選自KDnuggets,做者:Ahmed Gad,機器之心編譯。html
咱們常使用深度學習框架構建強大的卷積神經網絡,這些框架不只能輕鬆調用卷積運算,同時還以矩陣乘法的方式大大提高了並行計算效率。但僅使用 NumPy 庫建立 CNN 也許是理解這種網絡的更好方法,本文就使用純 NumPy 代碼構建卷積層、ReLU 層和最大池化層等。
在某些狀況下,使用 ML/DL 庫中已經存在的模型可能會很便捷。但爲了更好地控制和理解模型,你應該本身去實現它們。本文展現瞭如何僅使用 NumPy 庫來實現 CNN。git
卷積神經網絡(CNN)是分析圖像等多維信號的當前最優技術。目前已有不少庫能夠實現 CNN,如 TensorFlow 和 Keras 等。這種庫僅提供一個抽象的 API,所以能夠大大下降開發難度,並避免實現的複雜性,不過使用這種庫的開發人員沒法接觸到一些細節,這些細節可能在實踐中很重要。github
有時,數據科學家必須仔細查看這些細節才能提升性能。在這種狀況下,最好本身親手構建此類模型,這能夠幫助你最大程度地控制網絡。所以在本文中,咱們將僅使用 NumPy 嘗試建立 CNN。咱們會建立三個層,即卷積層(簡稱 conv)、ReLU 層和最大池化層。所涉及的主要步驟以下:數組
1. 讀取輸入圖像bash
如下代碼讀取 skimage Python 庫中一個已有圖像,並將其轉換爲灰度圖。網絡
1. import skimage.data
2. # Reading the image
3. img = skimage.data.chelsea()
4. # Converting the image into gray.
5. img = skimage.color.rgb2gray(img)
2. 準備濾波器app
如下代碼爲第一個卷積層(簡稱 l1)準備濾波器組:框架
1. l1_filter = numpy.zeros((2,3,3))
根據濾波器的數量和每一個濾波器的大小建立數組。咱們有 2 個大小爲 3*3 的濾波器,所以數組大小爲 (2=num_filters, 3=num_rows_filter, 3=num_columns_filter)。將濾波器的尺寸選擇爲沒有深度的 2D 數組,由於輸入圖像是灰度圖且深度爲 1。若是圖像是具備 3 個通道的 RGB,則濾波器大小必須是(3, 3, 3=depth)。dom
濾波器組的大小由上述 0 數組指定,但不是由濾波器的實際值指定。能夠按以下方式覆寫這些值,以檢測垂直和水平邊緣。
1. l1_filter[0, :, :] = numpy.array([[[-1, 0, 1],
2. [-1, 0, 1],
3. [-1, 0, 1]]])
4. l1_filter[1, :, :] = numpy.array([[[1, 1, 1],
5. [0, 0, 0],
6. [-1, -1, -1]]])
3. 卷積層
在準備好濾波器以後,下一步就是用它們對輸入圖像執行卷積操做。下面一行使用 conv 函數對圖像執行卷積操做:
1. l1_feature_map = conv(img, l1_filter)
1. def conv(img, conv_filter):
2. if len(img.shape) > 2 or len(conv_filter.shape) > 3: # Check if number of image channels matches the filter depth.
3. if img.shape[-1] != conv_filter.shape[-1]:
4. print("Error: Number of channels in both image and filter must match.")
5. sys.exit()
6. if conv_filter.shape[1] != conv_filter.shape[2]: # Check if filter dimensions are equal.
7. print('Error: Filter must be a square matrix. I.e. number of rows and columns must match.')
8. sys.exit()
9. if conv_filter.shape[1]%2==0: # Check if filter diemnsions are odd.
10. print('Error: Filter must have an odd size. I.e. number of rows and columns must be odd.')
11. sys.exit()
13. # An empty feature map to hold the output of convolving the filter(s) with the image.
14. feature_maps = numpy.zeros((img.shape[0]-conv_filter.shape[1]+1,
15. img.shape[1]-conv_filter.shape[1]+1,
16. conv_filter.shape[0]))
18. # Convolving the image by the filter(s).
19. for filter_num in range(conv_filter.shape[0]):
20. print("Filter ", filter_num + 1)
21. curr_filter = conv_filter[filter_num, :] # getting a filter from the bank.
22. """ 23. Checking if there are mutliple channels for the single filter. 24. If so, then each channel will convolve the image. 25. The result of all convolutions are summed to return a single feature map. 26. """
27. if len(curr_filter.shape) > 2:
28. conv_map = conv_(img[:, :, 0], curr_filter[:, :, 0]) # Array holding the sum of all feature maps.
29. for ch_num in range(1, curr_filter.shape[-1]): # Convolving each channel with the image and summing the results.
30. conv_map = conv_map + conv_(img[:, :, ch_num],
31. curr_filter[:, :, ch_num])
32. else: # There is just a single channel in the filter.
33. conv_map = conv_(img, curr_filter)
34. feature_maps[:, :, filter_num] = conv_map # Holding feature map with the current filter.
35. return feature_maps # Returning all feature maps.
該函數首先確保每一個濾波器的深度等於圖像通道的數量。在下面的代碼中,外部的 if 語句將檢查通道和濾波器是否有深度。若是有,則內部 if 語句檢查它們是否相等,若是不匹配,腳本將退出。
1. if len(img.shape) > 2 or len(conv_filter.shape) > 3: # Check if number of image channels matches the filter depth.
2. if img.shape[-1] != conv_filter.shape[-1]:
3. print("Error: Number of channels in both image and filter must match.")
此外,濾波器的尺寸行數和列數是奇數且相等。使用如下兩個 if 語句對其進行檢查。若是不知足這些條件,腳本將退出。
1. if conv_filter.shape[1] != conv_filter.shape[2]: # Check if filter dimensions are equal.
2. print('Error: Filter must be a square matrix. I.e. number of rows and columns must match.')
3. sys.exit()
4. if conv_filter.shape[1]%2==0: # Check if filter diemnsions are odd.
5. print('Error: Filter must have an odd size. I.e. number of rows and columns must be odd.')
6. sys.exit()
若是不知足上述全部的 if 語句,則表示濾波器的深度適合圖像,且可應用卷積操做。濾波器對圖像的卷積從初始化一個數組開始,經過根據如下代碼指定其大小來保存卷積的輸出(即特徵圖):
1. # An empty feature map to hold the output of convolving the filter(s) with the image.
2. feature_maps = numpy.zeros((img.shape[0]-conv_filter.shape[1]+1,
3. img.shape[1]-conv_filter.shape[1]+1,
4. conv_filter.shape[0]))
特徵圖大小將與上述代碼中的(img_rows-filter_rows+1, image_columns-filter_columns+1, num_filters)值相等。請注意,濾波器組中的每一個濾波器都有一個輸出特徵圖。所以將濾波器組(conv_filter.shape[0])中的濾波器數量將指定爲第三個參數。
1. # Convolving the image by the filter(s).
2. for filter_num in range(conv_filter.shape[0]):
3. print("Filter ", filter_num + 1)
4. curr_filter = conv_filter[filter_num, :] # getting a filter from the bank.
5. """ 6. Checking if there are mutliple channels for the single filter. 7. If so, then each channel will convolve the image. 8. The result of all convolutions are summed to return a single feature map. 9. """
10. if len(curr_filter.shape) > 2:
11. conv_map = conv_(img[:, :, 0], curr_filter[:, :, 0]) # Array holding the sum of all feature maps.
12. for ch_num in range(1, curr_filter.shape[-1]): # Convolving each channel with the image and summing the results.
13. conv_map = conv_map + conv_(img[:, :, ch_num],
14. curr_filter[:, :, ch_num])
15. else: # There is just a single channel in the filter.
16. conv_map = conv_(img, curr_filter)
17. feature_maps[:, :, filter_num] = conv_map # Holding feature map with the current filter.
1. curr_filter = conv_filter[filter_num, :] # getting a filter from the bank.
若是要卷積的圖像通道數大於 1,則濾波器深度必須與通道數量相等。在這種狀況下,卷積是經過將每一個圖像通道與其在濾波器中對應的通道進行卷積來完成的。最後的結果加起來就是輸出特徵圖。若是圖像只有一個通道,則卷積將很是容易。此類行爲由 if-else 塊決定:
1. if len(curr_filter.shape) > 2:
2. conv_map = conv_(img[:, :, 0], curr_filter[:, :, 0]) # Array holding the sum of all feature map
3. for ch_num in range(1, curr_filter.shape[-1]): # Convolving each channel with the image and summing the results.
4. conv_map = conv_map + conv_(img[:, :, ch_num],
5. curr_filter[:, :, ch_num])
6. else: # There is just a single channel in the filter.
7. conv_map = conv_(img, curr_filter)
你可能會注意到,卷積是由名爲 conv_的函數實現的,該函數與 conv 函數不一樣。conv 函數僅接受輸入圖像和濾波器組,但自己不執行卷積操做,只負責將每組待卷積的輸入-濾波器組傳輸到 conv_函數上。這只是爲了使代碼更易於調查。下面是 conv_ 函數的實現:
1. def conv_(img, conv_filter):
2. filter_size = conv_filter.shape[0]
3. result = numpy.zeros((img.shape))
4. #Looping through the image to apply the convolution operation.
5. for r in numpy.uint16(numpy.arange(filter_size/2,
6. img.shape[0]-filter_size/2-2)):
7. for c in numpy.uint16(numpy.arange(filter_size/2, img.shape[1]-filter_size/2-2)):
8. #Getting the current region to get multiplied with the filter.
9. curr_region = img[r:r+filter_size, c:c+filter_size]
10. #Element-wise multipliplication between the current region and the filter.
11. curr_result = curr_region * conv_filter
12. conv_sum = numpy.sum(curr_result) #Summing the result of multiplication.
13. result[r, c] = conv_sum #Saving the summation in the convolution layer feature map.
15. #Clipping the outliers of the result matrix.
16. final_result = result[numpy.uint16(filter_size/2):result.shape[0]-numpy.uint16(filter_size/2),
17. numpy.uint16(filter_size/2):result.shape[1]-numpy.uint16(filter_size/2)]
18. return final_result
1. curr_region = img[r:r+filter_size, c:c+filter_size]
1. #Element-wise multipliplication between the current region and the filter.
2. curr_result = curr_region * conv_filter
3. conv_sum = numpy.sum(curr_result) #Summing the result of multiplication.
4. result[r, c] = conv_sum #Saving the summation in the convolution layer feature map.
在濾波器對輸入圖像執行卷積操做以後,特徵圖由 conv 函數返回。下圖爲此類卷積層返回的特徵圖。
4. ReLU 層
ReLU 層對卷積層返回的每一個特徵圖應用 ReLU 激活函數。根據如下代碼使用 relu 函數使用它:
l1_feature_map_relu = relu(l1_feature_map)
relu 函數的實現方式以下:
1. def relu(feature_map):
2. #Preparing the output of the ReLU activation function.
3. relu_out = numpy.zeros(feature_map.shape)
4. for map_num in range(feature_map.shape[-1]):
5. for r in numpy.arange(0,feature_map.shape[0]):
6. for c in numpy.arange(0, feature_map.shape[1]):
7. relu_out[r, c, map_num] = numpy.max(feature_map[r, c, map_num], 0)
這很簡單。只要循環地將 ReLU 函數應用於特徵圖中的每一個元素,並在特徵圖中的原始值大於 0 時將其返回。其餘狀況下返回 0。ReLU 層的輸出以下圖所示。
5. 最大池化層
最大池化層接受 ReLU 層的輸出,並根據如下代碼應用最大池化操做:
1. l1_feature_map_relu_pool = pooling(l1_feature_map_relu, 2, 2)
最大池化層使用 pooling 函數實現,以下所示:
1. def pooling(feature_map, size=2, stride=2):
2. #Preparing the output of the pooling operation.
3. pool_out = numpy.zeros((numpy.uint16((feature_map.shape[0]-size+1)/stride),
4. numpy.uint16((feature_map.shape[1]-size+1)/stride),
5. feature_map.shape[-1]))
6. for map_num in range(feature_map.shape[-1]):
7. r2 = 0
8. for r in numpy.arange(0,feature_map.shape[0]-size-1, stride):
9. c2 = 0
10. for c in numpy.arange(0, feature_map.shape[1]-size-1, stride):
11. pool_out[r2, c2, map_num] = numpy.max(feature_map[r:r+size, c:c+size])
12. c2 = c2 + 1
13. r2 = r2 +1
該函數接受三個輸入,即 ReLU 層的輸出、池化掩碼大小和步長。它只需建立一個空數組,如前所述,用於保存此類層的輸出。此類數組的大小是根據大小和步長參數指定的,如如下代碼所示:
1. pool_out = numpy.zeros((numpy.uint16((feature_map.shape[0]-size+1)/stride),
2. numpy.uint16((feature_map.shape[1]-size+1)/stride),
3. feature_map.shape[-1]))
而後,它會根據循環變量 map_num 和外部循環一個一個通道地處理圖像。最大池操做將應用於輸入中的每一個通道。根據所使用的步長和大小裁剪區域,根據如下代碼在輸出數組中返回最大值:
pool_out[r2, c2, map_num] = numpy.max(feature_map[r:r+size, c:c+size])
6. 層級的堆疊
至此,具備卷積、ReLU 和最大池化層的 CNN 體系架構已經完成。除了前面提到的層之外,還能夠堆疊其它層來加深網絡。
1. # Second conv layer
2. l2_filter = numpy.random.rand(3, 5, 5, l1_feature_map_relu_pool.shape[-1])
3. print("\n**Working with conv layer 2**")
4. l2_feature_map = conv(l1_feature_map_relu_pool, l2_filter)
5. print("\n**ReLU**")
6. l2_feature_map_relu = relu(l2_feature_map)
7. print("\n**Pooling**")
8. l2_feature_map_relu_pool = pooling(l2_feature_map_relu, 2, 2)
9. print("**End of conv layer 2**\n")
前一卷積層使用 3 個濾波器,其值隨機生成。所以,這種卷積層會帶來 3 個特徵圖。後面的 ReLU 層和池化層也是如此,這些層的輸出以下所示:
1. # Third conv layer
2. l3_filter = numpy.random.rand(1, 7, 7, l2_feature_map_relu_pool.shape[-1])
3. print("\n**Working with conv layer 3**")
4. l3_feature_map = conv(l2_feature_map_relu_pool, l3_filter)
5. print("\n**ReLU**")
6. l3_feature_map_relu = relu(l3_feature_map)
7. print("\n**Pooling**")
8. l3_feature_map_relu_pool = pooling(l3_feature_map_relu, 2, 2)
9. print("**End of conv layer 3**\n")
1. l2_feature_map = conv(l1_feature_map_relu_pool, l2_filter)
2. l3_feature_map = conv(l2_feature_map_relu_pool, l3_filter)
7. 完整代碼
該代碼包含使用 Matplotlib 庫可視化每一個圖層的輸出。