

做者:凱魯嘎吉 - 博客園


\renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{ \textbf{Input:}} %Use Input in the format of Algorithm
\renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{ \textbf{Output:}} %UseOutput in the format of Algorithm
% 參考:
% 例1
\caption{ Framework of ensemble learning for our system.} 
\begin{algorithmic}[1] %這個1 表示每一行都顯示數字
\REQUIRE ~~\\ %算法的輸入參數:Input
	The set of positive samples for current batch, $P_n$;\\
	The set of unlabelled samples for current batch, $U_n$;\\
	Ensemble of classifiers on former batches, $E_{n-1}$;
\ENSURE ~~\\ %算法的輸出:Output
	Ensemble of classifiers on the current batch, $E_n$;
	\STATE Extracting the set of reliable negative and/or positive samples $T_n$ from $U_n$ with help of $P_n$; 
	\STATE Training ensemble of classifiers $E$ on $T_n \cup P_n$, with help of data in former batches; 
	\STATE $E_n=E_{n-1}\cup E$; 
	\STATE Classifying samples in $U_n-T_n$ by $E_n$; 
	\STATE Deleting some weak classifiers in $E_n$ so as to keep the capacity of $E_n$; 
\RETURN $E_n$; %算法的返回值

% 例2
	\caption{An example}
		\STATE {set $r(t)=x(t)$} 
		\STATE set $h(t)=r(t)$ 
		\STATE set $h(t)=r(t)$ 
% 例3
	\caption{Calculate $y = x^n$} 
		\REQUIRE $n \geq 0 \vee x \neq 0$ 
		\ENSURE $y = x^n$ 
		\STATE $y \Leftarrow 1$ 
	\IF{$n < 0$} 
		\STATE $X \Leftarrow 1 / x$ 
		\STATE $N \Leftarrow -n$ 
		\STATE $X \Leftarrow x$ 
		\STATE $N \Leftarrow n$
	\WHILE{$N \neq 0$} 
		\IF{$N$ is even} 
			\STATE $X \Leftarrow X \times X$ 
			\STATE $N \Leftarrow N / 2$ 
		\ELSE[$N$ is odd] 
			\STATE $y \Leftarrow y \times X$ 
			\STATE $N \Leftarrow N - 1$ 
% 例4
	\caption{An example for format For \& While Loop in Algorithm}
		\FOR{each $i \in [1,9]$}
			\STATE initialize a tree $T_{i}$ with only a leaf (the root);\
			\STATE $T=T \cup T_{i};$\
		\FORALL {$c$ such that $c \in RecentMBatch(E_{n-1})$} 
			\STATE $T=T \cup PosSample(c)$; 
		\FOR{$i=1$; $i<n$; $i++$ }
			\STATE $//$ Your source here;
		\FOR{$i=1$ to $n$}
			\STATE $//$ Your source here;
			\STATE $//$ Reusing recent base classifiers. 
		\WHILE {$(|E_n| \leq L_1 )and( D \neq \phi)$}
			\STATE Selecting the most recent classifier $c_i$ from $D$;
			\STATE $D=D-c_i$;
			\STATE $E_n=E_n+c_i$;



 \usepackage[ruled]{algorithm2e}                 %算法排版樣式1
%\usepackage[ruled,vlined]{algorithm2e}          %算法排版樣式2
%\usepackage[linesnumbered,boxed]{algorithm2e}   %算法排版樣式3
% 參考:
% 例1
% \SetAlgoNoLine  %去掉以前的豎線
        \caption{How to write algorithms}
        \KwIn{this text}
        \KwOut{how to write algorithm with \LaTeX2e }
        initialization; \\
        \While{not at end of this document}{
            read current; \\
                    go to next section; \\
                    current section becomes this one; \\
                go back to the beginning of current section; \\
% 例2
 \SetAlgoNoLine  %去掉以前的豎線
  \KwIn{$r_i$, $Backgrd(T_i)$=${T_1,T_2,\ldots ,T_n}$ and similarity threshold $\theta_r$} 
    $con(r_i)= \Phi$; \\
    \For{$j=1;j \le n;j \ne i$} 
        float $maxSim=0$; \\ 
        $r^{maxSim}=null$; \\
        \While{not end of $T_j$} 
            compute Jaro($r_i,r_m$)($r_m\in T_j$); \\ 
            \If{$(Jaro(r_i,r_m) \ge \theta_r)\wedge (Jaro(r_i,r_m)\ge r^{maxSim})$} 
                replace $r^{maxSim}$ with $r_m$; \\ 
        $con(r_i)=con(r_i)\cup {r^{maxSim}}$; \\ 
    return $con(r_i)$; \\ 




[1] latex算法流程圖_開飛機的小毛驢兒-CSDN博客_latex 算法流程圖oop

[2] LaTeX 算法代碼排版 --latex2e範例總結 - Tsingke - 博客園 ui
