package main
import (
func worker(stop chan bool) {
for i:=0;i<10;i++ {
stop <- true
func main() {
stop := make(chan bool)
go worker(stop)
<- stop
// 使用siz字節參數建立一個運行fn的新g。
// 將其放在g等待運行的隊列中。 編譯器將go語句轉換爲對此的調用。
// 沒法拆分堆棧,由於它假定參數在&fn;以後順序可用。
// 若是發生堆棧拆分,則不會複製它們。
func newproc(siz int32, fn *funcval) {
// 從 fn 的地址增長一個指針的長度,從而獲取第一參數地址
argp := add(unsafe.Pointer(&fn), sys.PtrSize)
// 獲取當前的運行的g
gp := getg()
// getcallerpc返回其調用方的程序計數器(PC)。用於存放下一條指令所在單元的地址的地方。
pc := getcallerpc()
// systemstack在系統堆棧上運行
// 若是從每一個OS線程(g0)堆棧調用systemstack
// ,或者從信號處理(gsignal)堆棧調用systemstack ,
// systemstack直接調用fn並返回。
// 不然,從普通goroutine的有限堆棧中調用systemstack。
// 在這種狀況下,系統堆棧切換到每一個OS線程堆棧,調用fn,而後切回。
// 一般使用func字面量做爲參數,以便與調用系統堆棧周圍的代碼共享輸入和輸出
systemstack(func() {
// 原型:func newproc1(fn *funcval, argp *uint8, narg int32, callergp *g, callerpc uintptr)
// 建立一個新的g,運行fn,其中narg個字節的參數從argp開始。
// callerpc是建立它的go語句的地址。新g放入g等待運行的隊列中。
newproc1(fn, (*uint8)(argp), siz, gp, pc)
func newproc1(fn *funcval, argp *uint8, narg int32, callergp *g, callerpc uintptr) {
_g_ := getg()
if fn == nil {
_g_.m.throwing = -1 // do not dump full stacks
throw("go of nil func value")
_g_.m.locks++ // disable preemption because it can be holding p in a local var
siz := narg
siz = (siz + 7) &^ 7
// We could allocate a larger initial stack if necessary.
// Not worth it: this is almost always an error.
// 4*sizeof(uintreg): extra space added below
// sizeof(uintreg): caller's LR (arm) or return address (x86, in gostartcall). if siz >= _StackMin-4*sys.RegSize-sys.RegSize { throw("newproc: function arguments too large for new goroutine") } _p_ := _g_.m.p.ptr() newg := gfget(_p_) // 根據 p 得到一個新的 g // 初始化階段,gfget 是不可能找到 g 的 // 也可能運行中原本就已經耗盡了 if newg == nil { newg = malg(_StackMin) // 建立一個擁有 _StackMin 大小的棧的 g casgstatus(newg, _Gidle, _Gdead) // 將新建立的 g 從 _Gidle 更新爲 _Gdead 狀態 allgadd(newg) // 將 Gdead 狀態的 g 添加到 allg,這樣 GC 不會掃描未初始化的棧 } if newg.stack.hi == 0 { throw("newproc1: newg missing stack") } if readgstatus(newg) != _Gdead { throw("newproc1: new g is not Gdead") } totalSize := 4*sys.RegSize + uintptr(siz) + sys.MinFrameSize // extra space in case of reads slightly beyond frame totalSize += -totalSize & (sys.SpAlign - 1) // align to spAlign sp := newg.stack.hi - totalSize spArg := sp if usesLR { // caller's LR
*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sp)) = 0
spArg += sys.MinFrameSize
if narg > 0 {
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(spArg), unsafe.Pointer(argp), uintptr(narg))
// This is a stack-to-stack copy. If write barriers
// are enabled and the source stack is grey (the
// destination is always black), then perform a
// barrier copy. We do this *after* the memmove
// because the destination stack may have garbage on
// it.
if writeBarrier.needed && !_g_.m.curg.gcscandone {
f := findfunc(fn.fn)
stkmap := (*stackmap)(funcdata(f, _FUNCDATA_ArgsPointerMaps))
if stkmap.nbit > 0 {
// We're in the prologue, so it's always stack map index 0.
bv := stackmapdata(stkmap, 0)
bulkBarrierBitmap(spArg, spArg, uintptr(bv.n)*sys.PtrSize, 0, bv.bytedata)
memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(&newg.sched), unsafe.Sizeof(newg.sched))
newg.sched.sp = sp
newg.stktopsp = sp
newg.sched.pc = funcPC(goexit) + sys.PCQuantum // +PCQuantum so that previous instruction is in same function
newg.sched.g = guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newg))
gostartcallfn(&newg.sched, fn)
newg.gopc = callerpc
newg.ancestors = saveAncestors(callergp)
newg.startpc = fn.fn
if _g_.m.curg != nil {
newg.labels = _g_.m.curg.labels
if isSystemGoroutine(newg, false) {
atomic.Xadd(&sched.ngsys, +1)
newg.gcscanvalid = false
casgstatus(newg, _Gdead, _Grunnable)
if _p_.goidcache == _p_.goidcacheend {
// Sched.goidgen is the last allocated id,
// this batch must be [sched.goidgen+1, sched.goidgen+GoidCacheBatch].
// At startup sched.goidgen=0, so main goroutine receives goid=1.
_p_.goidcache = atomic.Xadd64(&sched.goidgen, _GoidCacheBatch)
_p_.goidcache -= _GoidCacheBatch - 1
_p_.goidcacheend = _p_.goidcache + _GoidCacheBatch
newg.goid = int64(_p_.goidcache)
if raceenabled {
newg.racectx = racegostart(callerpc)
if trace.enabled {
traceGoCreate(newg, newg.startpc)
runqput(_p_, newg, true)
if atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) != 0 && atomic.Load(&sched.nmspinning) == 0 && mainStarted {
if _g_.m.locks == 0 && _g_.preempt { // restore the preemption request in case we've cleared it in newstack _g_.stackguard0 = stackPreempt } } 複製代碼
// 分配一個新的g,其堆棧足以容納stacksize字節。
func malg(stacksize int32) *g {
newg := new(g)
if stacksize >= 0 {
stacksize = round2(_StackSystem + stacksize)
systemstack(func() {
newg.stack = stackalloc(uint32(stacksize))
newg.stackguard0 = newg.stack.lo + _StackGuard
newg.stackguard1 = ^uintptr(0)
return newg
type g struct {
// Stack parameters.
// stack describes the actual stack memory: [stack.lo, stack.hi).
// stackguard0 is the stack pointer compared in the Go stack growth prologue.
// It is stack.lo+StackGuard normally, but can be StackPreempt to trigger a preemption.
// stackguard1 is the stack pointer compared in the C stack growth prologue.
// It is stack.lo+StackGuard on g0 and gsignal stacks.
// It is ~0 on other goroutine stacks, to trigger a call to morestackc (and crash).
stack stack // offset known to runtime/cgo
stackguard0 uintptr // offset known to liblink
stackguard1 uintptr // offset known to liblink
_panic *_panic // innermost panic - offset known to liblink
_defer *_defer // innermost defer
m *m // current m; offset known to arm liblink
sched gobuf
syscallsp uintptr // if status==Gsyscall, syscallsp = sched.sp to use during gc
syscallpc uintptr // if status==Gsyscall, syscallpc = sched.pc to use during gc
stktopsp uintptr // expected sp at top of stack, to check in traceback
param unsafe.Pointer // passed parameter on wakeup
atomicstatus uint32
stackLock uint32 // sigprof/scang lock; TODO: fold in to atomicstatus
goid int64
schedlink guintptr
waitsince int64 // approx time when the g become blocked
waitreason waitReason // if status==Gwaiting
preempt bool // preemption signal, duplicates stackguard0 = stackpreempt
paniconfault bool // panic (instead of crash) on unexpected fault address
preemptscan bool // preempted g does scan for gc
gcscandone bool // g has scanned stack; protected by _Gscan bit in status
gcscanvalid bool // false at start of gc cycle, true if G has not run since last scan; TODO: remove?
throwsplit bool // must not split stack
raceignore int8 // ignore race detection events
sysblocktraced bool // StartTrace has emitted EvGoInSyscall about this goroutine
sysexitticks int64 // cputicks when syscall has returned (for tracing)
traceseq uint64 // trace event sequencer
tracelastp puintptr // last P emitted an event for this goroutine
lockedm muintptr
sig uint32
writebuf []byte
sigcode0 uintptr
sigcode1 uintptr
sigpc uintptr
gopc uintptr // pc of go statement that created this goroutine
ancestors *[]ancestorInfo // ancestor information goroutine(s) that created this goroutine (only used if debug.tracebackancestors)
startpc uintptr // pc of goroutine function
racectx uintptr
waiting *sudog // sudog structures this g is waiting on (that have a valid elem ptr); in lock order
cgoCtxt []uintptr // cgo traceback context
labels unsafe.Pointer // profiler labels
timer *timer // cached timer for time.Sleep
selectDone uint32 // are we participating in a select and did someone win the race?
// Per-G GC state
// gcAssistBytes is this G's GC assist credit in terms of // bytes allocated. If this is positive, then the G has credit // to allocate gcAssistBytes bytes without assisting. If this // is negative, then the G must correct this by performing // scan work. We track this in bytes to make it fast to update // and check for debt in the malloc hot path. The assist ratio // determines how this corresponds to scan work debt. gcAssistBytes int64 } 複製代碼
東西太多,目前能看懂的就是new過g後,分配了一個round2(_StackSystem + stacksize)
newg.stackguard0 = newg.stack.lo + _StackGuard
newg.stackguard1 = ^uintptr(0)
。將 Gdead 狀態的 g 添加到 allg切片中。dom
var (
allgs []*g
allglock mutex
func allgadd(gp *g) {
if readgstatus(gp) == _Gidle {
throw("allgadd: bad status Gidle")
allgs = append(allgs, gp)
allglen = uintptr(len(allgs))
type gobuf struct {
// The offsets of sp, pc, and g are known to (hard-coded in) libmach.
// ctxt is unusual with respect to GC: it may be a
// heap-allocated funcval, so GC needs to track it, but it
// needs to be set and cleared from assembly, where it's // difficult to have write barriers. However, ctxt is really a // saved, live register, and we only ever exchange it between // the real register and the gobuf. Hence, we treat it as a // root during stack scanning, which means assembly that saves // and restores it doesn't need write barriers. It's still // typed as a pointer so that any other writes from Go get // write barriers. sp uintptr pc uintptr g guintptr ctxt unsafe.Pointer ret sys.Uintreg lr uintptr bp uintptr // for GOEXPERIMENT=framepointer } 複製代碼
memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(&newg.sched), unsafe.Sizeof(newg.sched))
newg.sched.sp = sp
newg.stktopsp = sp
newg.sched.pc = funcPC(goexit) + sys.PCQuantum // +PCQuantum so that previous instruction is in same function
newg.sched.g = guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newg))
gostartcallfn(&newg.sched, fn)
func gostartcallfn(gobuf *gobuf, fv *funcval) {
var fn unsafe.Pointer
if fv != nil {
fn = unsafe.Pointer(fv.fn)
} else {
fn = unsafe.Pointer(funcPC(nilfunc))
gostartcall(gobuf, fn, unsafe.Pointer(fv))
casgstatus(newg, _Gdead, _Grunnable)
runqput(_p_, newg, true)
// runqput嘗試將g放置在本地可運行隊列中。
// 若是next爲false,則runqput將g添加到可運行隊列的尾部。
// 若是next爲true,則runqput將g放在_p_.runnext插槽中。
// 若是運行隊列已滿,則runnext將g放入全局隊列。
// 僅由全部者P執行。
func runqput(_p_ *p, gp *g, next bool) {
if randomizeScheduler && next && fastrand()%2 == 0 {
next = false
if next {
oldnext := _p_.runnext
if !_p_.runnext.cas(oldnext, guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gp))) {
goto retryNext
if oldnext == 0 {
// Kick the old runnext out to the regular run queue.
gp = oldnext.ptr()
h := atomic.LoadAcq(&_p_.runqhead) // load-acquire, synchronize with consumers
t := _p_.runqtail
if t-h < uint32(len(_p_.runq)) {
atomic.StoreRel(&_p_.runqtail, t+1) // store-release, makes the item available for consumption
if runqputslow(_p_, gp, h, t) {
// the queue is not full, now the put above must succeed
goto retry
type p struct {
lock mutex
id int32
status uint32 // one of pidle/prunning/...
link puintptr
schedtick uint32 // incremented on every scheduler call
syscalltick uint32 // incremented on every system call
sysmontick sysmontick // last tick observed by sysmon
m muintptr // back-link to associated m (nil if idle)
mcache *mcache
racectx uintptr
deferpool [5][]*_defer // pool of available defer structs of different sizes (see panic.go)
deferpoolbuf [5][32]*_defer
// Cache of goroutine ids, amortizes accesses to runtime·sched.goidgen.
goidcache uint64
goidcacheend uint64
// Queue of runnable goroutines. Accessed without lock.
// 可運行goroutines的隊列,訪問無需鎖,這個就是咱們上述建立的g存放的位置
runqhead uint32
runqtail uint32
runq [256]guintptr
// runnext(若是不是nil)是當前G準備好的可運行G,
// 若是正在運行的G的時間片中還有剩餘時間,則應下一個運行,而不是從runq中獲取G。
// 它將繼承當前時間片中剩餘的時間。
// 若是將一組goroutine鎖定爲通訊等待模式,
// 則此調度會將其設置爲一個單元,
// 並消除(可能很大的)調度延遲,
// 不然該延遲多是因爲將就緒的goroutine添加到運行隊列的末尾而引發的。
runnext guintptr
// Available G's (status == Gdead) gFree struct { gList n int32 } sudogcache []*sudog sudogbuf [128]*sudog tracebuf traceBufPtr // traceSweep indicates the sweep events should be traced. // This is used to defer the sweep start event until a span // has actually been swept. traceSweep bool // traceSwept and traceReclaimed track the number of bytes // swept and reclaimed by sweeping in the current sweep loop. traceSwept, traceReclaimed uintptr palloc persistentAlloc // per-P to avoid mutex // Per-P GC state gcAssistTime int64 // Nanoseconds in assistAlloc gcFractionalMarkTime int64 // Nanoseconds in fractional mark worker gcBgMarkWorker guintptr gcMarkWorkerMode gcMarkWorkerMode // gcMarkWorkerStartTime is the nanotime() at which this mark // worker started. gcMarkWorkerStartTime int64 // gcw is this P's GC work buffer cache. The work buffer is
// filled by write barriers, drained by mutator assists, and
// disposed on certain GC state transitions.
gcw gcWork
// wbBuf is this P's GC write barrier buffer. // // TODO: Consider caching this in the running G. wbBuf wbBuf runSafePointFn uint32 // if 1, run sched.safePointFn at next safe point pad cpu.CacheLinePad } 複製代碼
type m struct {
g0 *g // 用於執行調度指令的 goroutine
morebuf gobuf // gobuf arg to morestack
divmod uint32 // div/mod denominator for arm - known to liblink
// Fields not known to debuggers.
procid uint64 // for debuggers, but offset not hard-coded
gsignal *g // 處理 signal 的 g
goSigStack gsignalStack // Go-allocated signal handling stack
sigmask sigset // storage for saved signal mask
tls [6]uintptr // 線程本地存儲
mstartfn func()
curg *g // 當前運行的G
caughtsig guintptr // goroutine running during fatal signal
p puintptr // 執行 go 代碼時持有的 p (若是沒有執行則爲 nil)
nextp puintptr
oldp puintptr // the p that was attached before executing a syscall
id int64
mallocing int32
throwing int32
preemptoff string // if != "", keep curg running on this m
locks int32
dying int32
profilehz int32
spinning bool // m 當前沒有運行 work 且正處於尋找 work 的活躍狀態
blocked bool // m is blocked on a note
inwb bool // m is executing a write barrier
newSigstack bool // minit on C thread called sigaltstack
printlock int8
incgo bool // m is executing a cgo call
freeWait uint32 // if == 0, safe to free g0 and delete m (atomic)
fastrand [2]uint32
needextram bool
traceback uint8
ncgocall uint64 // number of cgo calls in total
ncgo int32 // number of cgo calls currently in progress
cgoCallersUse uint32 // if non-zero, cgoCallers in use temporarily
cgoCallers *cgoCallers // cgo traceback if crashing in cgo call
park note
alllink *m // on allm
schedlink muintptr
mcache *mcache
lockedg guintptr
createstack [32]uintptr // stack that created this thread.
lockedExt uint32 // tracking for external LockOSThread
lockedInt uint32 // tracking for internal lockOSThread
nextwaitm muintptr // next m waiting for lock
waitunlockf unsafe.Pointer // todo go func(*g, unsafe.pointer) bool
waitlock unsafe.Pointer
waittraceev byte
waittraceskip int
startingtrace bool
syscalltick uint32
thread uintptr // thread handle
freelink *m // on sched.freem
// these are here because they are too large to be on the stack
// of low-level NOSPLIT functions.
libcall libcall
libcallpc uintptr // for cpu profiler
libcallsp uintptr
libcallg guintptr
syscall libcall // stores syscall parameters on windows
vdsoSP uintptr // SP for traceback while in VDSO call (0 if not in call)
vdsoPC uintptr // PC for traceback while in VDSO call
➜ goroutinetest gdb main
GNU gdb (GDB) 8.3
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
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Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from main...
(No debugging symbols found in main)
Loading Go Runtime support.
(gdb) info files
Symbols from "/Users/zhaojunwei/workspace/src/just.for.test/goroutinetest/main".
Local exec file:
`/Users/zhaojunwei/workspace/src/just.for.test/goroutinetest/main', file type mach-o-x86-64. Entry point: 0x1052770 0x0000000001001000 - 0x0000000001093194 is .text 0x00000000010931a0 - 0x00000000010e1ace is __TEXT.__rodata 0x00000000010e1ae0 - 0x00000000010e1be2 is __TEXT.__symbol_stub1 0x00000000010e1c00 - 0x00000000010e2864 is __TEXT.__typelink 0x00000000010e2868 - 0x00000000010e28d0 is __TEXT.__itablink 0x00000000010e28d0 - 0x00000000010e28d0 is __TEXT.__gosymtab 0x00000000010e28e0 - 0x000000000115c108 is __TEXT.__gopclntab 0x000000000115d000 - 0x000000000115d158 is __DATA.__nl_symbol_ptr 0x000000000115d160 - 0x0000000001169c9c is __DATA.__noptrdata 0x0000000001169ca0 - 0x0000000001170610 is .data 0x0000000001170620 - 0x000000000118be50 is .bss 0x000000000118be60 - 0x000000000118e418 is __DATA.__noptrbss (gdb) (gdb) b *0x1052770 Breakpoint 1 at 0x1052770 (gdb) info br Num Type Disp Enb Address What 1 breakpoint keep y 0x0000000001052770 <_rt0_amd64_darwin> (gdb) 複製代碼
#include "textflag.h"
TEXT _rt0_amd64_darwin(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8
JMP _rt0_amd64(SB)
// When linking with -shared, this symbol is called when the shared library
// is loaded.
TEXT _rt0_amd64_darwin_lib(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
JMP _rt0_amd64_lib(SB)
是使用內部連接時大多數amd64系統的通用啓動代碼。 這是內核中普通-buildmode = exe程序的程序入口點。 堆棧保存參數數量和C風格的argv。
TEXT _rt0_amd64(SB),NOSPLIT,$-8
MOVQ 0(SP), DI // argc
LEAQ 8(SP), SI // argv
JMP runtime·rt0_go(SB)
TEXT runtime·rt0_go(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
// SP = stack; R0 = argc; R1 = argv
SUB $32, RSP
MOVW R0, 8(RSP) // argc
MOVD R1, 16(RSP) // argv
// create istack out of the given (operating system) stack.
// _cgo_init may update stackguard.
MOVD $runtime·g0(SB), g
MOVD $(-64*1024)(R7), R0
MOVD R0, g_stackguard0(g)
MOVD R0, g_stackguard1(g)
MOVD R0, (g_stack+stack_lo)(g)
MOVD R7, (g_stack+stack_hi)(g)
// if there is a _cgo_init, call it using the gcc ABI.
MOVD _cgo_init(SB), R12
CMP $0, R12
BEQ nocgo
MRS_TPIDR_R0 // load TLS base pointer
MOVD R0, R3 // arg 3: TLS base pointer
MOVD $runtime·tls_g(SB), R2 // arg 2: &tls_g
MOVD $0, R2 // arg 2: not used when using platform's TLS #endif MOVD $setg_gcc<>(SB), R1 // arg 1: setg MOVD g, R0 // arg 0: G SUB $16, RSP // reserve 16 bytes for sp-8 where fp may be saved. BL (R12) ADD $16, RSP nocgo: BL runtime·save_g(SB) // update stackguard after _cgo_init MOVD (g_stack+stack_lo)(g), R0 ADD $const__StackGuard, R0 MOVD R0, g_stackguard0(g) MOVD R0, g_stackguard1(g) // set the per-goroutine and per-mach "registers" MOVD $runtime·m0(SB), R0 // save m->g0 = g0 MOVD g, m_g0(R0) // save m0 to g0->m MOVD R0, g_m(g) BL runtime·check(SB) MOVW 8(RSP), R0 // copy argc MOVW R0, -8(RSP) MOVD 16(RSP), R0 // copy argv MOVD R0, 0(RSP) BL runtime·args(SB) BL runtime·osinit(SB) BL runtime·schedinit(SB) // create a new goroutine to start program MOVD $runtime·mainPC(SB), R0 // entry MOVD RSP, R7 MOVD.W $0, -8(R7) MOVD.W R0, -8(R7) MOVD.W $0, -8(R7) MOVD.W $0, -8(R7) MOVD R7, RSP BL runtime·newproc(SB) ADD $32, RSP // start this M BL runtime·mstart(SB) MOVD $0, R0 MOVD R0, (R0) // boom UNDEF 複製代碼
// The bootstrap sequence is:
// call osinit
// call schedinit
// make & queue new G
// call runtime·mstart
// The new G calls runtime·main.
func schedinit() {
// raceinit must be the first call to race detector.
// In particular, it must be done before mallocinit below calls racemapshadow.
_g_ := getg()
if raceenabled {
_g_.racectx, raceprocctx0 = raceinit()
// 設置最多啓動10000個操做系統線程,也是最多10000個M
sched.maxmcount = 10000
mcommoninit(_g_.m) // 初始化m0,由於從前面的代碼咱們知道g0->m = &m0
cpuinit() // must run before alginit
alginit() // maps must not be used before this call
modulesinit() // provides activeModules
typelinksinit() // uses maps, activeModules
itabsinit() // uses activeModules
initSigmask = _g_.m.sigmask
sched.lastpoll = uint64(nanotime())
// 系統中有多少核,就建立和初始化多少個p結構體對象
procs := ncpu
if n, ok := atoi32(gogetenv("GOMAXPROCS")); ok && n > 0 {
// 若是環境變量指定了GOMAXPROCS,則建立指定數量的p
procs = n
// 建立和初始化全局變量allp
if procresize(procs) != nil {
throw("unknown runnable goroutine during bootstrap")
// For cgocheck > 1, we turn on the write barrier at all times
// and check all pointer writes. We can't do this until after // procresize because the write barrier needs a P. if debug.cgocheck > 1 { writeBarrier.cgo = true writeBarrier.enabled = true for _, p := range allp { p.wbBuf.reset() } } if buildVersion == "" { // Condition should never trigger. This code just serves // to ensure runtime·buildVersion is kept in the resulting binary. buildVersion = "unknown" } } 複製代碼
func mcommoninit(mp *m) {
_g_ := getg()
// g0 stack won't make sense for user (and is not necessary unwindable). if _g_ != _g_.m.g0 { callers(1, mp.createstack[:]) } lock(&sched.lock) if sched.mnext+1 < sched.mnext { throw("runtime: thread ID overflow") } // m0分配的id,schedt結構體的mnext字段標識下一個可用的thread id. mp.id = sched.mnext sched.mnext++ checkmcount() mp.fastrand[0] = 1597334677 * uint32(mp.id) mp.fastrand[1] = uint32(cputicks()) if mp.fastrand[0]|mp.fastrand[1] == 0 { mp.fastrand[1] = 1 } mpreinit(mp) if mp.gsignal != nil { mp.gsignal.stackguard1 = mp.gsignal.stack.lo + _StackGuard } // Add to allm so garbage collector doesn't free g->m
// when it is just in a register or thread-local storage.
// allm掛到這裏,防止被垃圾回收
mp.alllink = allm
// NumCgoCall() iterates over allm w/o schedlock,
// so we need to publish it safely.
atomicstorep(unsafe.Pointer(&allm), unsafe.Pointer(mp))
// Allocate memory to hold a cgo traceback if the cgo call crashes.
if iscgo || GOOS == "solaris" || GOOS == "windows" {
mp.cgoCallers = new(cgoCallers)
func mstart() {
_g_ := getg()
// 經過檢查 g 執行佔的邊界來肯定是否爲系統棧
osStack := _g_.stack.lo == 0
if osStack {
// Initialize stack bounds from system stack.
// Cgo may have left stack size in stack.hi.
// minit may update the stack bounds.
size := _g_.stack.hi
if size == 0 {
size = 8192 * sys.StackGuardMultiplier
_g_.stack.hi = uintptr(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&size)))
_g_.stack.lo = _g_.stack.hi - size + 1024
// Initialize stack guards so that we can start calling
// both Go and C functions with stack growth prologues.
_g_.stackguard0 = _g_.stack.lo + _StackGuard
_g_.stackguard1 = _g_.stackguard0
// 啓動m
// Exit this thread.
if GOOS == "windows" || GOOS == "solaris" || GOOS == "plan9" || GOOS == "darwin" || GOOS == "aix" {
// Window, Solaris, Darwin, AIX and Plan 9 always system-allocate
// the stack, but put it in _g_.stack before mstart,
// so the logic above hasn't set osStack yet. osStack = true } mexit(osStack) } func mstart1() { _g_ := getg() if _g_ != _g_.m.g0 { throw("bad runtime·mstart") } // Record the caller for use as the top of stack in mcall and // for terminating the thread. // We're never coming back to mstart1 after we call schedule,
// so other calls can reuse the current frame.
save(getcallerpc(), getcallersp())
// Install signal handlers; after minit so that minit can
// prepare the thread to be able to handle the signals.
if _g_.m == &m0 {
if fn := _g_.m.mstartfn; fn != nil {
// 若是當前 m 並不是 m0,則要求綁定 p
if _g_.m != &m0 {
_g_.m.nextp = 0
func schedule() {
_g_ := getg()
if _g_.m.locks != 0 {
throw("schedule: holding locks")
if _g_.m.lockedg != 0 {
execute(_g_.m.lockedg.ptr(), false) // Never returns.
// We should not schedule away from a g that is executing a cgo call,
// since the cgo call is using the m's g0 stack. if _g_.m.incgo { throw("schedule: in cgo") } top: if sched.gcwaiting != 0 { gcstopm() goto top } if _g_.m.p.ptr().runSafePointFn != 0 { runSafePointFn() } var gp *g var inheritTime bool if trace.enabled || trace.shutdown { gp = traceReader() if gp != nil { casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable) traceGoUnpark(gp, 0) } } if gp == nil && gcBlackenEnabled != 0 { gp = gcController.findRunnableGCWorker(_g_.m.p.ptr()) } if gp == nil { // // 說明不在 GC // // 每調度 61 次,就檢查一次全局隊列,保證公平性 // 不然兩個 goroutine 能夠經過互相 respawn 一直佔領本地的 runqueue if _g_.m.p.ptr().schedtick%61 == 0 && sched.runqsize > 0 { lock(&sched.lock) // 從全局隊列中偷 g gp = globrunqget(_g_.m.p.ptr(), 1) unlock(&sched.lock) } } if gp == nil { gp, inheritTime = runqget(_g_.m.p.ptr()) if gp != nil && _g_.m.spinning { throw("schedule: spinning with local work") } } if gp == nil { gp, inheritTime = findrunnable() // 若是偷都偷不到,則休眠,在此阻塞 } // 該線程將運行goroutine,而且再也不自旋, // 所以,若是將其標記爲正在自旋,則須要當即將其重置並可能啓動新自旋的M。 if _g_.m.spinning { resetspinning() } if sched.disable.user && !schedEnabled(gp) { // Scheduling of this goroutine is disabled. Put it on // the list of pending runnable goroutines for when we // re-enable user scheduling and look again. lock(&sched.lock) if schedEnabled(gp) { // Something re-enabled scheduling while we // were acquiring the lock. unlock(&sched.lock) } else { sched.disable.runnable.pushBack(gp) sched.disable.n++ unlock(&sched.lock) goto top } } if gp.lockedm != 0 { // Hands off own p to the locked m, // then blocks waiting for a new p. startlockedm(gp) goto top } // 開始執行 execute(gp, inheritTime) } 複製代碼
func resetspinning() {
_g_ := getg()
if !_g_.m.spinning {
throw("resetspinning: not a spinning m")
_g_.m.spinning = false
nmspinning := atomic.Xadd(&sched.nmspinning, -1)
if int32(nmspinning) < 0 {
throw("findrunnable: negative nmspinning")
// M的喚醒策略故意有些保守,所以請檢查是否須要在此處喚醒另外一個P。
// 有關詳細信息,請參見文件頂部的「工做線程park/unpark」註釋。
if nmspinning == 0 && atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) > 0 {
嘗試再添加一個P以執行G。 當G變爲可運行時調用(newproc,就緒).該函數會調用startm(nil, true)
函數調度一些M以運行p(必要時建立M)。 若是p == nil
,則嘗試獲取一個空閒P,若是沒有空閒P則不執行任何操做。 能夠與m.p == nil
一塊兒運行,所以不容許寫障礙。 若是設置了旋轉,則調用者已增長nmspinning