Add Two Numbers/經過鏈表實現加數以及進制

You are given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes contain a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a linked list.node

You may assume the two numbers do not contain any leading zero, except the number 0 itself.git


Input: (2 -> 4 -> 3) + (5 -> 6 -> 4) Output: 7 -> 0 -> 8 Explanation: 342 + 465 = 807. 解釋:經過鏈表實現加數以及進制app

public class ListNode {
    public var val: Int
    public var next: ListNode?
    public init(_ val: Int) {
        self.val = val = nil
extension ListNode: CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomStringConvertible{
    public var description: String{
        var items:[Int] = [Int]()
        var tmp: ListNode? = self
        while tmp != nil {
            tmp = tmp!.next
        return "\(items)"
    public var debugDescription: String{
        return "debug:\(description)"
extension Array {
    var listNode: ListNode?{
        var node: ListNode?
        var tmp: ListNode?
        for item in self as! [Int] {
            if node == nil {
                node = ListNode.init(item)
                tmp = node
                tmp!.next = ListNode.init(item)
                tmp = tmp?.next
        return node
func addTwoNumbers(_ l1: ListNode?, _ l2: ListNode?) -> ListNode? {
    var tmp1 = l1
    var tmp2 = l2
    var stepper = 0
    var destListNode: ListNode?
    while tmp1 != nil || tmp2 != nil {
        var dest = 0
        if(tmp1 != nil){
            dest = dest + tmp1!.val
            tmp1 = tmp1?.next
        if(tmp2 != nil){
            dest = dest + tmp2!.val
            tmp2 = tmp2?.next
        dest = dest + stepper
        stepper = Int(dest / 10)
        if(destListNode == nil){
            destListNode = ListNode.init(dest%10)
            if tmp1 == nil && tmp2 == nil { //沒有後續x且須要進位
                if stepper != 0 {
                    destListNode!.next = ListNode.init(stepper)
            var tmp = destListNode
            while tmp?.next != nil {
                tmp = tmp?.next
            tmp?.next = ListNode.init(Int(dest%10))
            if tmp1 == nil && tmp2 == nil { //沒有後續x且須要進位
                if stepper != 0 {
                    tmp?.next?.next = ListNode.init(stepper)
    return destListNode

addTwoNumbers([2,4,3].listNode, [5,6,4].listNode)
addTwoNumbers([5].listNode, [7].listNode)
