根據點贊狀況在一行中輸出結論:若存在第2我的A和第14我的B,則輸出「A and B are inviting you to dinner...」;若只有A沒有B,則輸出「A is the only one for you...」;若連A都沒有,則輸出「Momo... No one is for you ...」。內存
輸入樣例1:GaoXZh Magi Einst Quark LaoLao FatMouse ZhaShen fantacy latesum SenSen QuanQuan whatever whenever Potaty hahaha .輸出樣例1:
Magi and Potaty are inviting you to dinner...輸入樣例2:
LaoLao FatMouse whoever .輸出樣例2:
FatMouse is the only one for you...輸入樣例3:
LaoLao .輸出樣例3:
Momo... No one is for you ...
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int vis[5000]; int main() { int cnt=0; string s,a,b; while(cin>>s) { if(s==".") break; cnt++; //計數器充當數數角色! if(cnt==2) a=s; if(cnt==14) b=s; } if(cnt<=1) cout<<"Momo... No one is for you ..."; else if(cnt>=14) cout<<a<<" and "<<b<<" are inviting you to dinner..."; else cout<<a<<" is the only one for you..."; }