(2)Processing Unit
The heart of any computer system is the central processing unit(CPU),located inside the computer's main box or system unit.
A processor is composed of two functional units—a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit-and a set of special workspaces called registers.
Figure 1-3 depicts its structure,in which the Internal CPU interconnection provides communication among the Control Unit,ALU,and Registers.
The control unit is the functional unit that the responsible for supervising the operation of the entire computer system.
The control unit fetches instructions form memory and determines their types of decodes them.It then breaks each instruction into a series of simple small steps or actions. By doing this,it controls the step-by-step operation of the entire computer system.
The arithmetic and logic unit(ALU) is the functional unit that provides the computer with logical and computational capabilities.Data are brought into the ALU by the control unit,and the ALU performs whatever arithmetic or logic operations are required to help carry out the instruction.
A register is a storage location inside the processor. Registers in the control unit are used to keep track of the overall status of the program that is running.Control unit registers store information such as the current instruction,the location of the next instruction to be executed,and the operands of the instruction. In the ALU,registers store data items that are addded,subtracted,multiplied, divided,and compared.Other registers store the results of arithmetic and logic operations.ide
(2)Processing UnitThe heart of any computer system is the central processing unit(CPU),located inside the computer's main box or system unit.
A processor is composed of two functional units—a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit-and a set of special workspaces called registers.
Figure 1-3 depicts its structure,in which the Internal CPU interconnection provides communication among the Control Unit,ALU,and Registers.
The control unit is the functional unit that the responsible for supervising the operation of the entire computer system.
The control unit fetches instructions form memory and determines their types of decodes them.
It then breaks each instruction into a series of simple small steps or actions.
By doing this,it controls the step-by-step operation of the entire computer system.
The arithmetic and logic unit(ALU) is the functional unit that provides the computer with logical and computational capabilities.
Data are brought into the ALU by the control unit,and the ALU performs whatever arithmetic or logic operations are required to help carry out the instruction.
A register is a storage location inside the processor.
Registers in the control unit are used to keep track of the overall status of the program that is running.
Control unit registers store information such as the current instruction,the location of the next instruction to be executed,and the operands of the instruction.
In the ALU,registers store data items that are addded,subtracted,multiplied, divided,and compared.
Other registers store the results of arithmetic and logic operations.
(2) 處理器
圖1-3 描述了處理器的結構。其中,CPU的內部互連機構提供了控制部件、算術邏輯部件和寄存器之間的通訊。