Installation Guideide
Depending on your operating system, you can install, configure, and uninstall the dongle drivers manually using an auxiliary program that is part of each HALCON installation. Open a Windows Command Prompt or the dialog Start . Run and execute the program %HALCONROOT%\FLEXlm\%HALCONARCH%\ flexid9\haspdinst.exe in one of the following ways:flex
haspdinst opens a dialog explaining how to use haspdinstui
haspdinst -info shows the status of the drivers命令行
haspdinst -i installs the driversrem
haspdinst -remove removes the driversit
! Please note that you need administrator privileges to install the driversio
! Note that in order to execute command line tools with administrator privileges, you will need to open ! a command shell using 「Run as Administrator」 and execute the tool from there (even if you are already logged in as administrator). psr
After installing the driver, you need to copy the architecture-dependent third-party FlexNetID9 library from FLEXlm\%HALCONARCH%\flexid9 to the Windows system directory. The DLL is named haspsrm_win64.dll for 64-bit systems, and must be copied to %WINDIR%\System32. On 32-bit systems or 64-bit systems using the 32-bit version of HALCON, the DLL haspsrm_win32.dll must be copied to %WINDIR%\System32 or %WINDIR%\SysWOW64, respectively.權限
1,使用命令行 haspdinst.exe -i 安裝驅動(注意使用管理員權限打開命令行)
2,64位win7系統將 haspsrm_win64.dll 拷至 system32。
32位系統(或者64位系統安裝32位halcon)haspsrm_win32.dll拷至 system32,SysWOW64