(1) 數據標準化web
(2) 數據歸一化spa
(3) 數據正規化
(4) 數據二值化
(5) 數據缺值處理
(6) 數據離羣點處理
(7) 數據類型轉換
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.metrics import r2_score %matplotlib inline
dpath = './data/' data = pd.read_csv(dpath +"boston_housing.csv") data.head() data.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 506 entries, 0 to 505 Data columns (total 14 columns): CRIM 506 non-null float64 ZN 506 non-null int64 INDUS 506 non-null float64 CHAS 506 non-null int64 NOX 506 non-null float64 RM 506 non-null float64 AGE 506 non-null float64 DIS 506 non-null float64 RAD 506 non-null int64 TAX 506 non-null int64 PTRATIO 506 non-null int64 B 506 non-null float64 LSTAT 506 non-null float64 MEDV 506 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(9), int64(5) memory usage: 55.4 KB
labels : single label or list-like
axis : int or axis name
level : int or level name, default None For MultiIndex
inplace : bool, default False. If True, do operation inplace and return None.
errors : {‘ignore’, ‘raise’}, default ‘raise’,If‘ignore, suppress error and existing labels are dropped.
Returns: dropped : type of caller
y = data['MEDV'] # 獲取列名爲'MEDV'的列的數據 #print y X = data.drop('MEDV', axis=1) # 從axis=1軸(列)中刪去列名爲'MEDV'的列 X.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 506 entries, 0 to 505 Data columns (total 13 columns): CRIM 506 non-null float64 ZN 506 non-null int64 INDUS 506 non-null float64 CHAS 506 non-null int64 NOX 506 non-null float64 RM 506 non-null float64 AGE 506 non-null float64 DIS 506 non-null float64 RAD 506 non-null int64 TAX 506 non-null int64 PTRATIO 506 non-null int64 B 506 non-null float64 LSTAT 506 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(8), int64(5) memory usage: 51.5 KB
*arrays : sequence of indexables with same length / shape[0]
Allowed inputs are lists, numpy arrays, scipy-sparse matrices or pandas dataframes.
test_size : float, int, or None (default is None)
If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the
test split. If int, represents the absolute number of test samples. If None, the value is automatically
set to the complement of the train size. If train size is also None, test size is set to 0.25.
train_size : float, int, or None (default is None)。
If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include
in the train split. If int, represents the absolute number of train samples. If None, the value is
automatically set to the complement of the test size.
random_state : int or RandomState。Pseudo-random number generator state used for random sampling.
stratify : array-like or None (default is None)
[X_train, y_train] 和 [X_test, y_test]是一對,分別對應分割以後的訓練數據和訓練標籤,測試數據和訓練標籤
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split # 隨機採樣25%的數據構建測試樣本,其他做爲訓練樣本 # X:輸入特徵,y:輸入標籤,random_state隨機種子爲27, test_size:測試樣本數佔比,若是train_size=NULL,則爲默認的0.25 # 輸出爲訓練樣本和測試樣本的DataFrame數據 X_train,X_test,y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=27, test_size=0.25) print X_train.shape print y_train.shape print X_test.shape print y_test.shape
(379, 13) (379L,) (127, 13) (127L,)
with_mean : boolean, True by default.If True, center the data before scaling.
with_std : boolean, True by default.If True, scale the data to unit variance (or equivalently, unit
standard deviation).
copy : boolean, optional, default True.If False, try to avoid a copy and do inplace scaling instead.
X : numpy array of shape [n_samples, n_features].Training set.
y : numpy array of shape [n_samples].Target values.
X_new : numpy array of shape [n_samples, n_features_new].Transformed array.
X : array-like, shape [n_samples, n_features].The data used to scale along the features axis.
X_new : numpy array of shape [n_samples, n_features_new].Transformed array.
# 數據標準化 from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler # 分別初始化對特徵和目標值的標準化器 ss_X = StandardScaler() ss_y = StandardScaler() # 分別對訓練和測試數據的特徵以及目標值進行標準化處理 X_train = ss_X.fit_transform(X_train) # 先計算均值和方差,再進行變換 X_test = ss_X.transform(X_test) # 利用上面計算好的均值和方差,直接進行轉換 y_train = ss_y.fit_transform(y_train) y_test = ss_y.transform(y_test) print X_train
[[-0.37683627 -0.50304409 2.48277286 ..., 0.86555269 -0.13431739 1.60921499] [ 5.13573477 -0.50304409 1.0607873 ..., 0.86555269 -2.93693892 3.44576006] [-0.37346431 0.01751212 -0.44822848 ..., -1.31269744 0.33223834 2.45055308] ..., [-0.39101613 -0.50304409 -1.13119458 ..., -0.87704742 0.28632785 -0.36708256] [-0.38897021 -0.50304409 -1.2462515 ..., -0.44139739 0.38012111 0.19898553] [-0.31120842 -0.50304409 -0.40840109 ..., 1.30120272 0.37957325 -0.18215757]]