分類: 自動化測試 Android自動化 2013-02-22 10:57 7346人閱讀
- #Usage: monkeyrunner recorder.py
- #recorder.py http://mirror.yongbok.net/linux/android/repository/platform/sdk/monkeyrunner/scripts/monkey_recorder.py
- com.android.monkeyrunner import MonkeyRunner as mr
- com.android.monkeyrunner.recorder import MonkeyRecorder as recorder
- device = mr.waitForConnection()
- recorder.start(device)
- #END recorder.py
首先,鏈接你已經打開調試模式的ANDROID設備或模擬器,而後運行上面的腳本,例如在cmd窗口中執行命令: monkeyrunner monkeyrecoder.pylinux
#Press ExportAction to save recorded scrip to a filepost
#Example of result:
- #Usage: monkeyrunner playback.py "myscript"
- #playback.py http://mirror.yongbok.net/linux/android/repository/platform/sdk/monkeyrunner/scripts/monkey_playback.py
- import sys
- com.android.monkeyrunner import MonkeyRunner
- # The format of the file we are parsing is very carfeully constructed.
- # Each line corresponds to a single command. The line is split into 2
- # parts with a | character. Text to the left of the pipe denotes
- # which command to run. The text to the right of the pipe is a python
- # dictionary (it can be evaled into existence) that specifies the
- # arguments for the command. In most cases, this directly maps to the
- # keyword argument dictionary that could be passed to the underlying
- # command.
- # Lookup table to map command strings to functions that implement that
- # command.
- CMD_MAP = {
- ""TOUCH"": lambda dev, arg: dev.touch(**arg),
- ""DRAG"": lambda dev, arg: dev.drag(**arg),
- ""PRESS"": lambda dev, arg: dev.press(**arg),
- ""TYPE"": lambda dev, arg: dev.type(**arg),
- ""WAIT"": lambda dev, arg: MonkeyRunner.sleep(**arg)
- }
- # Process a single file for the specified device.
- def process_file(fp, device):
- for line in fp:
- (cmd, rest) = line.split(""|"")
- try:
- # Parse the pydict
- rest = eval(rest)
- except:
- print ""unable to parse options""
- continue
- if cmd not in CMD_MAP:
- print ""unknown command: "" + cmd
- continue
- CMD_MAP[cmd](device, rest)
- def main():
- file = sys.argv[1]
- fp = open(file, ""r"")
- device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()
- process_file(fp, device)
- fp.close();
- if __name__ == ""__main__"":
- main()
Usage:monkeyrunner playback.py "myscript"調試