使用Hibernate 提供的Type 方式(建議方式)session
@Id @Column(name = "customer_id") @org.hibernate.annotations.Type(type="org.hibernate.type.PostgresUUIDType") private UUID id; 若是須要自動生成uuid,添加下面兩個Annotation: @GeneratedValue( generator = "uuid" ) @GenericGenerator( name = "uuid", strategy = "org.hibernate.id.UUIDGenerator", parameters = { @Parameter( name = "uuid_gen_strategy_class", value = "org.hibernate.id.uuid.CustomVersionOneStrategy" ) } )
//定義 converter @Converter public class UuidConverter implements AttributeConverter<UUID, Object> { @Override public Object convertToDatabaseColumn(UUID uuid) { PGobject object = new PGobject(); object.setType("uuid"); try { if (uuid == null) { object.setValue(null); } else { object.setValue(uuid.toString()); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error when creating Postgres uuid", e); } return object; } @Override public UUID convertToEntityAttribute(Object dbData) { return (UUID) dbData; } } // 使用 @Entity(name = "Event") public static class Event { @Id @Convert(converter = UuidConverter.class) private UUID id; //Getters and setters are omitted for brevity }
更多討論: 爲何不使用 String id ,而後將UUID 轉換成 String 在get 和 set 方法中,這裏有一些性能的問題,還待深刻理解? (pgsql 支持uuid 類型)ide
The PostgreSQL JDBC driver has chosen an unfortunately way to represent non-JDBC-standard type codes. They simply map all of them to Types.OTHER. Long story short, you need to enable a special Hibernate type mapping for handling UUID mappings (to columns of the postgres-specific uuid datatype):post
繼承自IdentifierGenerator,這裏使用org.bson.types.ObjectId作主鍵 public class StringIdGenerator implements IdentifierGenerator { public StringIdGenerator(){} @Override public Serializable generate(SessionImplementor session, Object object) throws HibernateException { return ObjectId.get().toString(); } } 使用: @Id @Column(name = "id") @GeneratedValue(generator = "bson-id") @GenericGenerator( name = "bson-id", strategy = "com.social.credits.data.generator.StringIdGenerator" ) private String id; 更多的細節(定義參數等)請自行查看文檔,這裏給個入門。
Persisting UUID in PostgreSQL using JPAui
UUID Primary Keys in PostgreSQLhibernate