.. 圖形界面
... pygame 和 numpy
.. 字符界面
... 第一種
... curses
... wxpython
... 第二種
... 極簡
代碼後面附有效果圖。 vue
pip install pygame
和pip install numpy
安裝模塊完成後,進入終端來到目錄,執行python box.py
# _*_ coding:UTF-8 _*_ import numpy,sys,random,pygame from pygame.locals import* Size = 4 #4*4行列 Block_WH = 110 #每一個塊的長度寬度 BLock_Space = 10 #兩個塊之間的間隙 Block_Size = Block_WH*Size+(Size+1)*BLock_Space Matrix = numpy.zeros([Size,Size]) #初始化矩陣4*4的0矩陣 Screen_Size = (Block_Size,Block_Size+110) Title_Rect = pygame.Rect(0,0,Block_Size,110) #設置標題矩形的大小 Score = 0 Block_Color = { 0:(150,150,150), 2:(255,255,255), 4:(255,255,128), 8:(255,255,0), 16:(255,220,128), 32:(255,220,0), 64:(255,190,0), 128:(255,160,0), 256:(255,130,0), 512:(255,100,0), 1024:(255,70,0), 2048:(255,40,0), 4096:(255,10,0), } #數塊顏色 #基礎類 class UpdateNew(object): """docstring for UpdateNew""" def __init__(self,matrix): super(UpdateNew, self).__init__() self.matrix = matrix self.score = 0 self.zerolist = [] def combineList(self,rowlist): start_num = 0 end_num = Size-rowlist.count(0)-1 while start_num < end_num: if rowlist[start_num] == rowlist[start_num+1]: rowlist[start_num] *= 2 self.score += int(rowlist[start_num]) #每次返回累加的分數 rowlist[start_num+1:] = rowlist[start_num+2:] rowlist.append(0) start_num += 1 return rowlist def removeZero(self,rowlist): while True: mid = rowlist[:] #拷貝一份list try: rowlist.remove(0) rowlist.append(0) except: pass if rowlist == mid: break; return self.combineList(rowlist) def toSequence(self,matrix): lastmatrix = matrix.copy() m,n = matrix.shape #得到矩陣的行,列 for i in range(m): newList = self.removeZero(list(matrix[i])) matrix[i] = newList for k in range(Size-1,Size-newList.count(0)-1,-1): #添加全部有0的行號列號 self.zerolist.append((i,k)) if matrix.min() == 0 and (matrix!=lastmatrix).any(): #矩陣中有最小值0且移動後的矩陣不一樣,才能夠添加0位置處添加隨機數 GameInit.initData(Size,matrix,self.zerolist) return matrix class LeftAction(UpdateNew): """docstring for LeftAction""" def __init__(self,matrix): super(LeftAction, self).__init__(matrix) def handleData(self): matrix = self.matrix.copy() #得到一份矩陣的複製 newmatrix = self.toSequence(matrix) return newmatrix,self.score class RightAction(UpdateNew): """docstring for RightAction""" def __init__(self,matrix): super(RightAction, self).__init__(matrix) def handleData(self): matrix = self.matrix.copy()[:,::-1] newmatrix = self.toSequence(matrix) return newmatrix[:,::-1],self.score class UpAction(UpdateNew): """docstring for UpAction""" def __init__(self,matrix): super(UpAction, self).__init__(matrix) def handleData(self): matrix = self.matrix.copy().T newmatrix = self.toSequence(matrix) return newmatrix.T,self.score class DownAction(UpdateNew): """docstring for DownAction""" def __init__(self,matrix): super(DownAction, self).__init__(matrix) def handleData(self): matrix = self.matrix.copy()[::-1].T newmatrix = self.toSequence(matrix) return newmatrix.T[::-1],self.score class GameInit(object): """docstring for GameInit""" def __init__(self): super(GameInit, self).__init__() @staticmethod def getRandomLocal(zerolist = None): if zerolist == None: a = random.randint(0,Size-1) b = random.randint(0,Size-1) else: a,b = random.sample(zerolist,1)[0] return a,b @staticmethod def getNewNum(): #隨機返回2或者4 n = random.random() if n > 0.8: n = 4 else: n = 2 return n @classmethod def initData(cls,Size,matrix = None,zerolist = None): if matrix is None: matrix = Matrix.copy() a,b = cls.getRandomLocal(zerolist) #zerolist空任意返回(x,y)位置,不然返回任意一個0元素位置 n = cls.getNewNum() matrix[a][b] = n return matrix #返回初始化任意位置爲2或者4的矩陣 @classmethod def drawSurface(cls,screen,matrix,score): pygame.draw.rect(screen,(255,255,255),Title_Rect) #第一個參數是屏幕,第二個參數顏色,第三個參數rect大小,第四個默認參數 font1 = pygame.font.SysFont('simsun',48) font2 = pygame.font.SysFont(None,32) screen.blit(font1.render('Score:',True,(255,127,0)),(20,25)) #font.render第一個參數是文本內容,第二個參數是否抗鋸齒,第三個參數字體顏色 screen.blit(font1.render('%s' % score,True,(255,127,0)),(170,25)) screen.blit(font2.render('up',True,(255,127,0)),(360,20)) screen.blit(font2.render('left down right',True,(255,127,0)),(300,50)) a,b = matrix.shape for i in range(a): for j in range(b): cls.drawBlock(screen,i,j,Block_Color[matrix[i][j]],matrix[i][j]) @staticmethod def drawBlock(screen,row,column,color,blocknum): font = pygame.font.SysFont('stxingkai',80) w = column*Block_WH+(column+1)*BLock_Space h = row*Block_WH+(row+1)*BLock_Space+110 pygame.draw.rect(screen,color,(w,h,110,110)) if blocknum != 0: fw,fh = font.size(str(int(blocknum))) screen.blit(font.render(str(int(blocknum)),True,(0,0,0)),(w+(110-fw)/2,h+(110-fh)/2)) @staticmethod def keyDownPressed(keyvalue,matrix): if keyvalue == K_LEFT: return LeftAction(matrix) elif keyvalue == K_RIGHT: return RightAction(matrix) elif keyvalue == K_UP: return UpAction(matrix) elif keyvalue == K_DOWN: return DownAction(matrix) @staticmethod def gameOver(matrix): testmatrix = matrix.copy() a,b = testmatrix.shape for i in range(a): for j in range(b-1): if testmatrix[i][j] == testmatrix[i][j+1]: #若是每行存在相鄰兩個數相同,則遊戲沒有結束 print('遊戲沒有結束') return False for i in range(b): for j in range(a-1): if testmatrix[j][i] == testmatrix[j+1][i]: print('遊戲沒有結束') return False print('遊戲結束') return True def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(Screen_Size,0,32) #屏幕設置 matrix = GameInit.initData(Size) currentscore = 0 GameInit.drawSurface(screen,matrix,currentscore) pygame.display.update() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit(0) elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: actionObject = GameInit.keyDownPressed(event.key,matrix) #建立各類動做類的對象 matrix,score = actionObject.handleData() #處理數據 currentscore += score GameInit.drawSurface(screen,matrix,currentscore) if matrix.min() != 0: GameInit.gameOver(matrix) pygame.display.update() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
pip install curses
pip 安裝時:ide
安裝不成功則點擊這裏,下載curses ,cmd到對應目錄pip安裝便可函數
例:pip install crcmod-1.7-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
上W 下S 左A 右D 重置R 退出Qoop
你會發現 2048 遊戲很容易就能分解成幾種狀態的轉換。
state 存儲當前狀態, state_actions 這個詞典變量做爲狀態轉換的規則,它的 key 是狀態,value 是返回下一個狀態的函數:學習
Exit: 退出循環
狀態機會不斷循環,直到達到 Exit 終結狀態結束程序。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import curses from random import randrange, choice from collections import defaultdict #Defines valid inputs to not allow for input errors actions = ['Up', 'Left', 'Down', 'Right', 'Restart', 'Exit'] lettercodes = [ord(ch) for ch in 'WASDRQwasdrq'] actions_dict = dict(zip(lettercodes, actions * 2)) # Character not in dictonary so it adds it to the dictionary to make it recongized def get_user_action(keyboard): char = 'N' while char not in actions_dict: char = keyboard.getch() return actions_dict[char] # Transpose of matrix to determine tile moveability def transpose(field): return [list(row) for row in zip(*field)] # Inversion of matrix to determine tile moveability def invert(field): return [row[::-1] for row in field] #Defines game terms: 4x4 matrix, if you get 2048 you win anf class GameField(object): def __init__(self, height=4, width=4, win=2048): self.height = height self.width = width self.win_value = 2048 self.score = 0 self.highscore = 0 self.reset() # Randomly inputs a either 2 or 4 into the board after a move has been made def spawn(self): new_element = 4 if randrange(100) > 89 else 2 (i, j) = choice([(i, j) for i in range(self.width) for j in\ range(self.height) if self.field[i][j] == 0]) self.field[i][j] = new_element # resets score but if a highscore it updates highscore first def reset(self): if self.score > self.highscore: self.highscore = self.score self.score = 0 self.field = [[0 for i in range(self.width)] for j in range(self.height)] self.spawn() self.spawn() #Defines all the movements in the the game def move(self, direction): def move_row_left(row): #Collapses one row once 2 tiles are merged def tighten(row): new_row = [i for i in row if i != 0] new_row += [0 for i in range(len(row) - len(new_row))] return new_row #merges 2 tiles if they are equal and multiplies the value by itself of the new tile. Them upates the score accordingly def merge(row): pair = False new_row = [] for i in range(len(row)): if pair: new_row.append(2 * row[i]) self.score += 2 * row[i] pair = False else: #if same value will append the 2 tiles if i + 1 < len(row) and row[i] == row[i + 1]: pair = True new_row.append(0) else: new_row.append(row[i]) assert len(new_row) == len(row) return new_row return tighten(merge(tighten(row))) #Shows valid moves for each direction moves = {} moves['Left'] = lambda field: [move_row_left(row) for row in field] moves['Right'] = lambda field:\ invert(moves['Left'](invert(field))) moves['Up'] = lambda field:\ transpose(moves['Left'](transpose(field))) moves['Down'] = lambda field:\ transpose(moves['Right'](transpose(field))) # if move is valid it will spawn a new random tile (2 or 4) if direction in moves: if self.move_is_possible(direction): self.field = moves[direction](self.field) self.spawn() return True else: return False # win if 2048 is reached def is_win(self): return any(any(i >= self.win_value for i in row) for row in self.field) #game is over if no possible moves on field def is_gameover(self): return not any(self.move_is_possible(move) for move in actions) # Draws to screen depending on action def draw(self, screen): help_string1 = '(W)Up (S)Down (A)Left (D)Right' help_string2 = ' (R)Restart (Q)Exit' gameover_string = ' GAME OVER' win_string = ' YOU WIN!' def cast(string): screen.addstr(string + '\n') #seperator for horizontal tile sqaures def draw_hor_separator(): line = '+' + ('+------' * self.width + '+')[1:] separator = defaultdict(lambda: line) if not hasattr(draw_hor_separator, "counter"): draw_hor_separator.counter = 0 cast(separator[draw_hor_separator.counter]) draw_hor_separator.counter += 1 #draws rows to create table to play game def draw_row(row): cast(''.join('|{: ^5} '.format(num) if num > 0 else '| ' for num in row) + '|') screen.clear() cast('SCORE: ' + str(self.score)) if 0 != self.highscore: cast('HGHSCORE: ' + str(self.highscore)) for row in self.field: draw_hor_separator() draw_row(row) draw_hor_separator() if self.is_win(): # if you win print you win string cast(win_string) else: if self.is_gameover(): # if you lose print game over string cast(gameover_string) else: cast(help_string1) cast(help_string2) # checks if valid move is possible for tile def move_is_possible(self, direction): def row_is_left_movable(row): def change(i): if row[i] == 0 and row[i + 1] != 0: return True if row[i] != 0 and row[i + 1] == row[i]: return True return False return any(change(i) for i in range(len(row) - 1)) # checks the directions in which a tile can move check = {} check['Left'] = lambda field:\ any(row_is_left_movable(row) for row in field) check['Right'] = lambda field:\ check['Left'](invert(field)) check['Up'] = lambda field:\ check['Left'](transpose(field)) check['Down'] = lambda field:\ check['Right'](transpose(field)) if direction in check: return check[direction](self.field) else: return False # main class to run game def main(stdscr): # initalize game def init(): #重置遊戲棋盤 game_field.reset() return 'Game' #gives options if game is open but not in play def not_game(state): #畫出 GameOver 的畫面 #讀取用戶輸入判斷是Restart仍是Exit game_field.draw(stdscr) action = get_user_action(stdscr) responses = defaultdict(lambda: state) responses['Restart'], responses['Exit'] = 'Init', 'Exit' return responses[action] def game(): # based on response will act appropriately (user says restart it will restart) game_field.draw(stdscr) action = get_user_action(stdscr) if action == 'Restart': return 'Init' if action == 'Exit': return 'Exit' if game_field.move(action): if game_field.is_win(): return 'Win' if game_field.is_gameover(): return 'Gameover' return 'Game' # defines the 4 possible actions that the user can be in state_actions = { 'Init' : init, 'Win' : lambda: not_game('Win'), 'Gameover': lambda: not_game('Gameover'), 'Game': game } #As long as user doesnt exit keep game going curses.use_default_colors() game_field = GameField(win = 32) state = 'Init' while state != 'Exit': state = state_actions[state]() curses.wrapper(main)
安裝 wx 庫 pip install wxpython
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Importing libraries to be used import wx import os import random import copy # creating the user interface frame that the user will interact with and perform actions that will have an appropriate response class Frame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,title): #created a default toolbar of application with a resizeable option and minimize box super(Frame,self).__init__(None,-1,title, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE^wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX^wx.RESIZE_BORDER) #Setting different colours for each tile in the game self.colors = {0:(204,192,179),2:(238, 228, 218),4:(237, 224, 200), 8:(242, 177, 121),16:(245, 149, 99),32:(246, 124, 95), 64:(246, 94, 59),128:(237, 207, 114),256:(237, 207, 114), 512:(237, 207, 114),1024:(237, 207, 114),2048:(237, 207, 114), 4096:(237, 207, 114),8192:(237, 207, 114),16384:(237, 207, 114), 32768:(237, 207, 114),65536:(237, 207, 114),131072:(237, 207, 114), 262144:(237, 207, 114),524288:(237, 207, 114),1048576:(237, 207, 114), 2097152:(237, 207, 114),4194304:(237, 207, 114), 8388608:(237, 207, 114),16777216:(237, 207, 114), 33554432:(237, 207, 114),67108864:(237, 207, 114), 134217728:(237, 207, 114),268435456:(237, 207, 114), 536870912:(237, 207, 114),1073741824:(237, 207, 114), 2147483648:(237, 207, 114),4294967296:(237, 207, 114), 8589934592:(237, 207, 114),17179869184:(237, 207, 114), 34359738368:(237, 207, 114),68719476736:(237, 207, 114), 137438953472:(237, 207, 114),274877906944:(237, 207, 114), 549755813888:(237, 207, 114),1099511627776:(237, 207, 114), 2199023255552:(237, 207, 114),4398046511104:(237, 207, 114), 8796093022208:(237, 207, 114),17592186044416:(237, 207, 114), 35184372088832:(237, 207, 114),70368744177664:(237, 207, 114), 140737488355328:(237, 207, 114),281474976710656:(237, 207, 114), 562949953421312:(237, 207, 114),1125899906842624:(237, 207, 114), 2251799813685248:(237, 207, 114),4503599627370496:(237, 207, 114), 9007199254740992:(237, 207, 114),18014398509481984:(237, 207, 114), 36028797018963968:(237, 207, 114),72057594037927936:(237, 207, 114)} #Initalize game self.setIcon() self.initGame() #Displays game and provides settings to move the tiles panel = wx.Panel(self) panel.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN,self.onKeyDown) panel.SetFocus() self.initBuffer() self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE,self.onSize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.onPaint) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE,self.onClose) self.SetClientSize((505,720)) self.Center() self.Show() #Puts on board so user can see def onPaint(self,event): dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self,self.buffer) # Saves score and terminates when closed def onClose(self,event): self.saveScore() self.Destroy() # putting icon on toolbar def setIcon(self): icon = wx.Icon("icon.ico",wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) self.SetIcon(icon) #Opens previous game and loads and updates score def loadScore(self): if os.path.exists("bestscore.ini"): ff = open("bestscore.ini") self.bstScore = ff.read() ff.close() #Saves score and writes to file so it may be opened later def saveScore(self): ff = open("bestscore.ini","w") ff.write(str(self.bstScore)) ff.close() #Initalize game so when it opens it displays text, score and all data needed for the game def initGame(self): self.bgFont = wx.Font(50,wx.SWISS,wx.NORMAL,wx.BOLD,face=u"Roboto") self.scFont = wx.Font(36,wx.SWISS,wx.NORMAL,wx.BOLD,face=u"Roboto") self.smFont = wx.Font(12,wx.SWISS,wx.NORMAL,wx.NORMAL,face=u"Roboto") self.curScore = 0 self.bstScore = 0 self.loadScore() # 4 rows and 4 coloums for tiles ( using arrays because it easily represents system used ) self.data = [[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]] count = 0 # First 2 tile inialized if 1 tile it must be 2 but if 2 tiles connected then its 4 while count<2: row = random.randint(0,len(self.data)-1) col = random.randint(0,len(self.data[0])-1) if self.data[row][col]!=0: continue self.data[row][col] = 2 if random.randint(0,1) else 4 count += 1 # empty bitmap to put pixels in for game def initBuffer(self): w,h = self.GetClientSize() self.buffer = wx.EmptyBitmap(w,h) #Displays all drawings to the screen def onSize(self,event): self.initBuffer() self.drawAll() #Placing tiles on screen and multiplying by 2 if 2 tiles interact with one another(game logic) def putTile(self): available = [] for row in range(len(self.data)): for col in range(len(self.data[0])): if self.data[row][col]==0: available.append((row,col)) # add tile if empty square if available: row,col = available[random.randint(0,len(available)-1)] self.data[row][col] = 2 if random.randint(0,1) else 4 return True return False def update(self,vlist,direct): # updates score and game tiles score = 0 if direct: #up or left i = 1 while i<len(vlist): # if 2 tiles of equal value mesh upward it multiples the values and deletes the ith number (2 squares = 1 square) if vlist[i-1]==vlist[i]: del vlist[i] vlist[i-1] *= 2 score += vlist[i-1] # Adds multiplied value to score i += 1 i += 1 else: #direction moved downward same thing as above but different direction i = len(vlist)-1 while i>0: if vlist[i-1]==vlist[i]: del vlist[i] vlist[i-1] *= 2 score += vlist[i-1] i -= 1 i -= 1 return score # The calucation and keeping logs of data for score (upward and downward movements) def slideUpDown(self,up): score = 0 numCols = len(self.data[0]) numRows = len(self.data) oldData = copy.deepcopy(self.data) for col in range(numCols): cvl = [self.data[row][col] for row in range(numRows) if self.data[row][col]!=0] if len(cvl)>=2: score += self.update(cvl,up) for i in range(numRows-len(cvl)): if up: cvl.append(0) else: cvl.insert(0,0) for row in range(numRows): self.data[row][col] = cvl[row] return oldData!=self.data,score # The calucation and keeping logs of data for score (right and left movements) def slideLeftRight(self,left): score = 0 numRows = len(self.data) numCols = len(self.data[0]) oldData = copy.deepcopy(self.data) for row in range(numRows): rvl = [self.data[row][col] for col in range(numCols) if self.data[row][col]!=0] if len(rvl)>=2: score += self.update(rvl,left) for i in range(numCols-len(rvl)): if left: rvl.append(0) else: rvl.insert(0,0) for col in range(numCols): self.data[row][col] = rvl[col] return oldData!=self.data,score def isGameOver(self): copyData = copy.deepcopy(self.data) flag = False # Tile is not moveable or you have lost if all tiles cant move any pieces up,down, left or right if not self.slideUpDown(True)[0] and not self.slideUpDown(False)[0] and \ not self.slideLeftRight(True)[0] and not self.slideLeftRight(False)[0]: flag = True #continue playing and copydata if not flag: self.data = copyData return flag # Game logic to see if you can make a move or end the game def doMove(self,move,score): # if you can move put a tile and update change if move: self.putTile() self.drawChange(score) # if game is over put a message box and update best score if its the new best score if self.isGameOver(): if wx.MessageBox(u"遊戲結束,是否從新開始?",u"哈哈", wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_INFORMATION)==wx.YES: bstScore = self.bstScore self.initGame() self.bstScore = bstScore self.drawAll() # when you click a directon for the tile to move, it moves in the appropriate direction def onKeyDown(self,event): keyCode = event.GetKeyCode() if keyCode==wx.WXK_UP: self.doMove(*self.slideUpDown(True)) elif keyCode==wx.WXK_DOWN: self.doMove(*self.slideUpDown(False)) elif keyCode==wx.WXK_LEFT: self.doMove(*self.slideLeftRight(True)) elif keyCode==wx.WXK_RIGHT: self.doMove(*self.slideLeftRight(False)) # Creates background for the game board def drawBg(self,dc): dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush((250,248,239))) dc.Clear() dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush((187,173,160))) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((187,173,160))) dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(15,150,475,475,5) #Creates a 2048 logo def drawLogo(self,dc): dc.SetFont(self.bgFont) dc.SetTextForeground((119,110,101)) dc.DrawText(u"2048",15,26) # provides text to screen (Chinese text) def drawLabel(self,dc): dc.SetFont(self.smFont) dc.SetTextForeground((119,110,101)) dc.DrawText(u"合併相同數字,獲得2048吧!",15,114) dc.DrawText(u"怎麼玩: \n用-> <- 上下左右箭頭按鍵來移動方塊. \ \n當兩個相同數字的方塊碰到一塊兒時,會合成一個!",15,639) # Displays score to screen def drawScore(self,dc): dc.SetFont(self.smFont) scoreLabelSize = dc.GetTextExtent(u"SCORE") bestLabelSize = dc.GetTextExtent(u"BEST") curScoreBoardMinW = 15*2+scoreLabelSize[0] bstScoreBoardMinW = 15*2+bestLabelSize[0] curScoreSize = dc.GetTextExtent(str(self.curScore)) bstScoreSize = dc.GetTextExtent(str(self.bstScore)) curScoreBoardNedW = 10+curScoreSize[0] bstScoreBoardNedW = 10+bstScoreSize[0] curScoreBoardW = max(curScoreBoardMinW,curScoreBoardNedW) bstScoreBoardW = max(bstScoreBoardMinW,bstScoreBoardNedW) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush((187,173,160))) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((187,173,160))) dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(505-15-bstScoreBoardW,40,bstScoreBoardW,50,3) dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(505-15-bstScoreBoardW-5-curScoreBoardW,40,curScoreBoardW,50,3) dc.SetTextForeground((238,228,218)) dc.DrawText(u"BEST",505-15-bstScoreBoardW+(bstScoreBoardW-bestLabelSize[0])/2,48) dc.DrawText(u"SCORE",505-15-bstScoreBoardW-5-curScoreBoardW+(curScoreBoardW-scoreLabelSize[0])/2,48) dc.SetTextForeground((255,255,255)) dc.DrawText(str(self.bstScore),505-15-bstScoreBoardW+(bstScoreBoardW-bstScoreSize[0])/2,68) dc.DrawText(str(self.curScore),505-15-bstScoreBoardW-5-curScoreBoardW+(curScoreBoardW-curScoreSize[0])/2,68) # Put rounded rectangular tiles on screen def drawTiles(self,dc): dc.SetFont(self.scFont) for row in range(4): for col in range(4): value = self.data[row][col] color = self.colors[value] if value==2 or value==4: dc.SetTextForeground((119,110,101)) else: dc.SetTextForeground((255,255,255)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(color)) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(color)) dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(30+col*115,165+row*115,100,100,2) size = dc.GetTextExtent(str(value)) while size[0]>100-15*2: # changes font size based on number within tile self.scFont = wx.Font(self.scFont.GetPointSize()*4/5,wx.SWISS,wx.NORMAL,wx.BOLD,face=u"Roboto") dc.SetFont(self.scFont) size = dc.GetTextExtent(str(value)) if value!=0: dc.DrawText(str(value),30+col*115+(100-size[0])/2,165+row*115+(100-size[1])/2) # Draws everything to the screen def drawAll(self): dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self),self.buffer) self.drawBg(dc) self.drawLogo(dc) self.drawLabel(dc) self.drawScore(dc) self.drawTiles(dc) # Calculates current score and checks if it is the best score and if so updates def drawChange(self,score): dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self),self.buffer) if score: self.curScore += score if self.curScore > self.bstScore: self.bstScore = self.curScore self.drawScore(dc) self.drawTiles(dc) # Shows creator info if __name__ == "__main__": app = wx.App() Frame(u"2048 v1.0.1 by Guolz") app.MainLoop()
# -*- coding:UTF-8 -*- import random import os import sys v = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]] def display(v, score): print("%4d%4d%4d%4d" % (v[0][0], v[0][1], v[0][2], v[0][3])) print("%4d%4d%4d%4d" % (v[1][0], v[1][1], v[1][2], v[1][3])) print("%4d%4d%4d%4d" % (v[2][0], v[2][1], v[2][2], v[2][3])) print("%4d%4d%4d%4d" % (v[3][0], v[3][1], v[3][2], v[3][3])) print("Total score: %d" % score) def init(v): for i in range(4): v[i] = [random.choice([0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 4]) for x in range(4)] def align(vList, direction): for i in range(vList.count(0)): vList.remove(0) zeros = [0 for x in range(4 - len(vList))] if direction == 'left': vList.extend(zeros) else: vList[:0] = zeros def addSame(vList, direction): score = 0 if direction == 'left': for i in [0, 1, 2]: align(vList, direction) if vList[i] == vList[i + 1] != 0: vList[i] *= 2 vList[i + 1] = 0 score += vList[i] return {'bool': True, 'score': score} else: for i in [3, 2, 1]: align(vList, direction) if vList[i] == vList[i - 1] != 0: vList[i] *= 2 vList[i - 1] = 0 score += vList[i] return {'bool': True, 'score': score} return {'bool': False, 'score': score} def handle(vList, direction): totalScore = 0 align(vList, direction) result = addSame(vList, direction) while result['bool'] == True: totalScore += result['score'] align(vList, direction) result = addSame(vList, direction) return totalScore def operation(v): totalScore = 0 gameOver = False direction = 'left' op = input('operator:') if op in ['a', 'A']: direction = 'left' for row in range(4): totalScore += handle(v[row], direction) elif op in ['d', 'D']: direction = 'right' for row in range(4): totalScore += handle(v[row], direction) elif op in ['w', 'W']: direction = 'left' for col in range(4): vList = [v[row][col] for row in range(4)] totalScore += handle(vList, direction) for row in range(4): v[row][col] = vList[row] elif op in ['s', 'S']: direction = 'right' for col in range(4): vList = [v[row][col] for row in range(4)] totalScore += handle(vList, direction) for row in range(4): v[row][col] = vList[row] else: print("Invalid input,please enter a charactor in [W,S,A,D] or the lower") gameOver = True return {'gameOver': gameOver, 'score': totalScore} N = 0 for q in v: N += q.count(0) if N == 0: gameOver = True return {'gameover': gameOver, 'score': totalScore} num = random.choice([2, 2, 2, 4]) k = random.randrange(1, N + 1) n = 0 for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if v[i][j] == 0: n += 1 if n == k: v[i][j] = num break return {'gameOver': gameOver, 'score': totalScore} init(v) score = 0 print("Input: W(Up) S(Down) A(Left) D(Right), press <CR>.") while True: os.system("cls") display(v, score) result = operation(v) print(result["score"]) if result['gameOver'] == True: print("Game Over, You failed!") print("Your total score %d" % (score)) sys.exit(1) else: score += result['score'] if score >= 2048: print("Game Over, You Win!!!") print("Your total score: %d" % (score)) sys.exit(0)