項目 | 內容 |
本次做業所屬課程 | 北航軟件工程2019 |
本次做業要求 | 要求詳情 |
我在本課程的目標 | 熟悉瞭解現代軟件工程,提升自身能力 |
本次做業的幫助 | 在《構建之法》的幫助下更好了解軟件工程 |
在這個問題上我可能有一點不同的見解。創新是爲了咱們的社會和時代向着未知的遠方邁進,是給咱們每一個人帶來愈來愈方便高質量生活的一條必經之路。尚且不說每一個人都有如此高尚的道德品質與以人 類發展爲目標的信仰,即便是爲了利益,我認爲當一個發明電報的人看到新發明電話的時候想的並非恨。我相信每個聰明人更多想到的應該是吸取與發展,由於他已經看清楚這個創新會顛覆目前的一切,那爲何不選擇參與這個創新而進一步昇華自我?我以爲當咱們承認一個創新的時候,不論它會對咱們形成怎樣的影響,咱們仍是喜歡如此的創新。若是夾雜了太多的主觀情感與因素,那麼這是對創新的一種不負責任,也就談不上本身於創新有什麼關係了。git
- 第一象限(解決剛需且殺手功能):建議採起「差別化」的辦法,盡心盡力投資在這個領域。
- 第二象限(解決剛需提供外圍能力):建議採起「抵消」和「優化」的辦法。
- 第三象限(不是剛需且是輔助功能):建議採起「維持」的辦法,以最低代價維持此功能。
- 第四象限(不是剛需但咱們有獨特的辦法作的更好):建議採起「維持」的辦法,或者限制「不作」,等待好時機。
In 2000, Fred Shapiro, a librarian at the Yale Law School, published a letter revealing that Tukey's 1958 paper "The Teaching of Concrete Mathematics" contained the earliest known usage of the term "software" found in a search of JSTOR's electronic archives, predating the OED's citation by two years. This led many to credit Tukey with coining the term, particularly in obituaries published that same year,although Tukey never claimed credit for any such coinage. In 1995, Paul Niquette claimed he had originally coined the term in October 1953, although he could not find any documents supporting his claim. The earliest known publication of the term "software" in an engineering context was in August 1953 by Richard R. Carhart, in a Rand Corporation Research Memorandum.服務器
Margaret H. Hamilton "is the person who came up with the idea of naming the discipline, "software engineering", as a way of giving it legitimacy." According to Hamilton:
During this time at MIT, she wanted to give their software "legitimacy", just like with other engineering disciplines, so that it (and those building it) would be given its due respect; and, as a result she made up the term "software engineering" to distinguish it from other kinds of engineering.
Hamilton details how she came about to make up the term "software engineering":
When I first came up with the term, no one had heard of it before, at least in our world. It was an ongoing joke for a long time. They liked to kid me about my radical ideas. It was a memorable day when one of the most respected hardware gurus explained to everyone in a meeting that he agreed with me that the process of building software should also be considered an engineering discipline, just like with hardware. Not because of his acceptance of the new 'term' per se, but because we had earned his and the acceptance of the others in the room as being in an engineering field in its own right.
When Hamilton started using the term "software engineering", software engineering was not taken seriously compared to other engineering, nor was it regarded as a science. She began to use the term "software engineering" during the early Apollo missions in order to give software the legitimacy of other fields such as hardware engineering. Over time the term "software engineering" has gained the same respect as any other discipline.The IEEE Software September/October issue celebrates the 50th anniversary of software engineering.Hamilton talks about "Errors" and how they influenced her work related to software engineering and how her language, USL, could be used to prevent the majority of "Errors" in a system. "At MIT she assisted in the creation of the core principles in computer programming as she worked with her colleagues in writing code for the world's first portable computer".Hamilton's innovations go beyond the feats of playing an important role in getting humans to the moon. "She, along with that other early programming pioneer, CoBOL inventor Grace Hopper, also deserve tremendous credit for helping to open the door for more women to enter and succeed in STEM fields like software."框架
Microsoft TFS(Team Foundation Server)