git config --global user.name 「用戶名」github
git config --global user.email 「郵箱」npm
三、生成key 執行生成公鑰和私鑰的命令:ssh-keygen -t rsa 並按回車3下app
四、cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub 將公鑰添加到github,或者gitlab的 Deploy Keys 中ssh
git checkout -b cmsm-v0.0.1 origin/cmsm-v0.0.1debug
git push origin cmsm-v0.0.1:cmsm-v0.0.1
三、提交本地 v1分支到遠程v1分支
git push orgin v1
四、更新遠程 v1分支到本地v1分支
git pull orgin v1
git push orgin --delete v3
六、 刪除本地分支
git branch -d v3
1、保存成都分支和成都new分支的差異. Administrator@USER-20161116WV MINGW64 /d/demo/gitproject/front (cmsm-for-chengdu) $ git diff cmsm-for-chengdu-new >./diff.path Administrator@USER-20161116WV MINGW64 /d/demo/gitproject/front (cmsm-for-chengdu) $ ls CentralizedMfront/ CMSystemNW/ diff.path flashPlayer/ npm-debug.log nwjs-win-x64/ Administrator@USER-20161116WV MINGW64 /d/demo/gitproject/front (cmsm-for-chengdu) $ vi diff.path 2、切換到成都new分支並應用這些差異 Administrator@USER-20161116WV MINGW64 /d/demo/gitproject/front (cmsm-for-chengdu) $ git checkout cmsm-for-chengdu-new gSwitched to branch 'cmsm-for-chengdu-new' i Administrator@USER-20161116WV MINGW64 /d/demo/gitproject/front (cmsm-for-chengdu-new) $ git apply --reject --whitespace=fix diff.path 3、則成都new分支和成都分支則無差異 4、此時,merge 成都分支的話,才能夠 push當前分支到成都分支 Administrator@USER-20161116WV MINGW64 /d/demo/gitproject/front (cmsm-for-chengdu-new) $ git merge cmsm-for-chengdu Already up-to-date. Administrator@USER-20161116WV MINGW64 /d/demo/gitproject/front (cmsm-for-chengdu-new) $ git rm CMSystemNW/picture/bg.png^C Administrator@USER-20161116WV MINGW64 /d/demo/gitproject/front (cmsm-for-chengdu-new) $ git push origin cmsm-for-chengdu-new:cmsm-for-chengdu
git cherry-pick用於把另外一個本地分支的commit修改應用到當前分支。
在本地 master 分支上作了一個commit ( 38361a68138140827b31b72f8bbfd88b3705d77a ) , 如何把它放到 本地 old_cc 分支上?
辦法之一: 使用 cherry-pick. 根據git 文檔:
Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits
就是對已經存在的commit 進行apply (能夠理解爲再次提交)
git cherry-pick <commit id>
$ git checkout old_cc
$ git cherry-pick 38361a68
1. 若是順利,就會正常提交。結果:
Finished one cherry-pick.
# On branch old_cc
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/old_cc' by 3 commits.
2. 若是在cherry-pick 的過程當中出現了衝突
Automatic cherry-pick failed. After resolving the conflicts,
mark the corrected paths with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
and commit the result with:
git commit -c 15a2b6c61927e5aed6718de89ad9dafba939a90b
執行git status 看哪些文件出現衝突
$ git status
both modified: app/models/user.rb
接着手動解決衝突的文件,而後經過git add把改到添加到索引,最後執行git commit提交修改就行了。
Add 回退的方法:
git add app/controllers/cart_controller.php git stash --keep-index git reset
查看 文件修改的記錄
1、查看某個文件的提交記錄 git log -- filename (git log filename) 2、能夠顯示該文件每次提交的diff git log -p filename 3. 查看某次提交中的某個文件變化 git show commit-id filename 4.根據commit-id查看某個提交 git show commit-id
1.使用git log -g 找回以前提交的commit 2.使用git branch recover_branch[新分支] commit_id命令用這個commit建立一個分支 此時 recover_branch is your delete branch.