Java 四種訪問權限
訪問等級比較:public > protected > default > private
- public:無論包外包內,全部類(子類+非子類)都可使用
- protected
- 包內:全部類可以使用
- 包外:子類可以使用,非子類不可以使用
- default
- 包內:全部類可以使用
- 包外:全部類不可以使用
- private:僅本類可以使用
public class Permission { private int privateValue = 1; public int publicValue = 1; protected int protectedValue = 1; int defaultValue = 1; void defaultFunc(){ System.out.println("This is a default function"); } public void publicFunc(){ System.out.println("This is a public function"); } protected void protectedFunc() { System.out.println("This is a protected function"); } private void privateFunc(){ System.out.println("This is a private function"); } }
public class SubPermission extends Permission{ public void permissionTest(){ // public, protected, default function and variable can be used System.out.println("this is a default value:" + this.defaultValue); System.out.println("this is a public value:" + this.publicValue); System.out.println("this is a protected value:" + this.protectedValue); this.publicFunc(); this.protectedFunc(); this.defaultFunc(); } }
import base.Test.Permission; public class Demo extends Permission { public static void main(String[] args) { // if is not a subclass, only public function and variable can be used Permission obj = new Permission(); obj.publicFunc(); System.out.println("this is a public value:" + obj.publicValue); // if is a subclass, public and protected function and variable can ba used Demo demo = new Demo(); demo.publicFunc(); demo.protectedFunc(); System.out.println("this is a public value:" + demo.publicValue); System.out.println("this is a protected value:" + demo.protectedValue); } }