HTML 這裏.left 固定了圓的寬度和高度,還有canvas也設置了固定寬高 繪製圓心的座標也就出來了 (203,203)javascript
抽獎轉盤是由一個大圓和一個內圓完成 ;大圓負責繪製上獎品 ,內圓負責肯定指針的位置,指針直接使用圖片,決定位置肯定css
<div class="left">
<div class="turnplate" style="background:#1bacff;border-radius: 50%">
<canvas class="item" id="wheelcanvas" width="406px" height="406px"></canvas>
<img class="pointer" src="sp2/point.png"/>
PS裏查看間距是多少,此處圓心(203,203) 大圓的半徑就是203-10 =193java
<script type="text/javascript"> var turnplate={ restaraunts:[], //大轉盤獎品名稱 colors:[], //大轉盤獎品區塊對應背景顏色 outsideRadius:193, //大轉盤外圓的半徑 192 textRadius:155, //大轉盤獎品位置距離圓心的距離 insideRadius:68, //大轉盤內圓的半徑 startAngle:0, //開始角度 bRotate:false //false:中止;ture:旋轉 }; $(document).ready(function(){ //動態添加大轉盤的獎品與獎品區域背景顏色 turnplate.restaraunts = ["50元代金券", "升職加薪", "100元代金券", "財源滾滾", "200元代金券", "愛情甜蜜 ", "500元代金券", "變美變帥"]; turnplate.colors = ["#1b62ca", "#1bacff", "#1b62ca", "#1bacff","#1b62ca", "#1bacff", "#1b62ca", "#1bacff"]; var rotateTimeOut = function (){ $('#wheelcanvas').rotate({ angle:0, animateTo:2160, duration:8000, callback:function (){ alert('網絡超時,請檢查您的網絡設置!'); } }); }; //旋轉轉盤 item:獎品位置; txt:提示語; var rotateFn = function (item, txt){ var angles = item * (360 / turnplate.restaraunts.length) - (360 / (turnplate.restaraunts.length*2)); if(angles<270){ angles = 270 - angles; }else{ angles = 360 - angles + 270; } $('#wheelcanvas').stopRotate(); $('#wheelcanvas').rotate({ angle:0, animateTo:angles+1800, duration:8000, callback:function (){ alert(txt); turnplate.bRotate = !turnplate.bRotate; } }); }; $('.pointer').click(function (){ if(turnplate.bRotate)return; turnplate.bRotate = !turnplate.bRotate; //獲取隨機數(獎品個數範圍內) var item = rnd(1,turnplate.restaraunts.length); //獎品數量等於10,指針落在對應獎品區域的中心角度[252, 216, 180, 144, 108, 72, 36, 360, 324, 288] rotateFn(item, turnplate.restaraunts[item-1]); /* switch (item) { case 1: rotateFn(252, turnplate.restaraunts[0]); break; case 2: rotateFn(216, turnplate.restaraunts[1]); break; case 3: rotateFn(180, turnplate.restaraunts[2]); break; case 4: rotateFn(144, turnplate.restaraunts[3]); break; case 5: rotateFn(108, turnplate.restaraunts[4]); break; case 6: rotateFn(72, turnplate.restaraunts[5]); break; case 7: rotateFn(36, turnplate.restaraunts[6]); break; case 8: rotateFn(360, turnplate.restaraunts[7]); break; case 9: rotateFn(324, turnplate.restaraunts[8]); break; case 10: rotateFn(288, turnplate.restaraunts[9]); break; } */ console.log(item); }); }); function rnd(n, m){ var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*(m-n+1)+n); return random; } //頁面全部元素加載完畢後執行drawRouletteWheel()方法對轉盤進行渲染 window.onload=function(){ drawRouletteWheel(); }; function drawRouletteWheel() { var canvas = document.getElementById("wheelcanvas"); if (canvas.getContext) { //根據獎品個數計算圓周角度 var arc = Math.PI / (turnplate.restaraunts.length/2);//圓周率/ 獎品數量除以2 var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); //在給定矩形內清空一個矩形 ctx.clearRect(0,0,422,422); //strokeStyle 屬性設置或返回用於筆觸的顏色、漸變或模式 ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFBE04"; //font 屬性設置或返回畫布上文本內容的當前字體屬性 ctx.font = '16px Microsoft YaHei'; // 繪製圓 (弧形) for(var i = 0; i < turnplate.restaraunts.length; i++) { var angle = turnplate.startAngle + i * arc; ctx.fillStyle = turnplate.colors[i]; ctx.beginPath(); //arc(x,y,r,起始角,結束角,繪製方向) 方法建立弧/曲線(用於建立圓或部分圓) ctx.arc(203, 203, turnplate.outsideRadius, angle, angle + arc, false);//繪製外圓 ctx.arc(203, 203, turnplate.insideRadius, angle + arc, angle, true);//繪製內圓 ctx.stroke(); ctx.fill(); //鎖畫布(爲了保存以前的畫布狀態); //----繪製獎品開始---- ctx.fillStyle = "#FFF";/*獎品文字顏色*/ var text = turnplate.restaraunts[i]; var line_height = 17; //translate方法從新映射畫布上的 (0,0) 位置 ctx.translate(211 + Math.cos(angle + arc / 2) * turnplate.textRadius, 211 + Math.sin(angle + arc / 2) * turnplate.textRadius); //rotate方法旋轉當前的繪圖 ctx.rotate(angle + arc / 2 + Math.PI / 2); /** 下面代碼根據獎品類型、獎品名稱長度渲染不一樣效果,如字體、顏色、圖片效果。(具體根據實際狀況改變) **/ if(text.indexOf("M")>0){//流量包 var texts = text.split("M"); for(var j = 0; j<texts.length; j++){ ctx.font = j == 0?'bold 20px Microsoft YaHei':'16px Microsoft YaHei'; if(j == 0){ ctx.fillText(texts[j]+"M", -ctx.measureText(texts[j]+"M").width / 2, j * line_height); }else{ ctx.fillText(texts[j], -ctx.measureText(texts[j]).width / 2, j * line_height); } } }else if(text.indexOf("M") == -1 && text.length>6){//獎品名稱長度超過必定範圍 text = text.substring(0,6)+"||"+text.substring(6); var texts = text.split("||"); for(var j = 0; j<texts.length; j++){ ctx.fillText(texts[j], -ctx.measureText(texts[j]).width / 2, j * line_height); } }else{ //在畫布上繪製填色的文本。文本的默認顏色是黑色 //measureText()方法返回包含一個對象,該對象包含以像素計的指定字體寬度 ctx.fillText(text, -ctx.measureText(text).width / 2, 0); } //添加對應圖標 if(text.indexOf("閃幣")>0){ var img= document.getElementById("shan-img"); img.onload=function(){ ctx.drawImage(img,-15,10); }; ctx.drawImage(img,-15,10); }else if(text.indexOf("謝謝參與")>=0){ var img= document.getElementById("sorry-img"); img.onload=function(){ ctx.drawImage(img,-15,10); }; ctx.drawImage(img,-15,10); } //把當前畫布返回(調整)到上一個save()狀態以前 ctx.restore(); //----繪製獎品結束---- } } } </script>
/* ????????????? */ (function($) { var supportedCSS,styles=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].style,toCheck="transformProperty WebkitTransform OTransform msTransform MozTransform".split(" "); for (var a=0;a<toCheck.length;a++) if (styles[toCheck[a]] !== undefined) supportedCSS = toCheck[a]; // Bad eval to preven google closure to remove it from code o_O // After compresion replace it back to var IE = 'v' == '\v' var IE = eval('"v"=="\v"'); jQuery.fn.extend({ rotate:function(parameters) { if (this.length===0||typeof parameters=="undefined") return; if (typeof parameters=="number") parameters={angle:parameters}; var returned=[]; for (var i=0,i0=this.length;i<i0;i++) { var element=this.get(i); if (!element.Wilq32 || !element.Wilq32.PhotoEffect) { var paramClone = $.extend(true, {}, parameters); var newRotObject = new Wilq32.PhotoEffect(element,paramClone)._rootObj; returned.push($(newRotObject)); } else { element.Wilq32.PhotoEffect._handleRotation(parameters); } } return returned; }, getRotateAngle: function(){ var ret = []; for (var i=0,i0=this.length;i<i0;i++) { var element=this.get(i); if (element.Wilq32 && element.Wilq32.PhotoEffect) { ret[i] = element.Wilq32.PhotoEffect._angle; } } return ret; }, stopRotate: function(){ for (var i=0,i0=this.length;i<i0;i++) { var element=this.get(i); if (element.Wilq32 && element.Wilq32.PhotoEffect) { clearTimeout(element.Wilq32.PhotoEffect._timer); } } } }); // Library agnostic interface Wilq32=window.Wilq32||{}; Wilq32.PhotoEffect=(function(){ if (supportedCSS) { return function(img,parameters){ img.Wilq32 = { PhotoEffect: this }; this._img = this._rootObj = this._eventObj = img; this._handleRotation(parameters); } } else { return function(img,parameters) { // Make sure that class and id are also copied - just in case you would like to refeer to an newly created object this._img = img; this._rootObj=document.createElement('span');"inline-block"; this._rootObj.Wilq32 = { PhotoEffect: this }; img.parentNode.insertBefore(this._rootObj,img); if (img.complete) { this._Loader(parameters); } else { var self=this; // TODO: Remove jQuery dependency jQuery(this._img).bind("load", function() { self._Loader(parameters); }); } } } })(); Wilq32.PhotoEffect.prototype={ _setupParameters : function (parameters){ this._parameters = this._parameters || {}; if (typeof this._angle !== "number") this._angle = 0 ; if (typeof parameters.angle==="number") this._angle = parameters.angle; this._parameters.animateTo = (typeof parameters.animateTo==="number") ? (parameters.animateTo) : (this._angle); this._parameters.step = parameters.step || this._parameters.step || null; this._parameters.easing = parameters.easing || this._parameters.easing || function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c * ((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t - 1) + b; } this._parameters.duration = parameters.duration || this._parameters.duration || 1000; this._parameters.callback = parameters.callback || this._parameters.callback || function(){}; if (parameters.bind && parameters.bind != this._parameters.bind) this._BindEvents(parameters.bind); }, _handleRotation : function(parameters){ this._setupParameters(parameters); if (this._angle==this._parameters.animateTo) { this._rotate(this._angle); } else { this._animateStart(); } }, _BindEvents:function(events){ if (events && this._eventObj) { // Unbinding previous Events if (this._parameters.bind){ var oldEvents = this._parameters.bind; for (var a in oldEvents) if (oldEvents.hasOwnProperty(a)) // TODO: Remove jQuery dependency jQuery(this._eventObj).unbind(a,oldEvents[a]); } this._parameters.bind = events; for (var a in events) if (events.hasOwnProperty(a)) // TODO: Remove jQuery dependency jQuery(this._eventObj).bind(a,events[a]); } }, _Loader:(function() { if (IE) return function(parameters) { var width=this._img.width; var height=this._img.height; this._img.parentNode.removeChild(this._img); this._vimage = this.createVMLNode('image'); this._vimage.src=this._img.src;"px";"px";"absolute"; // FIXES IE PROBLEM - its only rendered if its on absolute position! = "0px"; = "0px"; /* Group minifying a small 1px precision problem when rotating object */ this._container = this.createVMLNode('group');;;"absolute"; this._container.setAttribute('coordsize',width-1+','+(height-1)); // This -1, -1 trying to fix ugly problem with small displacement on IE this._container.appendChild(this._vimage); this._rootObj.appendChild(this._container);"relative"; // FIXES IE PROBLEM"px";"px"; this._rootObj.setAttribute('id',this._img.getAttribute('id')); this._rootObj.className=this._img.className; this._eventObj = this._rootObj; this._handleRotation(parameters); } else return function (parameters) { this._rootObj.setAttribute('id',this._img.getAttribute('id')); this._rootObj.className=this._img.className; this._width=this._img.width; this._height=this._img.height; this._widthHalf=this._width/2; // used for optimisation this._heightHalf=this._height/2;// used for optimisation var _widthMax=Math.sqrt((this._height)*(this._height) + (this._width) * (this._width)); this._widthAdd = _widthMax - this._width; this._heightAdd = _widthMax - this._height; // widthMax because maxWidth=maxHeight this._widthAddHalf=this._widthAdd/2; // used for optimisation this._heightAddHalf=this._heightAdd/2;// used for optimisation this._img.parentNode.removeChild(this._img); this._aspectW = ((parseInt(,10)) || this._width)/this._img.width; this._aspectH = ((parseInt(,10)) || this._height)/this._img.height; this._canvas=document.createElement('canvas'); this._canvas.setAttribute('width',this._width);"relative"; = -this._widthAddHalf + "px"; = -this._heightAddHalf + "px"; this._canvas.Wilq32 = this._rootObj.Wilq32; this._rootObj.appendChild(this._canvas);"px";"px"; this._eventObj = this._canvas; this._cnv=this._canvas.getContext('2d'); this._handleRotation(parameters); } })(), _animateStart:function() { if (this._timer) { clearTimeout(this._timer); } this._animateStartTime = +new Date; this._animateStartAngle = this._angle; this._animate(); }, _animate:function() { var actualTime = +new Date; var checkEnd = actualTime - this._animateStartTime > this._parameters.duration; // TODO: Bug for animatedGif for static rotation ? (to test) if (checkEnd && !this._parameters.animatedGif) { clearTimeout(this._timer); } else { if (this._canvas||this._vimage||this._img) { var angle = this._parameters.easing(0, actualTime - this._animateStartTime, this._animateStartAngle, this._parameters.animateTo - this._animateStartAngle, this._parameters.duration); this._rotate((~~(angle*10))/10); } if (this._parameters.step) { this._parameters.step(this._angle); } var self = this; this._timer = setTimeout(function() {; }, 10); } // To fix Bug that prevents using recursive function in callback I moved this function to back if (this._parameters.callback && checkEnd){ this._angle = this._parameters.animateTo; this._rotate(this._angle);; } }, _rotate : (function() { var rad = Math.PI/180; if (IE) return function(angle) { this._angle = angle;"deg"; } else if (supportedCSS) return function(angle){ this._angle = angle;[supportedCSS]="rotate("+(angle%360)+"deg)"; } else return function(angle) { this._angle = angle; angle=(angle%360)* rad; // clear canvas this._canvas.width = this._width+this._widthAdd; this._canvas.height = this._height+this._heightAdd; // REMEMBER: all drawings are read from backwards.. so first function is translate, then rotate, then translate, translate.. this._cnv.translate(this._widthAddHalf,this._heightAddHalf); // at least center image on screen this._cnv.translate(this._widthHalf,this._heightHalf); // we move image back to its orginal this._cnv.rotate(angle); // rotate image this._cnv.translate(-this._widthHalf,-this._heightHalf); // move image to its center, so we can rotate around its center this._cnv.scale(this._aspectW,this._aspectH); // SCALE - if needed ;) this._cnv.drawImage(this._img, 0, 0); // First - we draw image } })() } if (IE) { Wilq32.PhotoEffect.prototype.createVMLNode=(function(){ document.createStyleSheet().addRule(".rvml", "behavior:url(#default#VML)"); try { !document.namespaces.rvml && document.namespaces.add("rvml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); return function (tagName) { return document.createElement('<rvml:' + tagName + ' class="rvml">'); }; } catch (e) { return function (tagName) { return document.createElement('<' + tagName + ' xmlns="" class="rvml">'); }; } })(); } })(jQuery);
參考網絡 網頁特效