日期 | 做者 | 版本 | 備註 |
2020-12-7 | dingbin | v1.0 | |
Dblogger project implements a both multi-threads-safe and multi-process-safe logger library named dblogger in python language. It works well and has stable function and powerful performance,especially in multithreaded or multiprocessed Python programs.python
Main interfaces of dblogger are implemented in file: smartlogger/utils.dblogger.py .git
dblogger configuration file is: smartlogger/conf/logger.conf. github
The dblogger configuration file has the following format:app
[loggers] keys=root,SafeLogger [handlers] keys=consoleHandler,fileHandler,rotatingFileHandler,timedRotatingFileHandler,truncateTimedRotatingFileHandler [formatters] keys=fmt0 [logger_root] level=INFO handlers=consoleHandler [logger_SafeLogger] level=INFO #handlers=consoleHandler,truncateTimedRotatingFileHandler handlers=truncateTimedRotatingFileHandler qualname=SafeLogger propagate=0 [handler_consoleHandler] class=StreamHandler args=(sys.stdout,) level=INFO formatter=fmt0 [handler_fileHandler] class=FileHandler args=("logs/app.log", "a") level=INFO formatter=fmt0 [handler_rotatingFileHandler] class=handlers.RotatingFileHandler args=("logs/app.log", 'a',100*1024*1024, 100) level=INFO formatter=fmt0 [handler_timedRotatingFileHandler] class=handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler args=("logs/app.log", 'm', 1, 3600) level=INFO formatter=fmt0 [handler_truncateTimedRotatingFileHandler] class=smartlogger.utils.logutils.truncate_timed_rotating_filehandler.TruncateTimedRotatingFileHandler args=("logs/app.log", 'm', 1, 3600) level=INFO formatter=fmt0 [formatter_fmt0] format=[%(asctime)s] [%(msecs)d,process(%(process)d),thread(%(thread)d),%(filename)s:%(lineno)d -- %(funcName)s() %(levelname)s] [%(message)s] datefmt=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
TruncateTimedRotatingFileHandler was so important that it implements the following features: every few minutes or hours, it generates the log file name with a specific meaning, and then outputs the log content to the log file with the corresponding name. It was a truncated time rotating file handler and it's so useful.this
You can run dblogger demo examples like this:code
python -m smartlogger.loggerdemo.simpleloggerdemo python -m smartlogger.utils.logutils.dbloggerdemo
Then you will see the rotating log files generated under directory: smartlogger/logs after run above demo commands. And the log file names may be like: app.log and app.log.2020-11-08_01-01 and so on.orm
See GitHub address: https://github.com/apollo008/dblogger for source code and details.blog