學習筆記之UML ( Unified Modeling Language )

Unified Modeling Language - Wikipediaapp

OMG | Object Management Groupide

What is Unified Modeling Language (UML)?ui

  • https://www.visual-paradigm.com/guide/uml-unified-modeling-language/what-is-uml/
  • What is Class Diagram?
    • https://www.visual-paradigm.com/guide/uml-unified-modeling-language/what-is-class-diagram/
    • Class Diagram - Diagram Tool Example
    • A class diagram may also have notes attached to classes or relationships. Notes are shown in grey. 
    • Class Diagram Example
    • In the example above:
    • We can interpret the meaning of the above class diagram by reading through the points as following.
      1. Shape is an abstract class. It is shown in Italics.
      2. Shape is a superclass. Circle, Rectangle and Polygon are derived from Shape. In other words, a Circle is-a Shape. This is a generalization / inheritance relationship.
      3. There is an association between DialogBox and DataController.
      4. Shape is part-of Window. This is an aggregation relationship. Shape can exist without Window.
      5. Point is part-of Circle. This is a composition relationship. Point cannot exist without a Circle.
      6. Window is dependent on Event. However, Event is not dependent on Window.
      7. The attributes of Circle are radius and center. This is an entity class.
      8. The method names of Circle are area(), circum(), setCenter() and setRadius().
      9. The parameter radius in Circle is an in parameter of type float.
      10. The method area() of class Circle returns a value of type double.
      11. The attributes and method names of Rectangle are hidden. Some other classes in the diagram also have their attributes and method names hidden.