
CString Class From Microsoft MFC 


#ifndef __CSTRING__
#define __CSTRING__
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

#ifndef LPCSTR
#define LPCSTR const char*
#define LPTSTR char*

#ifndef BOOL 
#define BOOL int

#ifndef TRUE 
#define TRUE -1
#define FALSE 0

#define NOTFOUND -1 //在字符串中找不到指定的字符或子串

class SafeBuffer {
SafeBuffer(int nBufferLen) { if (nBufferLen > 0) m_pBuffer = new char[nBufferLen]; 
else m_pBuffer = 0; m_nLength = nBufferLen; memset(m_pBuffer, 0, nBufferLen);}
~SafeBuffer() { if(m_pBuffer) delete[] m_pBuffer; }
char* GetBuffer() { return m_pBuffer; }
operator char*() { return m_pBuffer; }
int GetLength() { return m_nLength; }
char * GetBufferSetLength(int nBufferLen);
char* m_pBuffer;
int m_nLength;

inline LPTSTR SafeBuffer::GetBufferSetLength(int nBufferLen)
    SafeBuffer sSave(m_nLength);
        delete [] m_pBuffer;
        m_pBuffer = new char[nBufferLen +1];
        memset(m_pBuffer,0,nBufferLen +1);
    else m_pBuffer=NULL;
    m_nLength = nBufferLen;
    if(sSave.GetBuffer()!=NULL && m_pBuffer!=NULL)
        int nSize;
        nSize = m_nLength;
        if(nSize > sSave.GetLength()) nSize = sSave.GetLength();
    return m_pBuffer;

struct CStringData
long nRefs;             // reference count
int nDataLength;        // length of data (including terminator)
int nAllocLength;       // length of allocation

char* data()           // TCHAR* to managed data
{ return (char*)(this+1); }
    nRefs = -1;
    nDataLength = 0;
    nAllocLength = 0;

class CString {
// Constructors

// constructs empty CString
// copy constructor
CString(const CString& CStringSrc);
// from a single character
CString(char ch, int nRepeat = 1);
// from an ANSI CString (converts to char)
CString(LPCSTR lpsz);
// subset of characters from an ANSI CString (converts to char)
CString(LPCSTR lpch, int nLength);
// from unsigned characters
CString(const unsigned char* psz);

// Attributes & Operations

// get data length
int GetLength() const { return GetData()->nDataLength; }
// TRUE if zero length
BOOL IsEmpty() const { return GetData()->nDataLength == 0; }
// clear contents to empty
void Empty();

operator LPCSTR() const { return m_pchData; }

// overloaded assignment

// ref-counted copy from another CString
const CString& operator=(const CString& CStringSrc);
// set CString content to single character
const CString& operator=(char ch);
// copy CString content from ANSI CString (converts to char)
const CString& operator=(LPCSTR lpsz);
// copy CString content from unsigned chars
const CString& operator=(const unsigned char* psz);

// CString concatenation

// concatenate from another CString
const CString& operator+=(const CString& CString);

// concatenate a single character
const CString& operator+=(char ch);
// concatenate a UNICODE character after converting it to char
const CString& operator+=(LPCSTR lpsz);

BOOL IsDigit() const;

//chDot: 小數點字符,好比'.'或','
BOOL IsDecimal(char chDot) const;

friend CString  operator+(const CString& CString1,
const CString& CString2);
friend CString  operator+(const CString& CString, char ch);
friend CString  operator+(char ch, const CString& CString);
friend CString  operator+(const CString& CString, LPCSTR lpsz);
friend CString  operator+(LPCSTR lpsz, const CString& CString);

// CString comparison

// straight character comparison
int Compare(LPCSTR lpsz) const { return strcmp(m_pchData, lpsz); }

// simple sub-CString extraction

// return nCount characters starting at zero-based nFirst
CString Mid(int nFirst, int nCount) const;
// return all characters starting at zero-based nFirst
CString Mid(int nFirst) const;
// return first nCount characters in CString
CString Left(int nCount) const;
// return nCount characters from end of CString
CString Right(int nCount) const;

// upper/lower/reverse conversion

// NLS aware conversion to uppercase
void MakeUpper();
// NLS aware conversion to lowercase
void MakeLower();

// trimming whitespace (either side)

// remove whitespace starting from right edge
void TrimRight();
// remove whitespace starting from left side
void TrimLeft();

void Trim();

// advanced manipulation

// replace occurrences of chOld with chNew
int Replace(LPCSTR lpszOld, LPCSTR lpszNew);
// remove occurrences of chRemove
int Remove(char chRemove);
// insert character at zero-based index; concatenates
// if index is past end of CString
int Delete(int nIndex, int nCount = 1);

// searching

// find character starting at left, -1 if not found
int Find(char ch) const;
// find character starting at right
int ReverseFind(char ch) const;
// find character starting at zero-based index and going right
int Find(char ch, int nStart) const;
// find first instance of any character in passed CString
int FindOneOf(LPCSTR lpszCharSet) const;
// find first instance of subCString
int Find(LPCSTR lpszSub) const;
// find first instance of subCString starting at zero-based index
int Find(LPCSTR lpszSub, int nStart) const;

// simple formatting

// printf-like formatting using passed CString
void Format(LPCSTR lpszFormat, ...);

LPTSTR GetBuffer(int nMinBufLength);
// release buffer, setting length to nNewLength (or to first nul if -1)
void ReleaseBuffer(int nNewLength = -1);
// get pointer to modifiable buffer exactly as long as nNewLength
LPTSTR GetBufferSetLength(int nNewLength);
// release memory allocated to but unused by string
void FreeExtra();

// Use LockBuffer/UnlockBuffer to turn refcounting off

// turn refcounting back on
LPTSTR LockBuffer();
// turn refcounting off
void UnlockBuffer();

// Implementation
int GetAllocLength() const;

LPTSTR m_pchData;   // pointer to ref counted string data

// implementation helpers
CStringData* GetData() const { return ((CStringData*)m_pchData)-1; }
void Init();
void AllocCopy(CString& dest, int nCopyLen, int nCopyIndex, int nExtraLen) const;
void AllocBuffer(int nLen);
void AssignCopy(int nSrcLen, LPCSTR lpszSrcData);
void ConcatCopy(int nSrc1Len, LPCSTR lpszSrc1Data, int nSrc2Len, LPCSTR lpszSrc2Data);
void ConcatInPlace(int nSrcLen, LPCSTR lpszSrcData);
void CopyBeforeWrite();
void AllocBeforeWrite(int nLen);
void Release();
static void Release(CStringData* pData);
static int SafeStrlen(LPCSTR lpsz) {return (lpsz == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(lpsz); }
static void FreeData(CStringData* pData);

BOOL operator==(const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
{ return s1.Compare(s2) == 0; }
BOOL operator<=(const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
{ return s1.Compare(s2) <= 0; }
BOOL operator<(const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
{ return s1.Compare(s2) < 0; }
BOOL operator>=(const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
{ return s1.Compare(s2) >= 0; }
BOOL operator>(const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
{ return s1.Compare(s2) > 0; }
BOOL operator==(const CString& s1, LPCSTR s2)
{ return s1.Compare(s2) == 0; }
BOOL operator==(LPCSTR s1, const CString& s2)
{ return s2.Compare(s1) == 0; }

BOOL operator!=(const CString& s1, const CString& s2)
{ return s1.Compare(s2) != 0; }
BOOL operator!=(const CString& s1, LPCSTR s2)
{ return s1.Compare(s2) != 0; }
BOOL operator!=(LPCSTR s1, const CString& s2)
{ return s2.Compare(s1) != 0; }

CString Space(int nLength) { return CString(' ', nLength); }

class NameList {
NameList(LPCSTR pSeparator = ";"){m_strSeparator = pSeparator; }
NameList(NameList& names);
NameList& operator=(NameList& names);
NameList& operator=(CString& s);

void Put(LPCSTR pItem) { m_strList += pItem; m_strList += m_strSeparator; }
CString Get();
int GetItemCount();

BOOL IsEmpty() { return m_strList.IsEmpty(); }

CString ToString();
CString m_strList;
CString m_strSeparator;

NameList::NameList(NameList& names)
m_strList = names.m_strList;
m_strSeparator = names.m_strSeparator;

NameList& NameList::operator=(NameList& names) 
m_strList = names.m_strList;
m_strSeparator = names.m_strSeparator;
return *this; 

CString NameList::Get()
int iPos = m_strList.Find(m_strSeparator);
if (iPos == -1)
return CString();
CString sRet = m_strList.Left(iPos);
m_strList = m_strList.Mid(iPos + strlen(m_strSeparator));
return sRet;

CString NameList::ToString()
return m_strList;

NameList& NameList::operator=(CString& s)
m_strList = s;
return *this;

CString itoa0(int iNo, int iLen);

CString itoa(int iNo);

void itoa(int iNo, char* buffer, int iDec = 10);

BOOL atot(tm& cDatetime, const CString& strADate, const CString& strATime = "", BOOL bHasCentury = TRUE);

//將tm轉換爲字符串, 若是pTime = 0, 則只轉換pDate, 轉換失敗返回FALSE
BOOL ttoa(tm& cDatetime, CString& strDate, CString& strTime, BOOL bHasCentury = TRUE);
