支持trylock()和trylock(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)兩種方式;this
對於當前服務器試圖獲取該鎖的線程數量進行監控,當數量大於閥值時,後續線程在trylock(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)及trylock()時,直接返回失敗,閥值能夠設置;線程
public class CommonType { public static int WAITLOCKERS = 2;//當前服務器等待鎖的線程數量,若是超過或等於此值,當前線程直接返回,再也不等待鎖 public static String REDISKEY="mantu:dislock:";//redis下key前綴 public static int LOCKEXPIRETIME = 5;//鎖的過時時間,單位秒,默認5秒過時 }
public interface DisLock{ boolean tryLock(Jedis jedis); boolean tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit,Jedis jedis) throws InterruptedException; void unlock(Jedis jedis); }
public class RedisDisLock implements DisLock{ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisDisLock.class); private transient Thread exclusiveOwnerThread; String lockKey=""; AtomicInteger waitToLock=new AtomicInteger(0); public RedisDisLock(String lockKey){ this.lockKey=CommonType.REDISKEY+lockKey; } public boolean tryLock(Jedis jedis) { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); if(thread==this.getExclusiveOwnerThread()){ return true; } Long i = jedis.setnx(lockKey, System.currentTimeMillis()+""); if(i.intValue()==1){ jedis.expire(lockKey, CommonType.LOCKEXPIRETIME); setExclusiveOwnerThread(thread); return true; } else{//對於可能性很是低的死鎖狀況進行解鎖 String initTime = jedis.get(lockKey); if(initTime==null){ LOG.debug("initTime's value is null"); return false; } long iniTime=0L; try{ iniTime = Long.parseLong(initTime); } catch(NumberFormatException nfex){ LOG.warn(nfex.getMessage()); jedis.expire(lockKey, 1); return false; } if(((System.currentTimeMillis()-iniTime)/1000-CommonType.LOCKEXPIRETIME-1)>0){ String oldTime = jedis.getSet(lockKey, System.currentTimeMillis()+"");//對於及其極端的狀況,lock被線程1處理掉了,可是又被線程2getset新的值了,經過下一次調用trylock()方法處理 if(oldTime==null){ LOG.info("oldTime is null"); return false; } if(initTime.equals(oldTime)){ release(jedis); } } } return false; } public boolean tryLock(long timeout, TimeUnit unit,Jedis jedis) throws InterruptedException { long nanosTimeout = unit.toNanos(timeout); long lastTime = System.nanoTime(); if(tryLock(jedis)){ return true; } try{ int waitLockers = waitToLock.getAndIncrement(); if(waitLockers>=CommonType.WAITLOCKERS){ LOG.debug("wait the lock' thread num is much,so return flase"); return false; } for(;;){ if(tryLock(jedis)){ return true; } if (nanosTimeout <= 0){ LOG.debug("getlock timeout"); return false; } if(nanosTimeout>100000){ LockSupport.parkNanos(100000);//中斷100毫秒 } long now = System.nanoTime(); nanosTimeout -= now - lastTime; lastTime = now; if (nanosTimeout <= 0){ LOG.debug("getlock timeout"); return false; } if (Thread.interrupted()){ throw new InterruptedException(); } } } finally{ waitToLock.decrementAndGet(); } } public void unlock(Jedis jedis) { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); if(thread==this.getExclusiveOwnerThread()){ LOG.debug("unlock the thread {}",thread.getId()); release(jedis); } } private void release(Jedis jedis){ setExclusiveOwnerThread(null); jedis.del(lockKey); } /** * Sets the thread that currently owns exclusive access. A * <tt>null</tt> argument indicates that no thread owns access. * This method does not otherwise impose any synchronization or * <tt>volatile</tt> field accesses. */ protected final void setExclusiveOwnerThread(Thread t) { exclusiveOwnerThread = t; } /** * Returns the thread last set by * <tt>setExclusiveOwnerThread</tt>, or <tt>null</tt> if never * set. This method does not otherwise impose any synchronization * or <tt>volatile</tt> field accesses. * @return the owner thread */ protected final Thread getExclusiveOwnerThread() { return exclusiveOwnerThread; } }
public class LockSupport { static ConcurrentHashMap <String,RedisDisLock>lockMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,RedisDisLock>(); public static DisLock getRedisLock(String lockKey){ RedisDisLock lock=null; if(lockMap.contains(lockKey)){ lock = lockMap.get(lockKey); } else{ RedisDisLock lockN = new RedisDisLock(lockKey); lock = lockMap.putIfAbsent(lockKey, lockN); if(lock==null){ lock=lockN; } } return lock; } }
public class RedisDisLockTest { public static void main(String [] args){ RedisDisLockTest test = new RedisDisLockTest(); //test.testOrder(); //test.testOrder2(); //test.testNOUnlock(); test.testOtherUnlock(); } public void testOrder(){ JedisPool jp = new JedisPool("",6379); for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ Jedis jedis = jp.getResource(); OrderThread th = new OrderThread("123456",jedis); th.start(); } } public void testOrder2(){ JedisPool jp = new JedisPool("",6379); for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ Jedis jedis = jp.getResource(); OrderThread th = new OrderThread("1234567",jedis); th.start(); } } public void testNOUnlock(){ JedisPool jp = new JedisPool("",6379); for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ Jedis jedis = jp.getResource(); TestNOUnlock th = new TestNOUnlock("12345678",jedis); th.start(); } } public void testOtherUnlock(){ JedisPool jp = new JedisPool("",6379); for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ Jedis jedis = jp.getResource(); TestOtherUnlock th = new TestOtherUnlock("unlock",jedis); th.start(); } } class OrderThread extends Thread{ String lockKey=""; Jedis jedis; public OrderThread(String lockKey,Jedis jedis){ this.lockKey=lockKey; this.jedis=jedis; } public void run(){ DisLock lock = LockSupport.getRedisLock(lockKey); try { if(lock.tryLock(2,TimeUnit.SECONDS,jedis)){ System.out.println("訂單"+lockKey+"建立成功!"); lock.unlock(jedis); } else{ System.out.println("沒有成功獲取到鎖"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } class TestNOUnlock extends Thread{ String lockKey=""; Jedis jedis; public TestNOUnlock(String lockKey,Jedis jedis){ this.lockKey=lockKey; this.jedis=jedis; } public void run(){ DisLock lock = LockSupport.getRedisLock(lockKey); try { if(lock.tryLock(2,TimeUnit.SECONDS,jedis)){ System.out.println("訂單"+lockKey+"建立成功!"); //lock.unlock(jedis);//no unlock } else{ System.out.println("沒有成功獲取到鎖"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } class TestOtherUnlock extends Thread{ String lockKey=""; Jedis jedis; public TestOtherUnlock(String lockKey,Jedis jedis){ this.lockKey=lockKey; this.jedis=jedis; } public void run(){ DisLock lock = LockSupport.getRedisLock(lockKey); if(lock.tryLock(jedis)){ System.out.println("訂單"+lockKey+"建立成功!"); //lock.unlock(jedis);//no unlock } else{ lock.unlock(jedis); System.out.println("TestOtherUnlock沒有成功獲取到鎖"); } } } }