more /opt/shell/yaml/system_init-busi.yamlshell
- hosts: "{{ host }}" tasks: - name: "disk partition" parted: device=/dev/{{ item.key }} number=1 state=present when: not item.value.partitions and ansible_distribution_major_version == "7" and item.key.startswith("vd") with_dict: "{{ ansible_devices }}" register: diskPartition - name: "partition format" filesystem: dev=/dev/{{ item.item.key }}1 fstype=xfs when: item.changed != false with_items: "{{ diskPartition.results }}" register: partitionFormat - name: "partition mount" shell: mkdir /data;UUID=$(blkid {{ item.invocation.module_args.dev }} | cut -d" " -f2);echo "$UUID /data xfs defaults 0 0">> /etc/fstab;mount -a when: not item.skip_reason is defined with_items: "{{ partitionFormat.results }}" - name: rename system script: "/opt/shell/soft/system/rename.sh {{ hostname }}" - name: "create user ezrapp" user: uid: 200 name: 'ezrapp' state: 'present' shell: '/sbin/nologin' system: yes - name: "create user ezruser" user: name: 'ezruser' password: "{{ ezrpwd|password_hash('sha512') }}" state: 'present' shell: '/bin/bash' - name: run install_salt.sh script: /opt/shell/soft/salt/install_salt1.sh
more /opt/shell/soft/system/rename.sh #!/bin/bash . /root/.bash_profile set -m if [ ! -n "$1" ] ;then echo "you have not input a agrs!" exit fi name=$1 version=`cat /etc/redhat-release|sed -r 's/.* ([0-9]+)\..*/\1/'` case $version in 6) sed -i "1s/localhost.localdomain/${name}/" /etc/hosts sed -i "2c HOSTNAME=${name}" /etc/sysconfig/network hostname ${name} service iptables stop chkconfig iptables off ;; 7) hostnamectl --static set-hostname $name systemctl stop firewalld systemctl disable firewalld ;; *) exit esac
more /opt/shell/soft/salt/install_salt1.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash #/bin/rm -f /etc/supervisor/conf.d/jaeger.conf #supervisorctl update /bin/rm -f /etc/supervisor/conf.d/jaeger.conf /bin/rm -f /etc/supervisor/conf.d/Venomd_1.0.0.conf /usr/bin/supervisorctl update cat << EOF >> /etc/salt/minion master: id: $(hostname) EOF systemctl enable salt-minion && systemctl restart salt-minion mkdir -p /data/supervisor/ groupadd user usermod -a -G user ezruser usermod -a -G user ezrapp chown -R ezrapp:user /data