NuttX Real-Time Operating System php
NuttX is a real-time operating system (RTOS) with an emphasis on standards compliance and small footprint. Scalable from 8-bit to 32-bit microcontroller environments, the primary governing standards in NuttX are Posix and ANSI standards. Additional standard APIs from Unix and other common RTOS's (such as VxWorks) are adopted for functionality not available under these standards, or for functionality that is not appropriate for deeply-embedded environments (such as fork()). html
NuttX was first released in 2007 by Gregory Nutt under the permissive BSD license. git
Nuttx 是一個實時嵌入式操做系統(RTOS),它有一個小巧是在微控制器的環境中使用。這是徹底可擴展,從小型(8位)至中型嵌入式(32位)系統。它的目的還在於要徹底符合標準,徹底實時,並徹底開放。 shell app
TMR-FC 是一個開源硬體 (Open Source Hardware, OSHW) 開源電路圖及源碼, TMR-FC 板上具備 MPU6050 ( 3軸陀螺儀,3軸加速規 ) , HMC5883l 地磁 及 MS5611 大氣壓力等多種感測器, 使用 ST 義法半導體的 STM32F405RG ( ARM Cortex-M4) 的控制器, 板上具備 PWM 輸出入及超聲波模組介面, RF 介面, GPS 介面, 電流感測器介面, LED 控制介面, 等等. 其主要做為航空模型控制用途. dom
TMR-FC 電路圖( Schematic ) 下載連結 : TMR_FC_HW_V1_120830.pdf eclipse
現在還是一人團隊, 本身一個在做, 但願找到好夥伴. 來信或留言. ide 工具
Version : Kepler Release oop
須要安裝 C/C++ GDB Hardware Debugging.
下面是跑 ostest 過程的詳細訊息,
tmrfc/ostest - > defconfig 裡須要作設定並從新編譯
# Debug Options
( TMR-FC Side )
輸出訊息導向 USART1, 並透過藍芽模組開始傳送資料.
(PC Side)
電腦藍芽跟TMR-FC 上的藍芽模組配對後可獲得虛擬 com port ( example com3 to be found on my PC ) , 使用 terminal 打開 com3, baud rate 設定 11520 便可開始接收資料.
ABCDF stdio_test: write fd=1 stdio_test: Standard I/O Check: printf stdio_test: write fd=2 stdio_test: Standard I/O Check: fprintf to stderr ostest_main: Started user_main at PID=2 ostest_main: Exitting user_main: Begin argument test user_main: Started with argc=5 user_main: argv[0]="ostest" user_main: argv[1]="Arg1" user_main: argv[2]="Arg2" user_main: argv[3]="Arg3" user_main: argv[4]="Arg4" End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: /dev/null test dev_null: Read 0 bytes from /dev/null dev_null: Wrote 1024 bytes to /dev/null End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: task_restart test Test task_restart() restart_main: Started restart_main at PID=3 restart_main: Started with argc=4 restart_main: argv[0]="ostest" restart_main: argv[1]="This is argument 1" restart_main: argv[2]="Argument 2 here" restart_main: argv[3]="Lastly, the 3rd argument" restart_main: I am still here restart_main: I am still here restart_main: Started with argc=4 restart_main: argv[0]="ostest" restart_main: argv[1]="This is argument 1" restart_main: argv[2]="Argument 2 here" restart_main: argv[3]="Lastly, the 3rd argument" restart_main: Exitting End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: mutex test Initializing mutex Starting thread 1 Starting thread 2 Thread1 Thread2 Loops 32 32 Errors 0 0 End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: cancel test cancel_test: Test 1: Normal Cancelation cancel_test: Starting thread start_thread: Initializing mutex start_thread: Initializing cond start_thread: Starting thread thread_waiter: Taking mutex thread_waiter: Starting wait for condition start_thread: Yielding cancel_test: Canceling thread cancel_test: Joining cancel_test: waiter exited with result=ffffffff cancel_test: PASS thread terminated with PTHREAD_CANCELED cancel_test: Test 2: Cancelation of detached thread cancel_test: Re-starting thread restart_thread: Destroying cond restart_thread: Destroying mutex restart_thread: Re-starting thread start_thread: Initializing mutex start_thread: Initializing cond start_thread: Starting thread thread_waiter: Taking mutex thread_waiter: Starting wait for condition start_thread: Yielding cancel_test: Canceling thread cancel_test: Joining cancel_test: PASS pthread_join failed with status=ESRCH cancel_test: Test 3: Non-cancelable threads cancel_test: Re-starting thread (non-cancelable) restart_thread: Destroying cond restart_thread: Destroying mutex restart_thread: Re-starting thread start_thread: Initializing mutex start_thread: Initializing cond start_thread: Starting thread thread_waiter: Taking mutex thread_waiter: Starting wait for condition thread_waiter: Setting non-cancelable start_thread: Yielding cancel_test: Canceling thread cancel_test: Joining thread_waiter: Releasing mutex thread_waiter: Setting cancelable cancel_test: waiter exited with result=ffffffff cancel_test: PASS thread terminated with PTHREAD_CANCELED End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: semaphore test sem_test: Initializing semaphore to 0 sem_test: Starting waiter thread 1 sem_test: Set thread 1 priority to 191 waiter_func: Thread 1 Started waiter_func: Thread 1 initial semaphore value = 0 waiter_func: Thread 1 waiting on semaphore sem_test: Starting waiter thread 2 sem_test: Set thread 2 priority to 128 waiter_func: Thread 2 Started waiter_func: Thread 2 initial semaphore value = -1 waiter_func: Thread 2 waiting on semaphore sem_test: Starting poster thread 3 sem_test: Set thread 3 priority to 64 poster_func: Thread 3 started poster_func: Thread 3 semaphore value = -2 poster_func: Thread 3 posting semaphore waiter_func: Thread 1 awakened waiter_func: Thread 1 new semaphore value = -1 waiter_func: Thread 1 done poster_func: Thread 3 new semaphore value = -1 poster_func: Thread 3 semaphore value = -1 poster_func: Thread 3 posting semaphore waiter_func: Thread 2 awakened waiter_func: Thread 2 new semaphore value = 0 waiter_func: Thread 2 done poster_func: Thread 3 new semaphore value = 0 poster_func: Thread 3 done End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: condition variable test cond_test: Initializing mutex cond_test: Initializing cond cond_test: Starting waiter cond_test: Set thread 1 priority to 128 waiter_thread: Started cond_test: Starting signaler cond_test: Set thread 2 priority to 64 thread_signaler: Started thread_signaler: Terminating cond_test: signaler terminated, now cancel the waiter cond_test: Waiter Signaler cond_test: Loops 32 32 cond_test: Errors 0 0 cond_test: cond_test: 0 times, waiter did not have to wait for data cond_test: 0 times, data was already available when the signaler run cond_test: 0 times, the waiter was in an unexpected state when the signaler ran End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: timed wait test thread_waiter: Initializing mutex timedwait_test: Initializing cond timedwait_test: Starting waiter timedwait_test: Set thread 2 priority to 177 thread_waiter: Taking mutex thread_waiter: Starting 5 second wait for condition timedwait_test: Joining thread_waiter: pthread_cond_timedwait timed out thread_waiter: Releasing mutex thread_waiter: Exit with status 0x12345678 timedwait_test: waiter exited with result=12345678 End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: message queue test mqueue_test: Starting receiver mqueue_test: Set receiver priority to 128 receiver_thread: Starting mqueue_test: Starting sender mqueue_test: Set sender thread priority to 64 mqueue_test: Waiting for sender to complete sender_thread: Starting receiver_thread: mq_receive succeeded on msg 0 sender_thread: mq_send succeeded on msg 0 receiver_thread: mq_receive succeeded on msg 1 sender_thread: mq_send succeeded on msg 1 receiver_thread: mq_receive succeeded on msg 2 sender_thread: mq_send succeeded on msg 2 receiver_thread: mq_receive succeeded on msg 3 sender_thread: mq_send succeeded on msg 3 receiver_thread: mq_receive succeeded on msg 4 sender_thread: mq_send succeeded on msg 4 receiver_thread: mq_receive succeeded on msg 5 sender_thread: mq_send succeeded on msg 5 receiver_thread: mq_receive succeeded on msg 6 sender_thread: mq_send succeeded on msg 6 receiver_thread: mq_receive succeeded on msg 7 sender_thread: mq_send succeeded on msg 7 receiver_thread: mq_receive succeeded on msg 8 sender_thread: mq_send succeeded on msg 8 receiver_thread: mq_receive succeeded on msg 9 sender_thread: mq_send succeeded on msg 9 sender_thread: returning nerrors=0 mqueue_test: Killing receiver receiver_thread: mq_receive interrupted! receiver_thread: returning nerrors=0 mqueue_test: Canceling receiver mqueue_test: receiver has already terminated End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: timed message queue test timedmqueue_test: Starting sender sender_thread: Starting sender_thread: mq_timedsend succeeded on msg 0 sender_thread: mq_timedsend succeeded on msg 1 sender_thread: mq_timedsend succeeded on msg 2 sender_thread: mq_timedsend succeeded on msg 3 sender_thread: mq_timedsend succeeded on msg 4 sender_thread: mq_timedsend succeeded on msg 5 sender_thread: mq_timedsend succeeded on msg 6 sender_thread: mq_timedsend succeeded on msg 7 sender_thread: mq_timedsend succeeded on msg 8 timedmqueue_test: Waiting for sender to complete sender_thread: mq_timedsend 9 timed out as expected sender_thread: returning nerrors=0 timedmqueue_test: Starting receiver receiver_thread: Starting receiver_thread: mq_timedreceive succeeded on msg 0 receiver_thread: mq_timedreceive succeeded on msg 1 receiver_thread: mq_timedreceive succeeded on msg 2 receiver_thread: mq_timedreceive succeeded on msg 3 receiver_thread: mq_timedreceive succeeded on msg 4 receiver_thread: mq_timedreceive succeeded on msg 5 receiver_thread: mq_timedreceive succeeded on msg 6 receiver_thread: mq_timedreceive succeeded on msg 7 receiver_thread: mq_timedreceive succeeded on msg 8 timedmqueue_test: Waiting for receiver to complete receiver_thread: Receive 9 timed out as expected receiver_thread: returning nerrors=0 timedmqueue_test: Test complete End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: signal handler test sighand_test: Initializing semaphore to 0 sighand_test: Starting waiter task sighand_test: Started waiter_main pid=21 waiter_main: Waiter started waiter_main: Unmasking signal 17 waiter_main: Registering signal handler waiter_main: oact.sigaction=0 oact.sa_flags=0 oact.sa_mask=0 waiter_main: Waiting on semaphore sighand_test: Signaling pid=21 with signo=17 sigvalue=42 wakeup_action: Received signal 17 wakeup_action: sival_int=42 wakeup_action: si_code=1 wakeup_action: ucontext=0 waiter_main: sem_wait() successfully interrupted by signal waiter_main: done sighand_test: done End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: POSIX timer test timer_test: Initializing semaphore to 0 timer_test: Unmasking signal 17 timer_test: Registering signal handler timer_test: oact.sigaction=0 oact.sa_flags=0 oact.sa_mask=0 timer_test: Creating timer timer_test: Starting timer timer_test: Waiting on semaphore timer_expiration: Received signal 17 timer_expiration: sival_int=42 timer_expiration: si_code=2 (SI_TIMER) timer_expiration: ucontext=0 timer_test: sem_wait() successfully interrupted by signal timer_test: g_nsigreceived=1 timer_test: Waiting on semaphore timer_expiration: Received signal 17 timer_expiration: sival_int=42 timer_expiration: si_code=2 (SI_TIMER) timer_expiration: ucontext=0 timer_test: sem_wait() successfully interrupted by signal timer_test: g_nsigreceived=2 timer_test: Waiting on semaphore timer_expiration: Received signal 17 timer_expiration: sival_int=42 timer_expiration: si_code=2 (SI_TIMER) timer_expiration: ucontext=0 timer_test: sem_wait() successfully interrupted by signal timer_test: g_nsigreceived=3 timer_test: Waiting on semaphore timer_expiration: Received signal 17 timer_expiration: sival_int=42 timer_expiration: si_code=2 (SI_TIMER) timer_expiration: ucontext=0 timer_test: sem_wait() successfully interrupted by signal timer_test: g_nsigreceived=4 timer_test: Waiting on semaphore timer_expiration: Received signal 17 timer_expiration: sival_int=42 timer_expiration: si_code=2 (SI_TIMER) timer_expiration: ucontext=0 timer_test: sem_wait() successfully interrupted by signal timer_test: g_nsigreceived=5 timer_test: Deleting timer timer_test: done End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: round-robin scheduler test rr_test: Set thread priority to 1 rr_test: Set thread policy to SCHED_RR rr_test: Starting first get_primes_thread First get_primes_thread: 22 rr_test: Starting second get_primes_thread get_primes_thread id=1 started, looking for primes < 10000, doing 10 run(s) Second get_primes_thread: 23 rr_test: Waiting for threads to complete -- this should take awhile If RR scheduling is working, they should start and complete at about the same time get_primes_thread id=2 started, looking for primes < 10000, doing 10 run(s) get_primes_thread id=1 finished, found 1230 primes, last one was 9973 get_primes_thread id=2 finished, found 1230 primes, last one was 9973 rr_test: Done End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: barrier test barrier_test: Initializing barrier barrier_func: Thread 0 started barrier_test: Thread 0 created barrier_func: Thread 1 started barrier_test: Thread 1 created barrier_func: Thread 2 started barrier_test: Thread 2 created barrier_func: Thread 0 calling pthread_barrier_wait() barrier_func: Thread 1 calling pthread_barrier_wait() barrier_func: Thread 2 calling pthread_barrier_wait() barrier_func: Thread 2, back with status=PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD (I AM SPECIAL) barrier_func: Thread 0, back with status=0 (I am not special) barrier_func: Thread 1, back with status=0 (I am not special) barrier_func: Thread 2 done barrier_func: Thread 0 done barrier_func: Thread 1 done barrier_test: Thread 0 completed with result=0 barrier_test: Thread 1 completed with result=0 barrier_test: Thread 2 completed with result=0 End of test memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 Final memory usage: VARIABLE BEFORE AFTER ======== ======== ======== arena 2f140 2f140 ordblks 3 3 mxordblk 1e840 1e840 uordblks 1870 1870 fordblks 2d8d0 2d8d0 user_main: Exitting
--External Tool 設定--
其餘頁面設定同步驟 1 )
--除錯介面 --
--Debug Configurations 設定--
環境架設好後相當好用, 對 Nuttx 也能夠開始深刻了解, 最重要的是能夠很自由的設定斷點來一窺究竟. 日後加入的程式碼也能夠同此操做.
作完後會發現對於其餘的 ARM 平臺只要 Jlink 有支援均可以用這一招在 Eclipse 裡作編譯除錯. 管用!!
在 defconfig 中的除錯項目設定. 設定 debug symbols 後才能對應到 C code, 否則只能看組譯程式碼.
# Debug Options
CDC : Communication Device Class ( VCP : Virtual COM Port)
今天試了一下沒能成功... 但願有高手能夠幫忙看一下..感謝, 下面是輸出的 Log
ABCDF conn_main: Performing architecture-specific intialization composite_archinitialize: Initializing SDIO slot 0 composite_archinitialize: Bind SDIO to the MMC/SD driver, minor=0 composite_archinitialize: Successfully bound SDIO to the MMC/SD driver board_cdcclassobject: Initializing USB serial driver uart_register: Registering /dev/ttyACM0 board_mscclassobject: Configuring with NLUNS=1 board_mscclassobject: MSC handle=10001ed0 board_mscclassobject: Bind LUN=0 to /dev/mmcsd0 Assertion failed at file:usbdev/usbmsc.c line: 422 task: init sp: 10001a30 stack base: 10001b48 stack size: 000007fc 10001a20: 10001a20 10001a20 10001a40 08009985 00000000 00000000 10001a40 080015f1 10001a40: 10001a30 10000f80 000007fc 10001b48 10001a58 08001665 000001a6 08019cb8 10001a60: 00010000 10000f80 10001a70 0800e7e9 2000045c 10001f64 00001a80 00000040 10001a80: 00000005 2000045c 10001ed0 0f260000 00011a98 08009985 10001aa0 0800e76f 10001aa0: 2000045c 10001f64 00000000 10001c64 00601ab8 10001ed0 00000004 ffffffed 10001ac0: 00001ac8 00000000 10001ad0 08012005 2000045c 10001bd4 10001bc0 00000000 10001ae0: 10001ae8 0800a541 00000000 10001bd4 00000008 2000045c 10001b00 0801270d 10001b00: 00000000 10001bd4 10001bc0 10001bc0 10001b18 0800b131 10001064 00000001 10001b20: 00000000 00000000 10001b30 08002169 00000000 00000000 10000f80 00000001 10001b40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000030 80000810
Updated : 2013/07/08
USB composite MSC 部分已經能夠正常讀寫小檔案, 寫大檔案會有 CRC failed, 這個問題待解決.
若是要測試的話請使用有加入 Composite MSC 修改之後的版本.
Updated : 2013/07/010
USB Composite CDC/ACM 測試終於成功了!!
under construction
under construction