Ext.onReady(function() { var store = getJsonStore(); var cols = getCols(); var pagingbar = getPagingBar(store); var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ width : 700, height : 500, title : 'ExtJS.com - Browse Forums', store : store, trackMouseOver : true, disableSelection : false, loadMask : true, columns : cols, viewConfig : { forceFit : true }, bbar : pagingbar }); window.data = {}; window.data['grid'] = grid; grid.render(Ext.getBody()); store.load({ params : { start : 0, limit : 25 } }); }); function renderTopic(value, p, record) { return String.format('<b><a href="http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t={1}" target="_blank">{0}</a></b><a href="http://extjs.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f={3}" target="_blank">{1} Forum</a>', value, record.data.forumtitle, record.id, record.data.forumid); } function renderLast(value, p, r) { return String.format('{0}<br/>by {1}', value.dateFormat('M j, Y, g:i a'), r.data['lastposter']); } function getJsonStore() { var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ root : 'topics', totalProperty : 'totalCount', idProperty : 'threadid', remoteSort : true, fields : [ 'title', 'forumtitle', 'forumid', 'author', { name : 'replycount', type : 'int' }, { name : 'lastpost', mapping : 'lastpost', type : 'date', dateFormat : 'timestamp' }, 'lastposter', 'excerpt' ], proxy : new Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy({ url : 'http://extjs.com/forum/topics-browse-remote.php', nocache : true }), sortInfo : { field : 'lastpost', direction : 'desc' } }); return store; } function getCols() { var cols = [ { id : 'topic', header : "Topic", dataIndex : 'title', width : 420, renderer : renderTopic, sortable : true }, { header : "Author", dataIndex : 'author', width : 100, hidden : true, sortable : true }, { header : "Replies", dataIndex : 'replycount', width : 70, align : 'right', sortable : true }, { id : 'last', header : "Last Post", dataIndex : 'lastpost', width : 150, renderer : renderLast, sortable : true } ]; return cols; } function getPagingBar(store) { return new Ext.PagingToolbar({ pageSize : 25, store : store, displayInfo : true, displayMsg : 'Displaying topics {0} - {1} of {2}', emptyMsg : "No topics to display" }); }
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ width : 700, height : 500, title : 'ExtJS.com - Browse Forums', store : store, trackMouseOver : true,//這個屬性設置是會有mouseover改變底色背景的效果 disableSelection : false,//是否能夠進行行選擇,設爲true,行選後會改變底色背景 loadMask : true,//加載的時候有轉圈的那個等待圖片 columns : cols, viewConfig : { forceFit : true }, bbar : pagingbar//分頁條 });
var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ root : 'topics', //看下面拿到的數據的"topics":[{"title":"XTemplate w... totalProperty : 'totalCount', //看下面拿到的數據的"totalCount":"6679" idProperty : 'threadid',//"threadid":"133690" remoteSort : true, fields : [ {name : 'title', type : 'string'}, //type爲string字符串 'forumtitle', //string字符串簡寫形式 'forumid', 'author', {name : 'replycount', type : 'int'}, //type爲整形int,還有float { name : 'lastpost', mapping : 'lastpost', type : 'date', dateFormat : 'timestamp' }, //type爲日期date--注意這裏接收的數據爲System.currentTimeMillis()/1000 'lastposter', 'excerpt' ], proxy : new Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy({ url : 'http://extjs.com/forum/topics-browse-remote.php', nocache : true//加上這一句之後請求後面就不會有_dc=******** }), sortInfo : { field : 'lastpost', direction : 'desc' }//這樣寫之後就會在http請求後加上"?sort=lastpost&dir=DESC" });
{"totalCount":"6679","topics":[{"title":"XTemplate with in EditorGridPanel","threadid":"133690","username":"kpr@emco","userid":"272497","dateline":"1305604761","postid":"602876","forumtitle":"Ext 3.x: Help","forumid":"40","replycount":"2","lastpost":"1305857807","lastposter":"kpr@emco","excerpt":"Hi , \n \nI have an EditiorGridPanel whose one column i am using XTemplate to render and another Column is Combo Box Field .\nWhen i render the EditorGri..."},{"title":"IFrame error "_flyweights is undefined"","threadid":"133571","username":"Daz","userid":"52119","dateline":"1305533577","postid":"602456","forumtitle":"Ext 3.x: Help","forumid":"40","replycount":"1","lastpost":"1305857313","lastposter":"Daz","excerpt":"For Ext 3.3.0 using Firefox 4 & Firebug, the following error is often happening when our app loads:\n \"e._flyweights is undefined\".\n \n Yet, this ..."}]}
function getPagingBar(store) { return new Ext.PagingToolbar({ pageSize : 25,//每頁25條 store : store, displayMsg : 'Displaying topics {0} - {1} of {2}',//{0}是start{1}是end{2}是total,信息是自動填充的 displayInfo : true,//是否展現displayMsg信息 emptyMsg : "No topics to display"//若是沒有數據提示信息 }); }
注意,的{2}體現了JsonStore的totalProperty : 'totalCount',的意義所在,發出去的最終請求例如,https://www.sencha.com/forum/topics-browse-remote.php?start=0&limit=25&sort=lastpost&dir=DESC&_dc=1437646466940&callback=stcCallback1001url
function getCols() { var cols = [ { id : 'topic', header : "Topic", dataIndex : 'title', width : 420, renderer : renderTopic, sortable : true }, { header : "Author", dataIndex : 'author', width : 100, hidden : true, sortable : true }, { header : "Replies", dataIndex : 'replycount', width : 70, align : 'right', sortable : true }, { id : 'last', header : "Last Post", dataIndex : 'lastpost', width : 150, renderer : renderLast, sortable : true } ]; return cols; }
function renderLast(value, p, r) { return String.format('{0}<br/>by {1}', value.dateFormat('M j, Y, g:i a'), r.data['lastposter']);//格式還能夠是Ext.util.Format.date(d, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); }
{"title":"XTemplate with in EditorGridPanel","threadid":"133690","username":"kpr@emco","userid":"272497","dateline":"1305604761","postid":"602876","forumtitle":"Ext 3.x: Help","forumid":"40","replycount":"2","lastpost":"1305857807","lastposter":"kpr@emco","excerpt":"Hi , \n \nI have an EditiorGridPanel whose one column i am using XTemplate to render and another Column is Combo Box Field .\nWhen i render the EditorGri..."}
因此r.data['lastposter']就是1305857807,這裏的value就是調用renderLast的那個dataIndex->lastposter,注意這裏的1305857807須要乘以1000纔是秒,就是new Date(1305857807000),而這裏應該是系統幫你轉換了,若是之後有這裏時間轉換報錯能夠來看此博客。htm