Ns.UI.AjaxForm = function () {
Ns.UI.Control.apply(this, arguments);
this.onError = null;
this.onSuccess = null;
this.onBeforSend = null;
this.onComplete = null;
this.successFn = "";
this.validateFn = "";
this._ajax = null;
this.data = {};
this.async = true;
this.submitBtn = "";
this.resetBtn = "";
this.encrypt = "default";
this.validateFailt = "";
this._init = function () { if (Ns.UI.Control.prototype._init) { Ns.UI.Control.prototype._init.apply(this, null); } var that = this; this._ajax = new Ns.Data.BaseAjax(); "Error,BeforSend,Complete,Success".split(",").each(function (i, name) { var e = "on" + this; that[e] = new Ns.Event.EventTarget(); that[e].currentTarget = that; that._ajax[e] = that[e]; that[e].eventName = this; }); }
this.validate = function () {
var retbol = false, isMuliteErr = this.isMultiErr;
this.select("[ns-validate]").found.each(function () {
var type = this.type;node
var val = Ns.DOM.Operater.val(this),ajax
vali = Ns.DOM.Operater.attr(this, "ns-validate")//獲取保存在標籤內的驗證規則正則表達式
, valiJson = Ns.Data.Json.NoJson(vali), evtarget, vfn, state = 0, that = this, validateFailt = false;
if (!valiJson) { return; } vfn = NsHelper.judge.strEmpty(valiJson.validateFn) ? null : Ns.UI.AjaxForm.ValidateFns[valiJson.validateFn];
// " rules:{ regexp:/y/i,message:'message',rule:true/false },target:'',errorcls:,notnul,nultext" 規則基本格式
evtarget = Ns.DOM.find(valiJson.target)[0];
Ns.DOM.Operater.removeClass(this, valiJson.errorcls);
if (valiJson.notnul == true && !val) {json
Ns.DOM.Operater.addClass(this, valiJson.errorcls); 數組
!isMuliteErr && retbol ? "" : Ns.DOM.Operater.text(evtarget, valiJson.nultext); app
//isMultiErr表示 true爲每一個input控件都含有本身的對應錯誤提示框,false表示爲只有一個提示標籤函數
retbol |= true; NsHelper.judge.fnRun(vfn, { validate: valiJson, state: -1, validateFailt: true, currentDOM: this }); return; }
NsHelper.judge.each(valiJson.rules, function (i, args) {
if (!(this.regexp && this.regexp.test)) { state = 0; return; }
var test = this.regexp.test(val);
if (test && (this.rule == true || NsHelper.judge.unNl(this.rule))) { this
!isMuliteErr && retbol ? "" : Ns.DOM.Operater.text(evtarget, this.message); 編碼
Ns.DOM.Operater.addClass(that, valiJson.errorcls); retbol |= true; state = -1; validateFailt = true; return true;
if (!test && this.rule == false) {
!isMuliteErr && retbol ? "" : Ns.DOM.Operater.text(evtarget, this.message);
Ns.DOM.Operater.addClass(that, valiJson.errorcls); retbol |= true; validateFailt = true; return true; }
NsHelper.judge.fnRun(vfn, { validate: valiJson, state: -1, validateFailt: validateFailt, currentDOM: this });
if (this.validateFailt) { NsHelper.judge.fnRun(Ns.UI.AjaxForm.ValidateFns[this.validateFailt], retbol); }
return retbol;
this.submit = function () { if (this.currentDOM.submit) { this.currentDOM.submit(); } }
this.reset = function () { if (this.currentDOM.reset) { this.currentDOM.reset(); } }
this.isMultiErr = false;
this.init = function () {
this._ajax.url = this.currentDOM.action; this._ajax.dataType = "json"; this._ajax.async = this.async; this._ajax.type = this.currentDOM.method;
if (Ns.UI.AjaxForm.SuccessFns[this.successFn]) { this._ajax.onSuccess.addEvent(Ns.UI.AjaxForm.SuccessFns[this.successFn]); }
var that = this;
if (this._ajax.async) { this.currentDOM.submit = function (e) { if (that.validate() == true) { return; } that.serialize(); if (NsHelper.judge.fnRun(Ns.UI.AjaxForm.ValidateFns[that.validateFn]) !== true) { that.send(); } } }
if (this.submitBtn) { var td = Ns.DOM.find(this.submitBtn)[0]; if (td) { Ns.Event.EventHelper.bind(td, "click", function () { that.submit(); }); } }
if (this.resetBtn) { var td = Ns.DOM.find(this.resetBtn)[0]; if (td) { Ns.Event.EventHelper.bind(td, "click", function () { that.reset(); }); } }
this.serialize = function () {
var that = this, den;
if (this.encrypt.toLowerCase() === "default") { den = Ns.Data.Base64.encodeURI; }//加密編碼規則函數
else {
this.encrypt.replace("-", ".");//加密規則函數調用全部方法路徑 Ns-Data-Encrypt-encrypt 這裏是-是分割,,,主要避免.點的選擇符的衝突
den = NsHelper.gotoNs(this.encrypt); }
this.select("*").found.each(function () {
var type = this.type;
if (this.name && type && !Ns.DOM.Operater.property(this, "disabled")[0] && /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i.test(this.nodeName) && ! /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i.test(type) && (this.checked || !/^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i.test(type))) {
var val = Ns.DOM.Operater.val(this), encrypt; encrypt = Ns.DOM.Operater.attr(this, "ns-encrypt");
if (!val) { val = ""; } if (encrypt == true) { val = den(val); } that.data[this.name] = val;
this._ajax.data = that.data; return that.data;
this.send = function () { this._ajax.send(); }
NsHelper.CONSTRUCT.apply(this, arguments);
Ns.Extend.pro(Ns.UI.AjaxForm, Ns.UI.Control);
Ns.UI.AjaxForm.DisposeForm = function (ajaxform) { if (ajaxform.successFn) { delete Ns.UI.AjaxForm.SuccessFns[ajaxform.successFn]; } if (ajaxform.validateFn) { delete Ns.UI.AjaxForm.ValidateFns[ajaxform.validateFn]; } }
Ns.UI.AjaxForm.SuccessFns = {};
Ns.UI.AjaxForm.ValidateFns = {};
Ns.UI.AjaxForm.AutoAjax = function (exp, config) {
config = config ? config : {};
/*new init send */
var ajaxForm = new Ns.UI.AjaxForm();
ajaxForm.AttrToProp();//將ns-data的屬性值賦值給自身對象 來自父類 Ns.UI.Control
if (config.success) {
var code = "successFn_" + new Date().valueOf();
ajaxForm.successFn = code; Ns.UI.AjaxForm.SuccessFns[code] = config.success;
if (config.validiate) { var code = "validate_" + new Date().valueOf();
ajaxForm.validateFn = code; Ns.UI.AjaxForm.ValidateFns[code] = config.validate; }
if (config.encrypt) { ajaxForm.encrypt = config.encrypt; } ajaxForm.init(); return ajaxForm;
AjaxForm 的實現依靠namespace.js的庫,,,主要的功能包含了序列form提交的數據,驗證,發送。
AjaxForm 採用的了混合繼承的方式來完成繼承功能AutoAjax 運行過程 爲主要實例化ajaxform對象,再找到form對象進init的初始化 其中init初始化是根據ns-data屬性值進行初始化,將ns-data轉化爲json,而後賦值給ajaxform變量,而後依次綁定相應的事件行爲例如:
ns-data = "successFn:'ajaxFormSuccess/*函數名存儲在Ns.UI.AjaxForm.SuccessFns空間內*/'
,isMultiErr:false"而 自動化驗證表達式則在標籤內添加
ns_validate = "rules:[]/*正則規則*/
,nultext:'登錄用戶名不能爲空'/*未null時提醒錯誤信息*/" }
rules=[] ===> regexp: 正則表達式 ,message:提醒消息 rule:true/false
正則表達式匹配的結果爲true仍是false時是未經過rules 是個數組,可是依次按照原有的順序進行正則驗證