[RxJS] Reactive Programming - Sharing network requests with shareReplay()

Currently we show three users in the list, it actually do three time network request, we can verfiy this by console out each network request:app

var responseStream = startupRequestStream.merge(requestOnRefreshStream)
  .flatMap(requestUrl => {
    console.log('do network request');
    return Rx.Observable.fromPromise(jQuery.getJSON(requestUrl));


We actually can use the same network request by shareReplay(1):this

var responseStream = startupRequestStream.merge(requestOnRefreshStream)
  .flatMap(requestUrl => {
    console.log('do network request');
    return Rx.Observable.fromPromise(jQuery.getJSON(requestUrl));


Why replay one? Well, that's because if there happens to be a really late subscriber...let's say someone does a setTimeout and doesn't subscribe to the responseStream after a long while. Let's say, three seconds or even 10 seconds. Then, this subscribe will get a replayed response JSON. It will not do a new network request, but it will simply replay that same JSON that happened before.spa
