
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''The client module is used to create a client connection to the publisherThe data structure needs to be:    {'enc': 'clear',     'load': {'fun': '<mod.callable>',              'arg':, ('arg1', 'arg2', ...),              'tgt': '<glob or id>',              'key': '<read in the key file>'}'''# The components here are simple, and they need to be and stay simple, we# want a client to have 3 external concerns, and maybe a forth configurable# option.# The concerns are:# 1. Who executes the command?# 2. What is the function being run?# 3. What arguments need to be passed to the function?# 4. How long do we wait for all of the replies?## Import python libsfrom __future__ import absolute_import, print_functionimport osimport sysimport timeimport copyimport errnoimport loggingimport refrom datetime import datetime# Import 3rd-party libs# Import salt libsimport salt.configimport salt.minionimport salt.payloadimport salt.transportimport salt.loaderimport salt.minionimport salt.utilsimport salt.utils.argsimport salt.utils.eventimport salt.utils.minionsimport salt.utils.verifyimport salt.utils.jidimport salt.syspaths as syspathsfrom salt.exceptions import (    EauthAuthenticationError, SaltInvocationError, SaltReqTimeoutError,    SaltClientError, PublishError)# Import third party libsimport salt.ext.six as six# pylint: disable=import-errortry:    import zmq    HAS_ZMQ = Trueexcept ImportError:    HAS_ZMQ = False# Try to import range from https://github.com/ytoolshed/rangeHAS_RANGE = Falsetry:    import seco.range    HAS_RANGE = Trueexcept ImportError:    pass# pylint: enable=import-error# Import tornadoimport tornado.gen  # pylint: disable=F0401log = logging.getLogger(__name__)def get_local_client(        c_path=os.path.join(syspaths.CONFIG_DIR, 'master'),        mopts=None,        skip_perm_errors=False,        io_loop=None):    '''    .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0    Read in the config and return the correct LocalClient object based on    the configured transport    :param IOLoop io_loop: io_loop used for events.                           Pass in an io_loop if you want asynchronous                           operation for obtaining events. Eg use of                           set_event_handler() API. Otherwise, operation                           will be synchronous.    '''    if mopts:        opts = mopts    else:        # Late import to prevent circular import        import salt.config        opts = salt.config.client_config(c_path)    if opts['transport'] == 'raet':        import salt.client.raet        return salt.client.raet.LocalClient(mopts=opts)    # TODO: AIO core is separate from transport    elif opts['transport'] in ('zeromq', 'tcp'):        return LocalClient(            mopts=opts,            skip_perm_errors=skip_perm_errors,            io_loop=io_loop)class LocalClient(object):    '''    The interface used by the :command:`salt` CLI tool on the Salt Master    ``LocalClient`` is used to send a command to Salt minions to execute    :ref:`execution modules <all-salt.modules>` and return the results to the    Salt Master.    Importing and using ``LocalClient`` must be done on the same machine as the    Salt Master and it must be done using the same user that the Salt Master is    running as. (Unless :conf_master:`external_auth` is configured and    authentication credentials are included in the execution).    .. code-block:: python        import salt.client        local = salt.client.LocalClient()        local.cmd('*', 'test.fib', [10])    '''    def __init__(self,                 c_path=os.path.join(syspaths.CONFIG_DIR, 'master'),                 mopts=None, skip_perm_errors=False,                 io_loop=None):        '''        :param IOLoop io_loop: io_loop used for events.                               Pass in an io_loop if you want asynchronous                               operation for obtaining events. Eg use of                               set_event_handler() API. Otherwise,                               operation will be synchronous.        '''        if mopts:            self.opts = mopts        else:            if os.path.isdir(c_path):                log.warning(                    '{0} expects a file path not a directory path({1}) to '                    'it\'s \'c_path\' keyword argument'.format(                        self.__class__.__name__, c_path                    )                )            self.opts = salt.config.client_config(c_path)        self.serial = salt.payload.Serial(self.opts)        self.salt_user = salt.utils.get_specific_user()        self.skip_perm_errors = skip_perm_errors        self.key = self.__read_master_key()        self.event = salt.utils.event.get_event(                'master',                self.opts['sock_dir'],                self.opts['transport'],                opts=self.opts,                listen=False,                io_loop=io_loop)        self.utils = salt.loader.utils(self.opts)        self.functions = salt.loader.minion_mods(self.opts, utils=self.utils)        self.returners = salt.loader.returners(self.opts, self.functions)    def __read_master_key(self):        '''        Read in the rotating master authentication key        '''        key_user = self.salt_user        if key_user == 'root':            if self.opts.get('user', 'root') != 'root':                key_user = self.opts.get('user', 'root')        if key_user.startswith('sudo_'):            key_user = self.opts.get('user', 'root')        keyfile = os.path.join(self.opts['cachedir'],                               '.{0}_key'.format(key_user))        # Make sure all key parent directories are accessible        salt.utils.verify.check_path_traversal(self.opts['cachedir'],                                               key_user,                                               self.skip_perm_errors)        try:            with salt.utils.fopen(keyfile, 'r') as key:                return key.read()        except (OSError, IOError):            # Fall back to eauth            return ''    def _convert_range_to_list(self, tgt):        '''        convert a seco.range range into a list target        '''        range_ = seco.range.Range(self.opts['range_server'])        try:            return range_.expand(tgt)        except seco.range.RangeException as err:            print('Range server exception: {0}'.format(err))            return []    def _get_timeout(self, timeout):        '''        Return the timeout to use        '''        if timeout is None:            return self.opts['timeout']        if isinstance(timeout, int):            return timeout        if isinstance(timeout, six.string_types):            try:                return int(timeout)            except ValueError:                return self.opts['timeout']        # Looks like the timeout is invalid, use config        return self.opts['timeout']    def gather_job_info(self, jid, tgt, tgt_type, **kwargs):        '''        Return the information about a given job        '''        log.debug('Checking whether jid {0} is still running'.format(jid))        timeout = self.opts['gather_job_timeout']        pub_data = self.run_job(tgt,                                'saltutil.find_job',                                arg=[jid],                                expr_form=tgt_type,                                timeout=timeout,                                **kwargs                               )        if 'jid' in pub_data:            self.event.subscribe(pub_data['jid'])        return pub_data    def _check_pub_data(self, pub_data):        '''        Common checks on the pub_data data structure returned from running pub        '''        if not pub_data:            # Failed to autnenticate, this could be a bunch of things            raise EauthAuthenticationError(                'Failed to authenticate! This is most likely because this '                'user is not permitted to execute commands, but there is a '                'small possibility that a disk error occurred (check '                'disk/inode usage).'            )        # Failed to connect to the master and send the pub        if 'jid' not in pub_data:            return {}        if pub_data['jid'] == '0':            print('Failed to connect to the Master, '                  'is the Salt Master running?')            return {}        # If we order masters (via a syndic), don't short circuit if no minions        # are found        if not self.opts.get('order_masters'):            # Check for no minions            if not pub_data['minions']:                print('No minions matched the target. '                      'No command was sent, no jid was assigned.')                return {}        else:            self.event.subscribe('syndic/.*/{0}'.format(pub_data['jid']), 'regex')        self.event.subscribe('salt/job/{0}'.format(pub_data['jid']))        return pub_data    def run_job(            self,            tgt,            fun,            arg=(),            expr_form='glob',            ret='',            timeout=None,            jid='',            kwarg=None,            **kwargs):        '''        Asynchronously send a command to connected minions        Prep the job directory and publish a command to any targeted minions.        :return: A dictionary of (validated) ``pub_data`` or an empty            dictionary on failure. The ``pub_data`` contains the job ID and a            list of all minions that are expected to return data.        .. code-block:: python            >>> local.run_job('*', 'test.sleep', [300])            {'jid': '20131219215650131543', 'minions': ['jerry']}        '''        arg = salt.utils.args.condition_input(arg, kwarg)        try:            pub_data = self.pub(                tgt,                fun,                arg,                expr_form,                ret,                jid=jid,                timeout=self._get_timeout(timeout),                **kwargs)        except SaltClientError:            # Re-raise error with specific message            raise SaltClientError(                'The salt master could not be contacted. Is master running?'            )        except Exception as general_exception:            # Convert to generic client error and pass along mesasge            raise SaltClientError(general_exception)        return self._check_pub_data(pub_data)    def cmd_async(            self,            tgt,            fun,            arg=(),            expr_form='glob',            ret='',            jid='',            kwarg=None,            **kwargs):        '''        Asynchronously send a command to connected minions        The function signature is the same as :py:meth:`cmd` with the        following exceptions.        :returns: A job ID or 0 on failure.        .. code-block:: python            >>> local.cmd_async('*', 'test.sleep', [300])            '20131219215921857715'        '''        arg = salt.utils.args.condition_input(arg, kwarg)        pub_data = self.run_job(tgt,                                fun,                                arg,                                expr_form,                                ret,                                jid=jid,                                **kwargs)        try:            return pub_data['jid']        except KeyError:            return 0    def cmd_subset(            self,            tgt,            fun,            arg=(),            expr_form='glob',            ret='',            kwarg=None,            sub=3,            cli=False,            progress=False,            **kwargs):        '''        Execute a command on a random subset of the targeted systems        The function signature is the same as :py:meth:`cmd` with the        following exceptions.        :param sub: The number of systems to execute on        .. code-block:: python            >>> SLC.cmd_subset('*', 'test.ping', sub=1)            {'jerry': True}        '''        group = self.cmd(tgt, 'sys.list_functions', expr_form=expr_form, **kwargs)        f_tgt = []        for minion, ret in six.iteritems(group):            if len(f_tgt) >= sub:                break            if fun in ret:                f_tgt.append(minion)        func = self.cmd        if cli:            func = self.cmd_cli        return func(                f_tgt,                fun,                arg,                expr_form='list',                ret=ret,                kwarg=kwarg,                progress=progress,                **kwargs)    def cmd_batch(            self,            tgt,            fun,            arg=(),            expr_form='glob',            ret='',            kwarg=None,            batch='10%',            **kwargs):        '''        Iteratively execute a command on subsets of minions at a time        The function signature is the same as :py:meth:`cmd` with the        following exceptions.        :param batch: The batch identifier of systems to execute on        :returns: A generator of minion returns        .. code-block:: python            >>> returns = local.cmd_batch('*', 'state.highstate', bat='10%')            >>> for ret in returns:            ...     print(ret)            {'jerry': {...}}            {'dave': {...}}            {'stewart': {...}}        '''        import salt.cli.batch        arg = salt.utils.args.condition_input(arg, kwarg)        opts = {'tgt': tgt,                'fun': fun,                'arg': arg,                'expr_form': expr_form,                'ret': ret,                'batch': batch,                'raw': kwargs.get('raw', False)}        for key, val in six.iteritems(self.opts):            if key not in opts:                opts[key] = val        batch = salt.cli.batch.Batch(opts, quiet=True)        for ret in batch.run():            yield ret    def cmd(            self,            tgt,            fun,            arg=(),            timeout=None,            expr_form='glob',            ret='',            jid='',            kwarg=None,            **kwargs):        '''        Synchronously execute a command on targeted minions        The cmd method will execute and wait for the timeout period for all        minions to reply, then it will return all minion data at once.        .. code-block:: python            >>> import salt.client            >>> local = salt.client.LocalClient()            >>> local.cmd('*', 'cmd.run', ['whoami'])            {'jerry': 'root'}        With extra keyword arguments for the command function to be run:        .. code-block:: python            local.cmd('*', 'test.arg', ['arg1', 'arg2'], kwarg={'foo': 'bar'})        Compound commands can be used for multiple executions in a single        publish. Function names and function arguments are provided in separate        lists but the index values must correlate and an empty list must be        used if no arguments are required.        .. code-block:: python            >>> local.cmd('*', [                    'grains.items',                    'sys.doc',                    'cmd.run',                ],                [                    [],                    [],                    ['uptime'],                ])        :param tgt: Which minions to target for the execution. Default is shell            glob. Modified by the ``expr_form`` option.        :type tgt: string or list        :param fun: The module and function to call on the specified minions of            the form ``module.function``. For example ``test.ping`` or            ``grains.items``.            Compound commands                Multiple functions may be called in a single publish by                passing a list of commands. This can dramatically lower                overhead and speed up the application communicating with Salt.                This requires that the ``arg`` param is a list of lists. The                ``fun`` list and the ``arg`` list must correlate by index                meaning a function that does not take arguments must still have                a corresponding empty list at the expected index.        :type fun: string or list of strings        :param arg: A list of arguments to pass to the remote function. If the            function takes no arguments ``arg`` may be omitted except when            executing a compound command.        :type arg: list or list-of-lists        :param timeout: Seconds to wait after the last minion returns but            before all minions return.        :param expr_form: The type of ``tgt``. Allowed values:            * ``glob`` - Bash glob completion - Default            * ``pcre`` - Perl style regular expression            * ``list`` - Python list of hosts            * ``grain`` - Match based on a grain comparison            * ``grain_pcre`` - Grain comparison with a regex            * ``pillar`` - Pillar data comparison            * ``pillar_pcre`` - Pillar data comparison with a regex            * ``nodegroup`` - Match on nodegroup            * ``range`` - Use a Range server for matching            * ``compound`` - Pass a compound match string        :param ret: The returner to use. The value passed can be single            returner, or a comma delimited list of returners to call in order            on the minions        :param kwarg: A dictionary with keyword arguments for the function.        :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments.            Authentication credentials may be passed when using            :conf_master:`external_auth`.            For example: ``local.cmd('*', 'test.ping', username='saltdev',            password='saltdev', eauth='pam')``.            Or: ``local.cmd('*', 'test.ping',            token='5871821ea51754fdcea8153c1c745433')``        :returns: A dictionary with the result of the execution, keyed by            minion ID. A compound command will return a sub-dictionary keyed by            function name.        '''        arg = salt.utils.args.condition_input(arg, kwarg)        pub_data = self.run_job(tgt,                                fun,                                arg,                                expr_form,                                ret,                                timeout,                                jid,                                **kwargs)        if not pub_data:            return pub_data        ret = {}        for fn_ret in self.get_cli_event_returns(                pub_data['jid'],                pub_data['minions'],                self._get_timeout(timeout),                tgt,                expr_form,                **kwargs):            if fn_ret:                for mid, data in six.iteritems(fn_ret):                    ret[mid] = data.get('ret', {})        return ret    def cmd_cli(            self,            tgt,            fun,            arg=(),            timeout=None,            expr_form='glob',            ret='',            verbose=False,            kwarg=None,            progress=False,            **kwargs):        '''        Used by the :command:`salt` CLI. This method returns minion returns as        the come back and attempts to block until all minions return.        The function signature is the same as :py:meth:`cmd` with the        following exceptions.        :param verbose: Print extra information about the running command        :returns: A generator        '''        arg = salt.utils.args.condition_input(arg, kwarg)        pub_data = self.run_job(            tgt,            fun,            arg,            expr_form,            ret,            timeout,            **kwargs)        if not pub_data:            yield pub_data        else:            try:                for fn_ret in self.get_cli_event_returns(                        pub_data['jid'],                        pub_data['minions'],                        self._get_timeout(timeout),                        tgt,                        expr_form,                        verbose,                        progress,                        **kwargs):                    if not fn_ret:                        continue                    yield fn_ret            except KeyboardInterrupt:                msg = ('Exiting on Ctrl-C\nThis job\'s jid is:\n{0}\n'                       'The minions may not have all finished running and any '                       'remaining minions will return upon completion. To '                       'look up the return data for this job later run:\n'                       'salt-run jobs.lookup_jid {0}').format(pub_data['jid'])                raise SystemExit(msg)    def cmd_iter(            self,            tgt,            fun,            arg=(),            timeout=None,            expr_form='glob',            ret='',            kwarg=None,            **kwargs):        '''        Yields the individual minion returns as they come in        The function signature is the same as :py:meth:`cmd` with the        following exceptions.        :return: A generator yielding the individual minion returns        .. code-block:: python            >>> ret = local.cmd_iter('*', 'test.ping')            >>> for i in ret:            ...     print(i)            {'jerry': {'ret': True}}            {'dave': {'ret': True}}            {'stewart': {'ret': True}}        '''        arg = salt.utils.args.condition_input(arg, kwarg)        pub_data = self.run_job(            tgt,            fun,            arg,            expr_form,            ret,            timeout,            **kwargs)        if not pub_data:            yield pub_data        else:            for fn_ret in self.get_iter_returns(pub_data['jid'],                                                pub_data['minions'],                                                timeout=self._get_timeout(timeout),                                                tgt=tgt,                                                tgt_type=expr_form,                                                **kwargs):                if not fn_ret:                    continue                yield fn_ret    def cmd_iter_no_block(            self,            tgt,            fun,            arg=(),            timeout=None,            expr_form='glob',            ret='',            kwarg=None,            **kwargs):        '''        Yields the individual minion returns as they come in, or None            when no returns are available.        The function signature is the same as :py:meth:`cmd` with the        following exceptions.        :returns: A generator yielding the individual minion returns, or None            when no returns are available. This allows for actions to be            injected in between minion returns.        .. code-block:: python            >>> ret = local.cmd_iter_no_block('*', 'test.ping')            >>> for i in ret:            ...     print(i)            None            {'jerry': {'ret': True}}            {'dave': {'ret': True}}            None            {'stewart': {'ret': True}}        '''        arg = salt.utils.args.condition_input(arg, kwarg)        pub_data = self.run_job(            tgt,            fun,            arg,            expr_form,            ret,            timeout,            **kwargs)        if not pub_data:            yield pub_data        else:            for fn_ret in self.get_iter_returns(pub_data['jid'],                                                pub_data['minions'],                                                timeout=timeout,                                                tgt=tgt,                                                tgt_type=expr_form,                                                block=False,                                                **kwargs):                yield fn_ret    def cmd_full_return(            self,            tgt,            fun,            arg=(),            timeout=None,            expr_form='glob',            ret='',            verbose=False,            kwarg=None,            **kwargs):        '''        Execute a salt command and return        '''        arg = salt.utils.args.condition_input(arg, kwarg)        pub_data = self.run_job(            tgt,            fun,            arg,            expr_form,            ret,            timeout,            **kwargs)        if not pub_data:            return pub_data        return (self.get_cli_static_event_returns(pub_data['jid'],                                                  pub_data['minions'],                                                  timeout,                                                  tgt,                                                  expr_form,                                                  verbose))    def get_cli_returns(            self,            jid,            minions,            timeout=None,            tgt='*',            tgt_type='glob',            verbose=False,            show_jid=False,            **kwargs):        '''        Starts a watcher looking at the return data for a specified JID        :returns: all of the information for the JID        '''        if verbose:            msg = 'Executing job with jid {0}'.format(jid)            print(msg)            print('-' * len(msg) + '\n')        elif show_jid:            print('jid: {0}'.format(jid))        if timeout is None:            timeout = self.opts['timeout']        fret = {}        # make sure the minions is a set (since we do set operations on it)        minions = set(minions)        found = set()        # start this before the cache lookup-- in case new stuff comes in        event_iter = self.get_event_iter_returns(jid, minions, timeout=timeout)        # get the info from the cache        ret = self.get_cache_returns(jid)        if ret != {}:            found.update(set(ret))            yield ret        # if you have all the returns, stop        if len(found.intersection(minions)) >= len(minions):            raise StopIteration()        # otherwise, get them from the event system        for event in event_iter:            if event != {}:                found.update(set(event))                yield event            if len(found.intersection(minions)) >= len(minions):                raise StopIteration()    # TODO: tests!!    def get_returns_no_block(            self,            tag,            match_type=None):        '''        Raw function to just return events of jid excluding timeout logic        Yield either the raw event data or None        Pass a list of additional regular expressions as `tags_regex` to search        the event bus for non-return data, such as minion lists returned from        syndics.        '''        while True:            raw = self.event.get_event(wait=0.01, tag=tag, match_type=match_type, full=True, no_block=True)            yield raw    def get_iter_returns(            self,            jid,            minions,            timeout=None,            tgt='*',            tgt_type='glob',            expect_minions=False,            block=True,            **kwargs):        '''        Watch the event system and return job data as it comes in        :returns: all of the information for the JID        '''        if not isinstance(minions, set):            if isinstance(minions, six.string_types):                minions = set([minions])            elif isinstance(minions, (list, tuple)):                minions = set(list(minions))        if timeout is None:            timeout = self.opts['timeout']        start = int(time.time())        # timeouts per minion, id_ -> timeout time        minion_timeouts = {}        found = set()        # Check to see if the jid is real, if not return the empty dict        try:            if self.returners['{0}.get_load'.format(self.opts['master_job_cache'])](jid) == {}:                log.warning('jid does not exist')                yield {}                # stop the iteration, since the jid is invalid                raise StopIteration()        except Exception as exc:            log.warning('Returner unavailable: {exc}'.format(exc=exc))        # Wait for the hosts to check in        last_time = False        # iterator for this job's return        if self.opts['order_masters']:            # If we are a MoM, we need to gather expected minions from downstreams masters.            ret_iter = self.get_returns_no_block('(salt/job|syndic/.*)/{0}'.format(jid), 'regex')        else:            ret_iter = self.get_returns_no_block('salt/job/{0}'.format(jid))        # iterator for the info of this job        jinfo_iter = []        timeout_at = time.time() + timeout        gather_syndic_wait = time.time() + self.opts['syndic_wait']        # are there still minions running the job out there        # start as True so that we ping at least once        minions_running = True        log.debug(            'get_iter_returns for jid {0} sent to {1} will timeout at {2}'.format(                jid, minions, datetime.fromtimestamp(timeout_at).time()            )        )        while True:            # Process events until timeout is reached or all minions have returned            for raw in ret_iter:                # if we got None, then there were no events                if raw is None:                    break                if 'minions' in raw.get('data', {}):                    minions.update(raw['data']['minions'])                    continue                if 'return' not in raw['data']:                    continue                if kwargs.get('raw', False):                    found.add(raw['data']['id'])                    yield raw                else:                    found.add(raw['data']['id'])                    ret = {raw['data']['id']: {'ret': raw['data']['return']}}                    if 'out' in raw['data']:                        ret[raw['data']['id']]['out'] = raw['data']['out']                    if 'retcode' in raw['data']:                        ret[raw['data']['id']]['retcode'] = raw['data']['retcode']                    if kwargs.get('_cmd_meta', False):                        ret[raw['data']['id']].update(raw['data'])                    log.debug('jid {0} return from {1}'.format(jid, raw['data']['id']))                    yield ret            # if we have all of the returns (and we aren't a syndic), no need for anything fancy            if len(found.intersection(minions)) >= len(minions) and not self.opts['order_masters']:                # All minions have returned, break out of the loop                log.debug('jid {0} found all minions {1}'.format(jid, found))                break            elif len(found.intersection(minions)) >= len(minions) and self.opts['order_masters']:                if len(found) >= len(minions) and len(minions) > 0 and time.time() > gather_syndic_wait:                    # There were some minions to find and we found them                    # However, this does not imply that *all* masters have yet responded with expected minion lists.                    # Therefore, continue to wait up to the syndic_wait period (calculated in gather_syndic_wait) to see                    # if additional lower-level masters deliver their lists of expected                    # minions.                    break            # If we get here we may not have gathered the minion list yet. Keep waiting            # for all lower-level masters to respond with their minion lists            # let start the timeouts for all remaining minions            for id_ in minions - found:                # if we have a new minion in the list, make sure it has a timeout                if id_ not in minion_timeouts:                    minion_timeouts[id_] = time.time() + timeout            # if the jinfo has timed out and some minions are still running the job            # re-do the ping            if time.time() > timeout_at and minions_running:                # since this is a new ping, no one has responded yet                jinfo = self.gather_job_info(jid, tgt, tgt_type, **kwargs)                minions_running = False                # if we weren't assigned any jid that means the master thinks                # we have nothing to send                if 'jid' not in jinfo:                    jinfo_iter = []                else:                    jinfo_iter = self.get_returns_no_block('salt/job/{0}'.format(jinfo['jid']))                timeout_at = time.time() + self.opts['gather_job_timeout']                # if you are a syndic, wait a little longer                if self.opts['order_masters']:                    timeout_at += self.opts.get('syndic_wait', 1)            # check for minions that are running the job still            for raw in jinfo_iter:                # if there are no more events, lets stop waiting for the jinfo                if raw is None:                    break                # TODO: move to a library??                if 'minions' in raw.get('data', {}):                    minions.update(raw['data']['minions'])                    continue                if 'syndic' in raw.get('data', {}):                    minions.update(raw['syndic'])                    continue                if 'return' not in raw.get('data', {}):                    continue                # if the job isn't running there anymore... don't count                if raw['data']['return'] == {}:                    continue                # if we didn't originally target the minion, lets add it to the list                if raw['data']['id'] not in minions:                    minions.add(raw['data']['id'])                # update this minion's timeout, as long as the job is still running                minion_timeouts[raw['data']['id']] = time.time() + timeout                # a minion returned, so we know its running somewhere                minions_running = True            # if we have hit gather_job_timeout (after firing the job) AND            # if we have hit all minion timeouts, lets call it            now = time.time()            # if we have finished waiting, and no minions are running the job            # then we need to see if each minion has timedout            done = (now > timeout_at) and not minions_running            if done:                # if all minions have timeod out                for id_ in minions - found:                    if now < minion_timeouts[id_]:                        done = False                        break            if done:                break            # don't spin            if block:                time.sleep(0.01)            else:                yield        if expect_minions:            for minion in list((minions - found)):                yield {minion: {'failed': True}}    def get_returns(            self,            jid,            minions,            timeout=None):        '''        Get the returns for the command line interface via the event system        '''        minions = set(minions)        if timeout is None:            timeout = self.opts['timeout']        start = int(time.time())        timeout_at = start + timeout        log.debug(            'get_returns for jid {0} sent to {1} will timeout at {2}'.format(                jid, minions, datetime.fromtimestamp(timeout_at).time()            )        )        found = set()        ret = {}        # Check to see if the jid is real, if not return the empty dict        try:            if self.returners['{0}.get_load'.format(self.opts['master_job_cache'])](jid) == {}:                log.warning('jid does not exist')                return ret        except Exception as exc:            raise SaltClientError('Master job cache returner [{0}] failed to verify jid. '                                  'Exception details: {1}'.format(self.opts['master_job_cache'], exc))        # Wait for the hosts to check in        while True:            time_left = timeout_at - int(time.time())            wait = max(1, time_left)            raw = self.event.get_event(wait, jid)            if raw is not None and 'return' in raw:                found.add(raw['id'])                ret[raw['id']] = raw['return']                if len(found.intersection(minions)) >= len(minions):                    # All minions have returned, break out of the loop                    log.debug('jid {0} found all minions'.format(jid))                    break                continue            # Then event system timeout was reached and nothing was returned            if len(found.intersection(minions)) >= len(minions):                # All minions have returned, break out of the loop                log.debug('jid {0} found all minions'.format(jid))                break            if int(time.time()) > timeout_at:                log.info(                    'jid {0} minions {1} did not return in time'.format(                        jid, (minions - found)                    )                )                break            time.sleep(0.01)        return ret    def get_full_returns(self, jid, minions, timeout=None):        '''        This method starts off a watcher looking at the return data for        a specified jid, it returns all of the information for the jid        '''        # TODO: change this from ret to return... or the other way.        #       Its inconsistent, we should pick one        ret = {}        # create the iterator-- since we want to get anyone in the middle        event_iter = self.get_event_iter_returns(jid, minions, timeout=timeout)        try:            data = self.returners['{0}.get_jid'.format(self.opts['master_job_cache'])](jid)        except Exception as exc:            raise SaltClientError('Returner {0} could not fetch jid data. '                                  'Exception details: {1}'.format(                                      self.opts['master_job_cache'],                                      exc))        for minion in data:            m_data = {}            if u'return' in data[minion]:                m_data['ret'] = data[minion].get(u'return')            else:                m_data['ret'] = data[minion].get('return')            if 'out' in data[minion]:                m_data['out'] = data[minion]['out']            if minion in ret:                ret[minion].update(m_data)            else:                ret[minion] = m_data        # if we have all the minion returns, lets just return        if len(set(ret).intersection(minions)) >= len(minions):            return ret        # otherwise lets use the listener we created above to get the rest        for event_ret in event_iter:            # if nothing in the event_ret, skip            if event_ret == {}:                time.sleep(0.02)                continue            for minion, m_data in six.iteritems(event_ret):                if minion in ret:                    ret[minion].update(m_data)                else:                    ret[minion] = m_data            # are we done yet?            if len(set(ret).intersection(minions)) >= len(minions):                return ret        # otherwise we hit the timeout, return what we have        return ret    def get_cache_returns(self, jid):        '''        Execute a single pass to gather the contents of the job cache        '''        ret = {}        try:            data = self.returners['{0}.get_jid'.format(self.opts['master_job_cache'])](jid)        except Exception as exc:            raise SaltClientError('Could not examine master job cache. '                                  'Error occured in {0} returner. '                                  'Exception details: {1}'.format(self.opts['master_job_cache'],                                                                  exc))        for minion in data:            m_data = {}            if u'return' in data[minion]:                m_data['ret'] = data[minion].get(u'return')            else:                m_data['ret'] = data[minion].get('return')            if 'out' in data[minion]:                m_data['out'] = data[minion]['out']            if minion in ret:                ret[minion].update(m_data)            else:                ret[minion] = m_data        return ret    def get_cli_static_event_returns(            self,            jid,            minions,            timeout=None,            tgt='*',            tgt_type='glob',            verbose=False,            show_timeout=False,            show_jid=False):        '''        Get the returns for the command line interface via the event system        '''        log.trace('entered - function get_cli_static_event_returns()')        minions = set(minions)        if verbose:            msg = 'Executing job with jid {0}'.format(jid)            print(msg)            print('-' * len(msg) + '\n')        elif show_jid:            print('jid: {0}'.format(jid))        if timeout is None:            timeout = self.opts['timeout']        start = int(time.time())        timeout_at = start + timeout        found = set()        ret = {}        # Check to see if the jid is real, if not return the empty dict        try:            if self.returners['{0}.get_load'.format(self.opts['master_job_cache'])](jid) == {}:                log.warning('jid does not exist')                return ret        except Exception as exc:            raise SaltClientError('Load could not be retreived from '                                  'returner {0}. Exception details: {1}'.format(                                      self.opts['master_job_cache'],                                      exc))        # Wait for the hosts to check in        while True:            # Process events until timeout is reached or all minions have returned            time_left = timeout_at - int(time.time())            # Wait 0 == forever, use a minimum of 1s            wait = max(1, time_left)            jid_tag = 'salt/job/{0}'.format(jid)            raw = self.event.get_event(wait, jid_tag)            if raw is not None and 'return' in raw:                if 'minions' in raw.get('data', {}):                    minions.update(raw['data']['minions'])                    continue                found.add(raw['id'])                ret[raw['id']] = {'ret': raw['return']}                ret[raw['id']]['success'] = raw.get('success', False)                if 'out' in raw:                    ret[raw['id']]['out'] = raw['out']                if len(found.intersection(minions)) >= len(minions):                    # All minions have returned, break out of the loop                    break                continue            # Then event system timeout was reached and nothing was returned            if len(found.intersection(minions)) >= len(minions):                # All minions have returned, break out of the loop                break            if int(time.time()) > timeout_at:                if verbose or show_timeout:                    if self.opts.get('minion_data_cache', False) \                            or tgt_type in ('glob', 'pcre', 'list'):                        if len(found) < len(minions):                            fail = sorted(list(minions.difference(found)))                            for minion in fail:                                ret[minion] = {                                    'out': 'no_return',                                    'ret': 'Minion did not return'                                }                break            time.sleep(0.01)        return ret    def get_cli_event_returns(            self,            jid,            minions,            timeout=None,            tgt='*',            tgt_type='glob',            verbose=False,            progress=False,            show_timeout=False,            show_jid=False,            **kwargs):        '''        Get the returns for the command line interface via the event system        '''        log.trace('func get_cli_event_returns()')        if verbose:            msg = 'Executing job with jid {0}'.format(jid)            print(msg)            print('-' * len(msg) + '\n')        elif show_jid:            print('jid: {0}'.format(jid))        # lazy load the connected minions        connected_minions = None        return_count = 0        for ret in self.get_iter_returns(jid,                                         minions,                                         timeout=timeout,                                         tgt=tgt,                                         tgt_type=tgt_type,                                         expect_minions=(verbose or show_timeout),                                         **kwargs                                         ):            return_count = return_count + 1            if progress:                for id_, min_ret in six.iteritems(ret):                    if not min_ret.get('failed') is True:                        yield {'minion_count': len(minions), 'return_count': return_count}            # replace the return structure for missing minions            for id_, min_ret in six.iteritems(ret):                if min_ret.get('failed') is True:                    if connected_minions is None:                        connected_minions = salt.utils.minions.CkMinions(self.opts).connected_ids()                    if connected_minions and id_ not in connected_minions:                        yield {id_: {'out': 'no_return',                                     'ret': 'Minion did not return. [Not connected]'}}                    else:                        # don't report syndics as unresponsive minions                        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.opts['syndic_dir'], id_)):                            yield {id_: {'out': 'no_return',                                         'ret': 'Minion did not return. [No response]'}}                else:                    yield {id_: min_ret}    def get_event_iter_returns(self, jid, minions, timeout=None):        '''        Gather the return data from the event system, break hard when timeout        is reached.        '''        log.trace('entered - function get_event_iter_returns()')        if timeout is None:            timeout = self.opts['timeout']        timeout_at = time.time() + timeout        found = set()        # Check to see if the jid is real, if not return the empty dict        if self.returners['{0}.get_load'.format(self.opts['master_job_cache'])](jid) == {}:            log.warning('jid does not exist')            yield {}            # stop the iteration, since the jid is invalid            raise StopIteration()        # Wait for the hosts to check in        while True:            raw = self.event.get_event(timeout)            if raw is None or time.time() > timeout_at:                # Timeout reached                break            if 'minions' in raw.get('data', {}):                continue            try:                found.add(raw['id'])                ret = {raw['id']: {'ret': raw['return']}}            except KeyError:                # Ignore other erroneous messages                continue            if 'out' in raw:                ret[raw['id']]['out'] = raw['out']            yield ret            time.sleep(0.02)    def _prep_pub(self,                  tgt,                  fun,                  arg,                  expr_form,                  ret,                  jid,                  timeout,                  **kwargs):        '''        Set up the payload_kwargs to be sent down to the master        '''        if expr_form == 'nodegroup':            if tgt not in self.opts['nodegroups']:                conf_file = self.opts.get(                    'conf_file', 'the master config file'                )                raise SaltInvocationError(                    'Node group {0} unavailable in {1}'.format(                        tgt, conf_file                    )                )            tgt = salt.utils.minions.nodegroup_comp(tgt,                                                    self.opts['nodegroups'])            expr_form = 'compound'        # Convert a range expression to a list of nodes and change expression        # form to list        if expr_form == 'range' and HAS_RANGE:            tgt = self._convert_range_to_list(tgt)            expr_form = 'list'        # If an external job cache is specified add it to the ret list        if self.opts.get('ext_job_cache'):            if ret:                ret += ',{0}'.format(self.opts['ext_job_cache'])            else:                ret = self.opts['ext_job_cache']        # format the payload - make a function that does this in the payload        #   module        # Generate the standard keyword args to feed to format_payload        payload_kwargs = {'cmd': 'publish',                          'tgt': tgt,                          'fun': fun,                          'arg': arg,                          'key': self.key,                          'tgt_type': expr_form,                          'ret': ret,                          'jid': jid}        # if kwargs are passed, pack them.        if kwargs:            payload_kwargs['kwargs'] = kwargs        # If we have a salt user, add it to the payload        if self.opts['syndic_master'] and 'user' in kwargs:            payload_kwargs['user'] = kwargs['user']        elif self.salt_user:            payload_kwargs['user'] = self.salt_user        # If we're a syndication master, pass the timeout        if self.opts['order_masters']:            payload_kwargs['to'] = timeout        return payload_kwargs    def pub(self,            tgt,            fun,            arg=(),            expr_form='glob',            ret='',            jid='',            timeout=5,            **kwargs):        '''        Take the required arguments and publish the given command.        Arguments:            tgt:                The tgt is a regex or a glob used to match up the ids on                the minions. Salt works by always publishing every command                to all of the minions and then the minions determine if                the command is for them based on the tgt value.            fun:                The function name to be called on the remote host(s), this                must be a string in the format "<modulename>.<function name>"            arg:                The arg option needs to be a tuple of arguments to pass                to the calling function, if left blank        Returns:            jid:                A string, as returned by the publisher, which is the job                id, this will inform the client where to get the job results            minions:                A set, the targets that the tgt passed should match.        '''        # Make sure the publisher is running by checking the unix socket        if (self.opts.get('ipc_mode', '') != 'tcp' and                not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.opts['sock_dir'],                'publish_pull.ipc'))):            log.error(                'Unable to connect to the salt master publisher at '                '{0}'.format(self.opts['sock_dir'])            )            raise SaltClientError        payload_kwargs = self._prep_pub(                tgt,                fun,                arg,                expr_form,                ret,                jid,                timeout,                **kwargs)        master_uri = 'tcp://' + salt.utils.ip_bracket(self.opts['interface']) + \                     ':' + str(self.opts['ret_port'])        channel = salt.transport.Channel.factory(self.opts,                                                 crypt='clear',                                                 master_uri=master_uri)        try:            # Ensure that the event subscriber is connected.            # If not, we won't get a response, so error out            if not self.event.connect_pub(timeout=timeout):                raise SaltReqTimeoutError()            payload = channel.send(payload_kwargs, timeout=timeout)        except SaltReqTimeoutError:            raise SaltReqTimeoutError(                'Salt request timed out. The master is not responding. '                'If this error persists after verifying the master is up, '                'worker_threads may need to be increased.'            )        if not payload:            # The master key could have changed out from under us! Regen            # and try again if the key has changed            key = self.__read_master_key()            if key == self.key:                return payload            self.key = key            payload_kwargs['key'] = self.key            payload = channel.send(payload_kwargs)        error = payload.pop('error', None)        if error is not None:            raise PublishError(error)        if not payload:            return payload        # We have the payload, let's get rid of the channel fast(GC'ed faster)        del channel        return {'jid': payload['load']['jid'],                'minions': payload['load']['minions']}    @tornado.gen.coroutine    def pub_async(self,                  tgt,                  fun,                  arg=(),                  expr_form='glob',                  ret='',                  jid='',                  timeout=5,                  io_loop=None,                  listen=True,                  **kwargs):        '''        Take the required arguments and publish the given command.        Arguments:            tgt:                The tgt is a regex or a glob used to match up the ids on                the minions. Salt works by always publishing every command                to all of the minions and then the minions determine if                the command is for them based on the tgt value.            fun:                The function name to be called on the remote host(s), this                must be a string in the format "<modulename>.<function name>"            arg:                The arg option needs to be a tuple of arguments to pass                to the calling function, if left blank        Returns:            jid:                A string, as returned by the publisher, which is the job                id, this will inform the client where to get the job results            minions:                A set, the targets that the tgt passed should match.        '''        # Make sure the publisher is running by checking the unix socket        if (self.opts.get('ipc_mode', '') != 'tcp' and                not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.opts['sock_dir'],                'publish_pull.ipc'))):            log.error(                'Unable to connect to the salt master publisher at '                '{0}'.format(self.opts['sock_dir'])            )            raise SaltClientError        payload_kwargs = self._prep_pub(                tgt,                fun,                arg,                expr_form,                ret,                jid,                timeout,                **kwargs)        master_uri = 'tcp://' + salt.utils.ip_bracket(self.opts['interface']) + \                     ':' + str(self.opts['ret_port'])        channel = salt.transport.client.AsyncReqChannel.factory(self.opts,                                                                io_loop=io_loop,                                                                crypt='clear',                                                                master_uri=master_uri)        try:            # Ensure that the event subscriber is connected.            # If not, we won't get a response, so error out            if listen and not self.event.connect_pub(timeout=timeout):                raise SaltReqTimeoutError()            payload = yield channel.send(payload_kwargs, timeout=timeout)        except SaltReqTimeoutError:            raise SaltReqTimeoutError(                'Salt request timed out. The master is not responding. '                'If this error persists after verifying the master is up, '                'worker_threads may need to be increased.'            )        if not payload:            # The master key could have changed out from under us! Regen            # and try again if the key has changed            key = self.__read_master_key()            if key == self.key:                raise tornado.gen.Return(payload)            self.key = key            payload_kwargs['key'] = self.key            payload = yield channel.send(payload_kwargs)        error = payload.pop('error', None)        if error is not None:            raise PublishError(error)        if not payload:            raise tornado.gen.Return(payload)        # We have the payload, let's get rid of the channel fast(GC'ed faster)        del channel        raise tornado.gen.Return({'jid': payload['load']['jid'],                                  'minions': payload['load']['minions']})    def __del__(self):        # This IS really necessary!        # When running tests, if self.events is not destroyed, we leak 2        # threads per test case which uses self.client        if hasattr(self, 'event'):            # The call below will take care of calling 'self.event.destroy()'            del self.eventclass FunctionWrapper(dict):    '''    Create a function wrapper that looks like the functions dict on the minion    but invoked commands on the minion via a LocalClient.    This allows SLS files to be loaded with an object that calls down to the    minion when the salt functions dict is referenced.    '''    def __init__(self, opts, minion):        super(FunctionWrapper, self).__init__()        self.opts = opts        self.minion = minion        self.local = LocalClient(self.opts['conf_file'])        self.functions = self.__load_functions()    def __missing__(self, key):        '''        Since the function key is missing, wrap this call to a command to the        minion of said key if it is available in the self.functions set        '''        if key not in self.functions:            raise KeyError        return self.run_key(key)    def __load_functions(self):        '''        Find out what functions are available on the minion        '''        return set(self.local.cmd(self.minion,                                  'sys.list_functions').get(self.minion, []))    def run_key(self, key):        '''        Return a function that executes the arguments passed via the local        client        '''        def func(*args, **kwargs):            '''            Run a remote call            '''            args = list(args)            for _key, _val in kwargs:                args.append('{0}={1}'.format(_key, _val))            return self.local.cmd(self.minion, key, args)        return funcclass Caller(object):    '''    ``Caller`` is the same interface used by the :command:`salt-call`    command-line tool on the Salt Minion.    .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.0        Added the ``cmd`` method for consistency with the other Salt clients.        The existing ``function`` and ``sminion.functions`` interfaces still        exist but have been removed from the docs.    Importing and using ``Caller`` must be done on the same machine as a    Salt Minion and it must be done using the same user that the Salt Minion is    running as.    Usage:    .. code-block:: python        import salt.client        caller = salt.client.Caller()        caller.cmd('test.ping')    Note, a running master or minion daemon is not required to use this class.    Running ``salt-call --local`` simply sets :conf_minion:`file_client` to    ``'local'``. The same can be achieved at the Python level by including that    setting in a minion config file.    .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0        Pass the minion config as the ``mopts`` dictionary.    .. code-block:: python        import salt.client        import salt.config        __opts__ = salt.config.minion_config('/etc/salt/minion')        __opts__['file_client'] = 'local'        caller = salt.client.Caller(mopts=__opts__)    '''    def __init__(self, c_path=os.path.join(syspaths.CONFIG_DIR, 'minion'),            mopts=None):        if mopts:            self.opts = mopts        else:            self.opts = salt.config.minion_config(c_path)        self.sminion = salt.minion.SMinion(self.opts)    def cmd(self, fun, *args, **kwargs):        '''        Call an execution module with the given arguments and keyword arguments        .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.0            Added the ``cmd`` method for consistency with the other Salt clients.            The existing ``function`` and ``sminion.functions`` interfaces still            exist but have been removed from the docs.        .. code-block:: python            caller.cmd('test.arg', 'Foo', 'Bar', baz='Baz')            caller.cmd('event.send', 'myco/myevent/something',                data={'foo': 'Foo'}, with_env=['GIT_COMMIT'], with_grains=True)        '''        return self.sminion.functions[fun](*args, **kwargs)    def function(self, fun, *args, **kwargs):        '''        Call a single salt function        '''        func = self.sminion.functions[fun]        args, kwargs = salt.minion.load_args_and_kwargs(            func,            salt.utils.args.parse_input(args),            kwargs)        return func(*args, **kwargs)