { return columnName( joinedColumn ); } /** * Return the property name or propertyTableName */ public String foreignKeyColumnName( String propertyName, String propertyEntityName, String propertyTableName, String referencedColumnName ) { String header = propertyName != null ? StringHelper.unqualify( propertyName ) : propertyTableName; if (header == null) throw new AssertionFailure("NamingStrategy not properly filled"); return columnName( header ); //+ "_" + referencedColumnName not used for backward compatibility } /** * Return the column name or the unqualified property name */ public String logicalColumnName(String columnName, String propertyName) { return StringHelper.isNotEmpty( columnName ) ? columnName : StringHelper.unqualify( propertyName ); } /** * Returns either the table name if explicit or * if there is an associated table, the concatenation of owner entity table and associated table * otherwise the concatenation of owner entity table and the unqualified property name */ public String logicalCollectionTableName(String tableName, String ownerEntityTable, String associatedEntityTable, String propertyName ) { if ( tableName != null ) { return tableName; } else { //use of a stringbuffer to workaround a JDK bug return new StringBuffer(ownerEntityTable).append("_") .append( associatedEntityTable != null ? associatedEntityTable : StringHelper.unqualify( propertyName ) ).toString(); } } /** * Return the column name if explicit or the concatenation of the property name and the referenced column */ public String logicalCollectionColumnName(String columnName, String propertyName, String referencedColumn) { return StringHelper.isNotEmpty( columnName ) ? columnName : StringHelper.unqualify( propertyName ) + "_" + referencedColumn; } }
最後,在spring配置文件的sessionFactory屬性中加入: 數據庫
<property name="namingStrategy"> <bean class="com.wayne.utils.ImprovedNamingStrategy"/> </property>重啓服務,搞定!
參考資料: express