一 技術棧:vuecli+vuejs2+mintUI+axiosjavascript
vuecli :腳手架工具 vuejs:前端框架 mintUI:基於vuejs移動端UI axios:vuejs ajax數據交互插件css
其中 node版本 v6.2.0前端
一、安裝vue-cli腳手架 cnpm install -g vue-clivue
1.1 cnpm是淘寶提供的鏡像工具 安裝辦法 $ npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
2.1 vue listwebpack
2.2 vue init webpack mintui(應用webpack模板 項目名稱爲mintui)ios
三、cd mintui / cnpm install / cnpm run devgit
cnpm install -g vue-cli
vue init webpack my-project
cd my-project
cnpm install
cnpm run dev
四、安裝stylus 不報錯方法 一、stylus-loader:"2.4.0" 二、cnpm install
五、目錄結構 src main.js -> 入口文件
App.vue -> vue大組件
components -> 組件目錄
attachment attachment.vue ->組件
<template> <div class="container"> <!-- 從vue2開始 須要有根節點 --> <transition name="router-fade" mode="out-in"> <!-- 路由切換淡入淡出的效果--> <router-view></router-view> <!-- 組件容器 --> </transition> </div> </template> <script type="text/javascript"> </script> <style lang="stylus" type="text/stylus"> <!-- stylus模板標籤 --> .router-fade-enter-active, .router-fade-leave-active transition opacity .3s .router-fade-enter, .router-fade-leave-active opacity 0 </style>
// The Vue build version to load with the `import` command // (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias. import Vue from 'vue'; //引入vue import App from './App'; //App.vue主組件 import VueRouter from 'vue-router'; //引入路由 import Vuex from 'vuex'; //引入vuex狀態管理 原本想用但由於還沒弄明白,暫時放着 import axios from 'axios'; //axios ajax與服務端數據接口交互須要的插件 import list from './components/list/list.vue'; //列表組件 import goods from './components/goods/goods.vue'; //樣本物流 import attachment from './components/attachment/attachment.vue'; //附件組件 import 'mint-ui/lib/style.css'; //mintui的樣式表 import MintUI from 'mint-ui'; //引入mint-ui mint-ui爲餓了麼開源的移動端UI import { Navbar, TabItem } from 'mint-ui'; //tab切換須要的 import { TabContainer, TabContainerItem } from 'mint-ui'; //tab切換 import { Search } from 'mint-ui'; //搜索 import { InfiniteScroll } from 'mint-ui'; //滾動加載 Vue.config.productionTip = false; // Vue.use(VueRouter); //使用路由 Vue.use(Vuex); //使用vuex Vue.use(MintUI); //使用mintUI Vue.use(InfiniteScroll); //使用滾動加載 //Vue.component(MtRadio.name, MtRadio); Vue.component(Navbar.name, Navbar); // Vue.component(TabItem.name, TabItem); Vue.component(TabContainer.name, TabContainer); Vue.component(TabContainerItem.name, TabContainerItem); Vue.component(Search.name, Search); let app = Vue.extend(App); const routes = [{ //定義路由 path:'/', //默認請求 component:list //列表頁 },{ path:'/attachment', //附件列表 component:attachment // },{ path:'/goods', // component:goods }]; const router = new VueRouter({ //註冊router routes }); /* eslint-disable no-new */ /*new Vue({ el: '#app', template: '<App/>', components: { App } })*/ let apps = new Vue({ //實例化vue template: '<App/>', components: { App }, router }).$mount("#app");
<template> <div class="list"> <mt-navbar v-model="selected"> <mt-tab-item id="1">已完成</mt-tab-item> <mt-tab-item id="2">未完成</mt-tab-item> </mt-navbar> <!-- tab-container --> <mt-tab-container v-model="selected"> <mt-tab-container-item id="1"> <ul> <li v-for="task in tasks"> <div class="irow"> <div class="ileft">患 者 姓 名</div> <div class="im">:</div> <div class="iright">{{task.HZNAME}}</div> </div> <div class="irow"> <div class="ileft">訂 單 編 號</div> <div class="im">:</div> <div class="iright">{{task.ORDERID}}</div> </div> <div class="irow"> <div class="ileft">檢測包條碼</div> <div class="im">:</div> <div class="iright">{{task.PKG_NUM}}</div> </div> <div class="irow"> <div class="ileft">檢 測 類 型</div> <div class="im">:</div> <div class="iright">{{task.EXAMNAME}}</div> </div> <div class="irow"> <div class="ileft">狀 態</div> <div class="im">:</div> <div class="iright">訂單未完成</div> </div> <div class="irow"> <div class="ileft">送 檢 日 期</div> <div class="im">:</div> <div class="iright">{{task.SEND_TIME}}</div> </div> <div class="icount"> <!-- <router-link to="./attachment"><mt-button type="primary" size="small">查看附件</mt-button></router-link> --> <router-link :to="{ path:'./attachment',query:{order_id: task.ORDERID}}"><mt-button type="primary" size="small">查看附件</mt-button></router-link> <router-link to="./goods"><mt-button type="primary" size="small">樣本物流</mt-button></router-link> <mt-button type="primary" size="small">報告物流</mt-button> </div> </li> </ul> <mt-button type="primary" size="large" @click="loadMore">加載更多</mt-button> </mt-tab-container-item> <mt-tab-container-item id="2"> <!-- <mt-cell v-for="n in 45" :title="'測試 ' + n" /> --> </mt-tab-container-item> </mt-tab-container> </div> </template> <script> import axios from 'axios'; import { Indicator } from 'mint-ui'; export default { data () { return { selected:'1', p:1, tasks:[] } }, methods:{ loadData (p) { Indicator.open('加載中...'); var that = this; axios.get("http://testqywx.origimed.com:18082/weixin-qy/order/Order/userOrderList.json?usercode=sysadmin&orderState=0&page="+p+"&rows=10") .then(response=>{let reason=response.data.reason;for(var v of reason){this.tasks.push(v)};Indicator.close();}); }, loadMore (){ this.p++; this.loadData(this.p); } }, mounted () { this.loadData(1); } } </script> <style lang="stylus" type="text/stylus"> .mint-tab-container margin-top 2px .container ul li list-style none ul padding 0 .irow width 100% height 30px line-height 30px .ileft width 40% float left text-align right .im float left width 5% padding 0 10px text-align center .iright width 40% float left .icount width 90% margin 10px auto 0 text-align center button margin-left 14px .page-infinite-loading text-align center line-height 50px </style>
<template> <div class="attachment"> <div v-for="task in tasks"> <div class="page-cell"> <a class="mint-cell"> <div class="mint-cell-left"></div> <div class="mint-cell-wrapper"> <div class="mint-cell-title"> <span class="mint-cell-text">附件名稱 : {{task.ATTACH_NAME}}</span> </div> <div class="mint-cell-value"> <span></span> </div> </div> <div class="mint-cell-right"></div> </a> <a class="mint-cell"><!----> <div class="mint-cell-left"></div> <div class="mint-cell-wrapper"> <div class="mint-cell-title"><!----> <span class="mint-cell-text"> <img v-bind:src=task.ATTACH_PATH width="120" height="120"> </span> <!----> </div> <div class="mint-cell-value"> <div class="iarticle"> <p>樣本ID:{{task.ATTACH_ID}}</p> <p>上傳環節:{{task.TO_DO}}</p> <p>上傳人:{{task.TRANS_NAME}}</p> <p>{{task.TRANS_TIME}}</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mint-cell-right"></div> <!----> </a> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import axios from 'axios'; export default{ data(){ return{ id:'', tasks:[] } }, methods:{ loadData:function(){ this.id = this.$route.query.order_id; axios.get("http://testqywx.origimed.com:18082/weixin-qy/order/Order/userOrderFilesList.json?usercode=sysadmin&orderId="+this.id) .then(response=>this.tasks=response.data.reason); } }, mounted(){ this.loadData(); } } </script> <style type="text/stylus" lang="stylus"> .mint-cell-title margin 10px 0 .iarticle width 179px height 150px .mint-cell margin-bottom 10px </style>