file = "a.srt" fi = open(file, mode='r') a = fi.readline() i = 1 while len(str(a)) != 0: if i%5 == 3: print(a) a = fi.readline() i += 1
愛死亡機器人 第十四集 ZIMA BLUE (女記者 克萊爾) 如其餘數百萬人同樣 我據說ZIMA宣佈將揭曉他的最後一件做品 這些年來 我屢次請求採訪他 卻總被拒絕 如今 不知出於什麼緣由 ZIMA·BLUE想要找我談話 我沒法判斷這個藍色(手中的邀請函)更接近 天空仍是大海 其實二者都不 ZIMA BLUE 是一種精確的顏色 ZIMA的過去鮮有人知 聽說他的藝術生涯是從畫肖像畫開始的 但對ZIMA來講 人體形態這個主題太侷限了 對深層意義的探索讓他不斷地向 宇宙自己深耕 而後他開始做壁畫 這些做品天然是無比美麗 一天 ZIMA揭幕了一副壁畫 這幅畫有些許不一樣 畫布的中間 是一塊很小的藍色正方形 這正方形只是開始 過去的幾十年來 這些抽象地圖形發生改變 比例不斷增大 但藍色的色調一直未變 那就是ZIMA BLUE 不久 ZIMA揭幕了 他的第一幅全藍色壁畫 不少人認爲這是ZIMA所能作到的極限 他們大錯特錯了 當大多數人說起他的藍色時期時 他們是指真正巨大壁畫的那段時期 但ZIMA纔剛剛開始 正是這種奇觀 讓ZIMA名揚天下 甚至對那些對藝術不感興趣的人來講 但名聲歷來不是重點 儘管他很成功 ZIMA仍是以爲不滿意 而他接下來要作的事 對許多人來講 是一次爲了藝術的過分犧牲 (ZIMA·BLUE) 很高興你來了 克萊爾 飛行還順利嗎 放鬆 克萊爾 (女記者 克萊爾) 你好 (ZIMA·BLUE) 有些人也以爲我嚇人 但過會就行了 我上次跟媒體交談仍是一百多年前了 我邀請你來 由於我想讓你幫我報道個人故事 咱們散散步吧 (女記者 克萊爾) 他是個英俊的男人 即使變成這個樣子 有一顆行星叫哈爾科夫八號 專門從事非法的機器人改造 他進行了完全的生物手術 使他可以沒必要穿防禦服 忍受極端環境 他的眼睛能識別全部已知的光譜 他再也不呼吸氧氣 他的皮膚被加壓聚合物代替 讓他能繼續去宇宙冒險 與它交流 但ZIMA最終意識到 宇宙已經在道出本身的真相 比他能作得好太多了 (ZIMA·BLUE) 我對真相的探索引導我到這裏 這將是我最後的做品 至少 我終於理解了我經過藝術探尋的真諦 那跟這個游泳池有什麼關係 這不是普通的游泳池 好久之前 它屬於覺得才華橫溢的年輕女士 她對實用機器人很感興趣 她創造了幾十個機器人來處理各類家務 但她特別喜歡 她製造出來清理泳池的那個 那個小機器人日夜辛苦工做 清理泳池的瓷磚 但年輕女子並不滿意它的勞動成果 因此她給它安裝了全綵色視覺系統 和一個大腦 足夠將視覺數據 處理成周邊環境的模型 她賦予了它自主做出決定的能力 用來設計清理泳池的不一樣策略 她繼續使用這個機器人 做爲試驗全新硬件和軟件的載體 漸漸地 它變得更有意識 最終 那個女人去世了 那個小機器人被傳給一個又一個主人 他們添加功能 處處修改 每次迭代 它都變得更有活力 變得更加 像我 這就是那個泳池 我把它挖出來 挪到這裏 但你是個有機器零件的人類 而不是一個自認爲是人類的機器人 有時候 連我本身都很難理解 我到底成爲了什麼 更難記清楚我曾經是什麼樣子 瓷磚的藍色 ZIMA BLUE 製做商這樣稱呼 我見到的第一件物品 一切從這裏開始 一個簡陋的小機器人 幾乎沒有足夠智能操控本身 但那是個人世界 是我瞭解的一切 也是我須要瞭解的一切 (女記者 克萊爾) 如今呢 (ZIMA·BLUE) 我將浸入泳池 與此同時 我會逐漸關閉個人高級腦功能 拆解本身 只留下必要的組件來欣賞周圍的環境 從高效完成任務中 感覺簡單的愉悅 我對真相的探索終於結束了 我要回家了
1 00:00:39,671 --> 00:00:41,631 和其餘數百萬人同樣 Like millions of others, 2 00:00:41,713 --> 00:00:45,463 我據說齊馬宣佈將要公開本身的最後一件做品 I'd heard Zima announce the unveiling of his final work of art. 3 00:00:46,630 --> 00:00:49,529 這些年 我屢次申請採訪他 Over the years, I'd asked many times for interviews 4 00:00:49,529 --> 00:00:51,144 可是每次都遭到了拒絕 and was always rejected. 5 00:00:51,463 --> 00:00:54,423 如今 不知是什麼緣由 Now, for whatever reason, 6 00:00:54,546 --> 00:00:58,506 齊馬·藍要求和我談談 Zima Blue had requested to speak with me. 7 00:00:59,671 --> 00:01:01,872 我沒法肯定這個藍色 I couldn't decide whether the blue 8 00:01:01,873 --> 00:01:05,591 是更接近天空 仍是海洋的顏色 was a closer match to the sky or to the sea. 9 00:01:06,380 --> 00:01:07,630 其實都不是 Neither, really. 10 00:01:08,380 --> 00:01:12,630 齊馬藍 是一個很精確的顏色 Zima Blue, it was a precise thing. 11 00:01:14,505 --> 00:01:17,005 人們對齊馬的過去知之甚少 Little is known about Zima's history. 12 00:01:17,546 --> 00:01:21,126 聽說他的藝術事業是從肖像畫開始的 It was said that he started his art career in portraiture, 13 00:01:22,255 --> 00:01:26,255 但對於齊馬來講 人類形態這個主題太過眇小 but for Zima, the human form was too small a subject. 14 00:01:27,046 --> 00:01:30,666 追尋更深刻的真相 促使他走向更深處 The search for deeper meaning caused him to look further... 15 00:01:32,380 --> 00:01:34,340 走向宇宙自己 to the cosmos itself. 16 00:01:36,880 --> 00:01:39,590 他的壁畫事業就是這麼開始的 That's how the mural work started. 17 00:01:43,171 --> 00:01:45,961 那些做品毫無疑問顯示出他的才華橫溢 They were undeniably brilliant. 18 00:01:48,588 --> 00:01:53,102 有天 齊馬公開了一幅有些不同凡響的壁畫 One day, Zima unveiled a mural that had something different about it. 20 00:01:54,546 --> 00:01:59,336 在畫布中心 是一個小小的藍色方塊 In the middle of the canvas was a tiny blue square. 21 00:02:00,046 --> 00:02:02,166 那個方塊只是一切的開始 The square was just the beginning. 22 00:02:02,505 --> 00:02:04,545 在接下來幾十年裏 Over the next several decades, 23 00:02:04,630 --> 00:02:08,210 那個抽象的形狀開始改變 並變得愈來愈明顯 the abstract shapes changed and became more dominant. 24 00:02:08,796 --> 00:02:11,956 可是一直以來 那抹藍色從未改變 But, always, the shade of blue was the same. 25 00:02:13,088 --> 00:02:14,708 那就是齊馬藍 It was Zima Blue. 26 00:02:15,380 --> 00:02:17,175 好久之前 齊馬 Before very long, Zima 27 00:02:17,176 --> 00:02:21,010 公開了他第一幅純藍色的壁畫 unveiled the first of his entirely blue murals. 28 00:02:21,755 --> 00:02:25,665 不少人認爲這是齊馬能力的極限了 It was considered by many to be as far as Zima could take things. 29 00:02:26,755 --> 00:02:28,705 他們大錯特錯 They couldn't have been more wrong. 30 00:02:31,255 --> 00:02:34,255 當大多人提到他的藍色時期時 When most people speak about his Blue Period, 31 00:02:34,338 --> 00:02:39,008 他們指的是那些巨大的壁畫... they mean the era of the truly huge murals... 32 00:02:40,213 --> 00:02:43,133 但齊馬纔剛剛開始 but Zima was just getting started. 33 00:02:48,963 --> 00:02:54,463 是某種程度的奇觀 讓齊馬真正成名 It was a certain level of spectacle that made Zima truly famous, 34 00:02:54,880 --> 00:02:57,460 即便是那些對藝術不感興趣的人也知道他 even to those with no interest in art. 35 00:03:00,713 --> 00:03:02,843 可是名氣不是他的目的 But fame was never the point. 36 00:03:06,588 --> 00:03:11,088 儘管他已經聲名鵲起 齊馬仍然不知足 In spite of all his success, Zima was still dissatisfied 37 00:03:12,546 --> 00:03:15,402 他接下來所作的事情 對不少人來講 and what he did next was, for many, 38 00:03:15,403 --> 00:03:18,666 太過偏激 不只僅是爲藝術奉獻那麼簡單了 too extreme a sacrifice to make for art. 39 00:03:27,380 --> 00:03:29,340 很高興你來了 克萊兒 Glad you could make it, Claire. 40 00:03:30,630 --> 00:03:31,630 飛行旅程怎麼樣 How was the flight? 41 00:03:33,963 --> 00:03:35,213 放鬆 克萊兒 Relax, Claire. 42 00:03:36,421 --> 00:03:37,511 嗨 Hi. 43 00:03:38,546 --> 00:03:41,756 有些人認爲我很可怕 但他們很快就不畏懼我了 Some people find me intimidating, but they quickly get over it. 44 00:03:42,463 --> 00:03:46,513 距離我上次和媒體交流 已經有一百多年了 It's been over 100 years since I've spoken to the press. 45 00:03:46,588 --> 00:03:48,350 我邀請你來 是由於 I've invited you here because 46 00:03:48,350 --> 00:03:51,048 我想讓你幫我講述個人故事 I want you to help me tell my story. 47 00:03:52,130 --> 00:03:54,210 咱們來四處走走吧 Shall we take a little walk? 48 00:03:56,130 --> 00:04:00,210 他是個很帥氣的男人 即便他進行了那些改造 He was a handsome man, even after all his transformations. 49 00:04:00,921 --> 00:04:03,381 有一個星球叫作哈爾科夫八號 There was a planet called Kharkov Eight. 50 00:04:03,880 --> 00:04:07,460 那裏專攻一種非法的機能修改技術 It specialized in illicit cybernetic modifications. 51 00:04:09,255 --> 00:04:13,085 他進行了激進的生物改造 He underwent radical biological procedures 52 00:04:13,171 --> 00:04:16,631 讓他可以承受極端環境 that enabled him to tolerate extreme environments 53 00:04:16,713 --> 00:04:19,383 卻不須要任何保護服 without the burden of a protective suit. 54 00:04:20,546 --> 00:04:23,626 他的眼睛可以看到全部頻譜 His eyes could see in any known spectrum. 55 00:04:24,546 --> 00:04:27,046 他再也不呼吸氧氣 He no longer breathed oxygen. 56 00:04:27,130 --> 00:04:31,090 他的皮膚被壓力聚合物所代替 His skin was replaced with pressurized polymer 57 00:04:31,171 --> 00:04:36,211 因此他前去探險 與宇宙交流 and so he ventured forth to commune with the cosmos. 58 00:04:39,421 --> 00:04:42,171 但齊馬最終意識到 But what Zima eventually realized 59 00:04:42,255 --> 00:04:45,705 宇宙早已用他沒法企及的方式 is that the cosmos was already speaking its own truth 60 00:04:46,088 --> 00:04:48,508 說出了真相 far better than he ever could. 61 00:04:53,921 --> 00:04:56,761 我對真相的搜索讓我來到了這裏 My search for truth has led me here, 62 00:04:58,046 --> 00:05:01,086 也是我最終的終點 to what will be my final piece. 63 00:05:02,421 --> 00:05:06,461 終於 我理解本身經過藝術所尋找的東西了 At last, I understand the thing I sought through my art. 64 00:05:07,005 --> 00:05:10,835 那和這個游泳池有什麼關係嗎 And what does this swimming pool have to do with that? 65 00:05:11,088 --> 00:05:13,798 這不只僅是一個游泳池 It's not just any swimming pool. 66 00:05:14,713 --> 00:05:18,303 好久之前 它屬於一個富有天賦的年輕女性 Long ago, it belonged to a talented young woman 67 00:05:18,380 --> 00:05:21,010 她對實用型機器人有着執着的興趣 with a keen interest in practical robotics. 68 00:05:21,296 --> 00:05:25,416 她創造了幾十個機器人在家中進行各類工做 She created dozens of robots to do odd jobs around her house, 69 00:05:25,505 --> 00:05:27,464 但她最喜好的一個機器人 but she was especially fond of 70 00:05:27,465 --> 00:05:30,665 是爲她清掃游泳池的那一個 the one she'd created to clean her swimming pool. 71 00:05:31,171 --> 00:05:33,421 那個小機器人沒完沒了地辛苦工做 The little machine toiled endlessly, 72 00:05:33,422 --> 00:05:35,921 清掃着泳池的每個角落 scrubbing the ceramic sides of the pool. 73 00:05:37,088 --> 00:05:40,548 可是年輕女孩對它的工做仍不滿意 But the young woman wasn't satisfied with the job it did. 74 00:05:41,005 --> 00:05:43,505 因此她給予了它有色的視覺系統 So she gave it a full color vision system 75 00:05:43,588 --> 00:05:46,708 以及足夠將分析的視覺數據 and a brain large enough to process the visual data 76 00:05:46,796 --> 00:05:48,836 轉換成周圍的環境模板的大腦 into a model of its surroundings. 77 00:05:48,921 --> 00:05:52,381 她給予了它自主決定的能力 She gave it the ability to make its own decisions, 78 00:05:52,463 --> 00:05:55,213 來設計清理泳池的不一樣方案 to design different strategies for cleaning the pool. 79 00:05:55,838 --> 00:05:57,732 她繼續把那個機器 She continued to use the machine 80 00:05:57,733 --> 00:06:00,338 做爲新硬件以及軟件的測試品 as a test-bed for new hardware and software. 81 00:06:01,130 --> 00:06:04,090 漸漸地 它變得愈來愈有意識 And by stages, it became more aware. 82 00:06:04,171 --> 00:06:06,761 最後 那個女人死了 Eventually, the woman died. 83 00:06:07,005 --> 00:06:08,705 那個小機器人 The little machine was passed 84 00:06:08,796 --> 00:06:11,046 被傳給了一個又一個主人 from one owner to the next. 85 00:06:11,588 --> 00:06:15,271 它被添加了許多功能 不斷地被改良 They added things, made modifications here and there 86 00:06:16,003 --> 00:06:19,548 每次迭代 它都變得愈來愈清醒 and with every iteration, it became more alive. 87 00:06:20,272 --> 00:06:22,312 變得更加... Became more... 88 00:06:23,155 --> 00:06:24,155 像我 me. 89 00:06:25,733 --> 00:06:27,904 這是同一個泳池 This is that same pool. 90 00:06:28,077 --> 00:06:30,632 我把它挖了起來 搬到了這裏 I had it dug up. Moved here. 91 00:06:31,044 --> 00:06:34,783 但你是一個機器零件組成的人類啊 But you're a man with machine parts, 92 00:06:34,783 --> 00:06:37,103 不是認爲本身是人類的機器人 not a machine that thinks it's a man. 93 00:06:37,309 --> 00:06:41,165 有時 我也很難理解本身成爲了什麼 Sometimes, it's difficult even for me to understand what I've become. 95 00:06:41,692 --> 00:06:45,359 更加難以記起我曾經是什麼 And harder still to remember what I once was. 96 00:06:47,442 --> 00:06:49,812 那個藍色的方塊... The blue of the tiles... 97 00:06:50,317 --> 00:06:53,447 齊馬藍 廠商是這麼叫它的 Zima Blue, the manufacturer called it. 98 00:06:54,276 --> 00:06:56,526 是我看見的第一個東西 The first thing I ever saw. 99 00:06:57,026 --> 00:06:58,986 這是我開始的地方 This was where I began. 100 00:06:59,192 --> 00:07:00,734 一個粗糙的 A crude little machine with 101 00:07:00,735 --> 00:07:03,192 不夠智能 沒法自控的小機器人 barely enough intelligence to steer itself. 102 00:07:04,026 --> 00:07:05,696 但那曾是個人世界 But it was my world. 103 00:07:05,984 --> 00:07:10,234 那是我知道的一切 我只需知道的一切 It was all I knew, all I needed to know. 104 00:07:11,401 --> 00:07:12,521 那如今呢 And now? 105 00:07:45,942 --> 00:07:47,692 我會全身心投入 I will immerse myself. 106 00:07:55,317 --> 00:07:59,857 這麼作的同時 我會慢慢關閉個人高級大腦功能 And as I do, I will slowly shut down my higher brain functions... 107 00:08:09,734 --> 00:08:11,734 毀掉我本身... un-making myself... 108 00:08:19,192 --> 00:08:22,522 只留下一小部分讓我享受周圍的環境... leaving just enough to appreciate my surroundings... 109 00:08:30,317 --> 00:08:35,697 來感覺完成那簡單的任務所帶來的快樂 to extract some simple pleasure from the execution of a task well done. 111 00:08:36,901 --> 00:08:39,771 我對真相的搜索終於結束了 My search for truth is finished at last. 111 00:08:44,065 --> 00:08:45,685 我要回家了 I am going home.