Vance Morrison: When you log events to an ETW event stream, in ETW parlance, you are creating a ETW Event Provider. Sadly, historically creating a ETW event provider has been a non-trivial task, which writing an XML 'Schema manifest' and using a specialized tool (MC.exe) to generate source code to link into your application. You also need to register the provider using another obscure tool (WEVTUTIL) when your application was deployed. This discouraged most users from ever building their own ETW providers, which is a shame because it is a powerful feature of ETW.
• 後來,EventSource被髮布到Nuget.org上,以後Nuget版本就一直在更新,最新版本爲: Microsoft EventSource Library 1.1.25
• .Net 4.5中已將EventSource收入在類庫System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource中,但在.Net 3.5下,仍是一個獨立的類庫。 To fix this, we have added the System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource type to Version V4.5 of the .NET Runtime (Now available for download, as a release candidate. It will officially ship later in 2012). It makes writing ETW provider as simple as writing just a few lines of code. In this blog entry I will demonstrate just how easy it is to log your own events to the ETW data stream and thus make the OS ETW data EVEN MORE USEFUL by correlating it with what you are doing in your code.
• 首先,新版本由Vance Morrison發佈在codeplex上: New version of TraceEvent / PerfMonitor Posted to
• 後來,TraceEvent被髮布到Nuget.org上,以後codeplex就再也不更新了,Nuget版本就一直在更新,最新版本爲: Microsoft TraceEvent Library 1.0.32