
Oracle的Sun Java JDK包將被從Ubuntu的合做夥伴軟件倉庫中移除,在用戶機器中被禁用。 從Ubuntu中撤除「Java操做系統分發許可」的Oracle,表示Canonical將再也不有權限分發該包。這一變動將會影響 Ubuntu 10.04 LTs, Ubuntu 10.10 以及11.04 用戶。系統中裝有「sun-java-6」包的用戶將眼見其在將來的軟件更新當中被移除——確切的日期是「TBD」(abbr. to be determined 待決定)。

轉載請註明:Linux人社區> 英文資訊翻譯專版.編譯

Java To Be Removed from Ubuntu, Uninstalled from User Machines
posted by David Adams on Mon 19th Dec 2011 17:05 UTC, submitted by lucas_maximus
Oracle's Sun Java JDK packages are to be removed from the Ubuntu partner repositories and disabled on users systems. Oracle, in retiring the "Operating System Distributor License for Java," means Canonical no longer have permission to distribute the package. The change will affect Ubuntu 10.04 LTs, Ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04 users only. Users who have the "sun-java-6" package installed on their system will see it removed via a future software update -- the exact date of which is "TBD"   