Google Earth Engine學習資源分享

  • 最近在學習Google Earth Engine的使用,發現這個平臺確實是一個很是好用、很是強大的平臺。在GEE官網上找到了一些中文的學習資料,如今搬運過來分享給你們共同窗習。教程分爲兩個部分
  1. 教程一說明以下
    These docs are contributed by Jinzhu Wang of Southwest University & Deakin University Australia, School of Life and Environmental Sciences. They are based on the Google Earth Engine guide and tutorials.
  2. 教程二說明以下
    These slides and docs are contributed by Shiwei Li from Beijing Huanyuyiyan Research Center. They were used for a two-day workshop held at the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, March 8-9, 2019.
  3. 教程下載地址:
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