_.debounce(func, [wait=0], [options={}])
//debounce.js var isObject = require('./isObject'),//是不是對象 now = require('./now'),//獲取當前時間 toNumber = require('./toNumber');//轉爲爲數字 var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = 'Expected a function'; var nativeMax = Math.max,//原生最大值方法 nativeMin = Math.min;//原生最小值方法 /** * 函數去抖,也就是說當調用動做n毫秒後,纔會執行該動做,若在這n毫秒內又調用此動做則將從新計算執行時間。 * * @param {Function} func 須要去抖的函數. * @param {number} [wait=0] 延遲執行的時間. * @param {Object} [options={}] 選項對象. * @param {boolean} [options.leading=false] 指定是否在超時前調用. * @param {number} [options.maxWait] func延遲調用的最大時間. * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true] 指定是否在超時後調用. * @returns {Function} 返回去抖以後的函數. * @example * * // Avoid costly calculations while the window size is in flux. * jQuery(window).on('resize', _.debounce(calculateLayout, 150)); * * // Invoke `sendMail` when clicked, debouncing subsequent calls. * jQuery(element).on('click', _.debounce(sendMail, 300, { * 'leading': true, * 'trailing': false * })); * * // Ensure `batchLog` is invoked once after 1 second of debounced calls. * var debounced = _.debounce(batchLog, 250, { 'maxWait': 1000 }); * var source = new EventSource('/stream'); * jQuery(source).on('message', debounced); * * // Cancel the trailing debounced invocation. * jQuery(window).on('popstate', debounced.cancel); */ function debounce(func, wait, options) { var lastArgs, //上次調用參數 lastThis, //上次調用this maxWait, //最大等待時間 result, //返回結果 timerId, //timerId lastCallTime, //上次調用debounced時間,即觸發時間,不必定會調用func lastInvokeTime = 0, //上次調用func時間,即成功執行時間 leading = false, //超時以前 maxing = false, //是否傳入最大超時時間 trailing = true; //超時以後 if (typeof func != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } wait = toNumber(wait) || 0; if (isObject(options)) { leading = !!options.leading; maxing = 'maxWait' in options; maxWait = maxing ? nativeMax(toNumber(options.maxWait) || 0, wait) : maxWait; trailing = 'trailing' in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing; } function invokeFunc(time) {//調用func,參數爲當前時間 var args = lastArgs,//調用參數 thisArg = lastThis;//調用的this lastArgs = lastThis = undefined;//清除lastArgs和lastThis lastInvokeTime = time; //上次調用時間爲當前時間 result = func.apply(thisArg, args);//調用func,並將結果返回 return result; } function leadingEdge(time) {//超時以前調用 lastInvokeTime = time;//設置上次調用時間爲當前時間 timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait); //開始timer return leading ? invokeFunc(time) : result;//若是leading爲true,調用func,不然返回result } function remainingWait(time) {//設置還須要等待的時間 var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime,//距離上次觸發的時間 timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime,//距離上次調用func的時間 result = wait - timeSinceLastCall;//還須要等待的時間 return maxing ? nativeMin(result, maxWait - timeSinceLastInvoke) : result; } function shouldInvoke(time) {//是否應該被調用 var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime,//距離上次觸發時間的時間 timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime;//距離上次調用func的時間 return (lastCallTime === undefined || (timeSinceLastCall >= wait) || (timeSinceLastCall < 0) || (maxing && timeSinceLastInvoke >= maxWait)); } function timerExpired() {//刷新timer var time = now(); if (shouldInvoke(time)) {//若是能夠調用,調用trailingEdge return trailingEdge(time); } timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, remainingWait(time));//不調用則重置timerId } function trailingEdge(time) {//超時以後調用 timerId = undefined; // Only invoke if we have `lastArgs` which means `func` has been // debounced at least once. if (trailing && lastArgs) {//若是設置trailing爲true,而且有lastArgs,調用func return invokeFunc(time); } lastArgs = lastThis = undefined;//清除lastArgs和lastThis return result;//不然返回result } function cancel() {//取消執行 if (timerId !== undefined) { clearTimeout(timerId); } lastInvokeTime = 0; lastArgs = lastCallTime = lastThis = timerId = undefined; } function flush() {//直接執行 return timerId === undefined ? result : trailingEdge(now()); } function debounced() { var time = now(), isInvoking = shouldInvoke(time);//判斷是否能夠調用 lastArgs = arguments;//獲得參數 lastThis = this;//獲得this對象 lastCallTime = time;//觸發時間 if (isInvoking) { if (timerId === undefined) {//首次觸發,調用leadingEdge return leadingEdge(lastCallTime); } if (maxing) { // 處理屢次頻繁的調用 timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);//設置定時器 return invokeFunc(lastCallTime); } } if (timerId === undefined) {//若是沒有timer,設置定時器 timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait); } return result;//返回result } debounced.cancel = cancel; debounced.flush = flush; return debounced; } module.exports = debounce;
_.throttle(func, [wait=0], [options={}])
//throttle.js var debounce = require('./debounce'),//debounce方法 isObject = require('./isObject');//判斷是否爲對象 var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = 'Expected a function'; /** * 函數節流 * * @param {Function} func 須要處理的函數. * @param {number} [wait=0] 執行間隔. * @param {Object} [options={}] 選項對象. * @param {boolean} [options.leading=false] 指定是否在超時前調用. * @param {number} [options.maxWait] func延遲調用的最大時間. * @param {boolean} [options.trailing=true] 指定是否在超時後調用. * @returns {Function} 返回節流以後的函數. * @example * * // Avoid excessively updating the position while scrolling. * jQuery(window).on('scroll', _.throttle(updatePosition, 100)); * * // Invoke `renewToken` when the click event is fired, but not more than once every 5 minutes. * var throttled = _.throttle(renewToken, 300000, { 'trailing': false }); * jQuery(element).on('click', throttled); * * // Cancel the trailing throttled invocation. * jQuery(window).on('popstate', throttled.cancel); */ function throttle(func, wait, options) { var leading = true, trailing = true; if (typeof func != 'function') { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } if (isObject(options)) { leading = 'leading' in options ? !!options.leading : leading; trailing = 'trailing' in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing; } return debounce(func, wait, { 'leading': leading, 'maxWait': wait, 'trailing': trailing }); } module.exports = throttle;