This document, along with the samples and Javadoc™ in the IBM Sametime Software Development Kit (SDK), provides you with the information you need to build Eclipse plug-ins that extend the capabilities of IBM Sametime Connect and integrate your own applications with IBM Sametime.編程
一、Eclipse的設計思想是:一切皆插件。Eclipse核心很小,其它全部功能都以插件的形式附加於Eclipse核心之上。Eclipse基本內核包括:圖形API (SWT/Jface), Java開發環境插件(JDT ),插件開發環境(PDE)等。app
Eclipse 中的全部東西都是插件,可是,某些插件比其它插件更重要些。Workbench 和 Workspace 是 Eclipse 平臺的兩個必備的插件 ― 它們提供了大多數插件使用的擴展點,插件須要擴展點才能夠插入,這樣它才能運行。eclipse
二、When you’ve finished developing and testing your custom plug-in for IBM Sametime Connect, you’ll need to make your plug-in available to your target end users. To do so, you have a couple of options:this
A、Work with the Sametime administrator to automatically provision your plug-in to all IBM Sametime Connect users in a particular community. When using this option, your plug-in is automatically downloaded to the client when the user launches IBM Sametime Connect. The user is notified of the update and can have the client restart automatically to load the new plug-in. The user doesn’t need to take any other
B、Post your plug-in on an Eclipse update site, and instruct end users to install the plug-in using the IBM Sametime Connect Install Plug-ins UI. Note that Sametime administrators can disable the ability for end users to install plug-ins in this way, in which case you’ll need to use the first