第四章:Tweaking Unix--33.只變換很長的行

   第14個腳本fmt.sh(這個程序沒有從博客園移植過來)的一個缺陷就是,它會變換全部它碰見的一切。這可能會把本來的輸入格式搞的一團糟。若是你只是想變換一下某個文檔中很長的那些行,而不肯意去動別的文字的話,你要怎麼辦?在Unix命令行中,若是使用默認的命令集,惟一的解決辦法就是:用一個編輯器,一行一行的精確搞定。把須要變換的行一行一行的格式好(好比在vim中,移動光標到須要變更的行上,而後 !$fmt)。

不過Unix提供了足夠多的工具讓咱們使用,只要咱們可以好好的發現,並經過管道將它們優美的鏈接起來。好比,要快速的掃描一個文件,看看哪些行過長: git

awk '{if (length($0) > 72) {print $0}}'  filename

# toolong.sh -- 使用fmt.sh格式化那些超過指定長度的長行


if [ ! -r "$1" ]; then
	echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename" >&2
	exit 1

while read input
	if [ ${#input} -gt $width ]; then
		echo "$input" | fmt.sh
		echo "$input"
done < $1

exit 0
   這個腳本中處理輸入文件的方法頗有意思。首先用一個簡單的 <$1 達到輸入文件的目的,而後用一個 read input 將每行都解析下。
   若是你的shell環境中沒有 ${#var} 記法的話,可使用以下方法代替:
varlength="$(echo "$var" | wc -c)"
可是,wc命令有一個十分讓人生厭的特性,它的輸出會有一個前導空格,目的是讓輸出列表排列的漂亮些。爲了迴避這個討厭的問題,會有一個微小的改動,就是在經過最後一個管道時,只容許數字經過:[注: 在個人Linux中,沒發現做者說的這個特性,而且使用了sed後,可能會有問題,需讀者在本身的環境中檢驗]
varlength="$(echo "$var" | wc -c | sed 's/[^:digit:]//')"
$ toolong ragged.txt 
So she sat on, with closed eyes, and half believed herself in 
Wonderland, though she knew she had but to open them again, and 
all would change to dull reality--the grass would be only rustling 
in the wind, and the pool rippling to the waving of the reeds--the 
rattling teacups would change to tinkling sheep-bells, and the 
Queen's shrill cries to the voice of the shepherd boy--and the 
of the baby, the shriek of the Gryphon, and all the other queer 
noises, would change (she knew) to the confused clamour of the busy 
farm-yard--while the lowing of the cattle in the distance would 
take the place of the Mock Turtle's heavy sobs. 

Notice that, unlike a standard invocation of fmt, toolong has retained line breaks where possible, so the word "sneeze,"  
which is on a line by itself in the input file, is also on a line by itself in the output.