如今修復損壞的PDF文件,修復效果比較不錯的只有「Recovery Toolbox for PDF 」這個軟件的了,並且是收費的,很難找到破解版,只有windows版本。it
mutool clean bad.pdf good.pdfpdf
pdftocairo -pdf good.pdf best.pdffile
------ English version------im
The best PDF recovery software is 「Recovery Toolbox for PDF」 in Windows, but it is not free and no cracked version.
I find the useful tools for a long time, and find a best way in Linux to repair corrupted PDF file.Combining two methods will be good:tools
1.mutool clean bad.pdf good.pdf
This way pdf file is to be recovered the the most data .文件
2.pdftocairo -pdf good.pdf best.pdf
This way is to continue to recover the visible content.
mutool is from http://mupdf.com/ and pdftocairo is from poppler.
Original Page:http://superuser.com/questions/278562/how-can-i-fix-repair-a-corrupted-pdf-file