- 官網
- Wonder官方QQ羣: 106047770
增長了Inspector Canvas,能夠預覽Material和WDB資產
Bug Fixes
- api: fix CoordinateAPI->convertWorldToScreen: change result to option (9dd6c50)
- asset-bundle: fix "add manifest data" logic (357df6b)
- asset-bundle: fix "add manifest data" logic (9cdd2e0)
- asset-bundle: fix "generate whole asset bundle" logic (a90c52e)
- clone: fix "clone transform": not mark dirty in CloneTransformMainService.re (000bde0)
- event: bind mobile event use {"passive": false} (5464e01)
- event: change point dom->target from canvas to body (688310b)
- event: fix "unbind arcballCameraController event" bug: unbind should unbind cameraController's all binded functions (24f861f)
- event: fix init event job->chrome bug for getMovementDeltaWhenPointerLocked (4f3e45b)
- event: fix init event job->chrome bug for getMovementDeltaWhenPointerLocked: use skip(2) instead of skip(1) (2e7add8)
- event: fix touch event: not prevent default (05422f1)
- event: fix unbind arcball camera controller->keydown event (2290309)
- event: fix unbind arcball event->dispose point drag start/drop event (8567055)
- event: touchmove event prevent default (ee51005)
- geometry: now "get points" use slice instead of subarray(for ios);optimize RenderJobUtils->_getOrCreateBuffer->Index: defer get indices data; (6a45c0a)
- glsl: fix webgl1_frontLight_fragment.glsl->calcTotalLight (40574ed)
- job: fix worker->add custom job->"if action is BEFORE, the custom job is executed after the source job(in pipeline)" bug (4db344d)
- memory: fix QueryCPUMemoryService->isGeometryBufferNearlyFull:add judge indices16 and indices32 (27485bc)
- redo-undo: fix deep copy gameObject record->disposedArcballCameraControllerArray (895b2e0)
- api: add APIAPI.re (606b8b1)
- api: change scriptAPI to uncurry (a66f6ef)
- api: reallocateCPUMemoryJobAPI add reallocateGeometry api (58f6e1c)
- api: sceneAPI,script api add findGameObjectsByName (72382d0)
- api: scriptAPI add more apis (0be975d)
- asset: convert->script: support script component not has event function data/attribute (6def268)
- asset: convert,assemble,generate add "gameObject->isActive, script->isActive, meshRenderer->isRender" (83603b8)
- asset: wdb add script component data (5ea3908)
- asset-bundle: add "add manifest data" logic (bcf6dd4)
- asset-bundle: add "assemble rab", "isAssembled" logic (a92371d)
- asset-bundle: add "assemble sab" logic (001a1d8)
- asset-bundle: add "checkCircleDependency","removeDupliceData" logic (259919d)
- asset-bundle: add "generate rab" logic (8e5c3c7)
- asset-bundle: add "generate sab" logic (124e9bd)
- asset-bundle: add "get ab progress info" logic (353c8a1)
- asset-bundle: add "load and use asset bundle"->client logic (3fc4ecb)
- asset-bundle: add "release asset bundle data" logic (9067e17)
- asset-bundle: add GenerateAllABSystem and finish its logic (e7a860d)
- asset-bundle: add more script apis (39167d7)
- asset-bundle: FindDependencyDataSystem add findAllDependencyRAbRelativePathByBreadthSearch and fix ImportABSystem->loadAndAssembleAllDependencyRAB to use mergeArray and concat array; (37aa67f)
- asset-bundle: fix "assembled sab->gameObject->texture->flipY not equal (generated single sab)sab->gameObject->texture->flipY" bug (4df279d)
- asset-bundle: fix "generate single sab": now can get imageUint8Array data (b035e61)
- asset-bundle: fix "loadAndAssembleAllDependencyRAB and loadSABAndSetToState->load order" bug: now concat and merge loadAndAssembleAllDependencyRAB and then concat loadSABAndSetToState. (2ac5441)
- asset-bundle: fix "removeDupliceData" logic (01d4a57)
- asset-bundle: fix api->generateSingleRAB, generateSingleSAB: not return state (2a4affd)
- asset-bundle: fix BatchOperateWholeGeometrySystem->setGeometryData->set texCoord data (84b837a)
- asset-bundle: fix cache api: change return value from stream to promise (efa904b)
- asset-bundle: fix cache: ImportABSystem->loadAllDependencyRABAndSetToState,loadSABAndSetToState now not handle "initAssetBundleArrayBufferCache" logic (9434c6e)
- asset-bundle: fix GenerateAllABAPI->generateAllABs: not check circle dependency (596703a)
- asset-bundle: fix ImportABSystem->RAB->_loadAndAssembleRAB: use stream to wrap rabRelativePath for mergeArray (2843138)
- asset-bundle: optimize load rabs and sab: 1.merge load all; 2.concat assemble dependency rabs (8394da3)
- asset-bundle: run test->use.html use indexDB for cache asset bundle (7a643fc)
- asset-bundle: script api add getAllDependencyRABCount,getLoadedDependencyRABCount (010c408)
- asset-bundle: script api add initAllSABGameObjects,addSABSceneGameObjectChildrenToScene (1939aca)
- asset-bundle: script api add releaseLoadedSAB,releaseLoadedRAB,releaseAssembleRABData (a874898)
- asset-bundle: script api: add isSABAssembled (7303a19)
- camera: unbind camera controller event: add unbindArcballCameraControllerPointScaleEvent api (7346f4c)
- clone: fix clone script component (4c0ed54)
- data-json: decrease setting.json->buffer->textureCountPerMaterial to 8 (58dc883)
- dispose: add "dispose array buffer view source texture" (d5c6e77)
- dispose: add "dispose texture" logic(draft) (dce7094)
- dispose: fix "dispose basic source texture/array buffer view source texture->bindTextureUnitCacheMap" (c56411f)
- dispose: fix "dispose script component": now clear script component disposed data (ecae5e7)
- dispose: GameObjectAPI add disposeGameObjectLightMaterialComponentRemoveTexture; LightMaterialAPI add batchDisposeLightMaterialRemoveTexture; (8b2ea84)
- dispose: pass "render worker->dispose basic source texture" (4692a5e)
- gameObject: gameObjectAPI add disposeGameObjectRemoveTexture api (8818438)
- gameObject): add "is active" logic; (feat(script: add "is active" logic); (d772512)
- imgui: add sliderFloat api (6252277)
- imgui: manageIMGUIAPI add clearIMGUIFunc api (11e51e6)
- jiehuo: add "draw line->solid line, dash line, alpha" feature (ffb862a)
- jiehuo: add jiehuo html and api (0e03ac9)
- jiehuo: JieHuoAPI add loadImageDataArr api (c7ec5b9)
- redo-undo: fix deep copy gameObject: add copy disposedScriptArray (d06d0f7)
- script: fix scriptp api->loadAllDependencyRABAndSetToState (8ec0299)
- shader: fix "no material shader"->HandleNoMaterialShaderUniformConfigDataService: useSendUniformService.getSendCachableDataByType(type_) (e2644e6)
- skybox: add skybox(by add job); (b1bd64f)
- skybox: fix "left and right reverse" bug (59ab763)
- skybox: fix draw cube texture->gl format (2e14fd1)
- texture: basicSourceTextureAPI add disposeBasicSourceTexture; (3217b6c)
- texture: fix "assemble wdb"->BatchSetTextureAllDataSystem->batchSetNewDiffueMaps (e5f1cd7)
- update wonder-bs-jest, jest version (f423264)
- script: add "enable/disable script event function" api (75a400b)
- script: add draft; pass script example run test; (52c76db)
- script: event function can be undefined (b8ae68f)
- script: handle clone script component (f3a761d)
- script: handle dispose script component (2c53649)
- script: run test: change transform->local position when update (1cbd100)
- script: ScriptAPI and ScriptAttributeAPI add more api (745cbd6)
- texture: fix dispose texture: not delete glTexture (be455eb)
- worker: script: exec script in main worker (7638acb)
Bug Fixes
- asset: fix "remove folder asset": should remove folder's all children (79e3d37)
- asset: fix "remove material asset":1.remove instead of dispose material->maps; 2.if material has no gameObjects, dispose material; (d81994f)
- asset: fix remove texture asset: if texture has no materials, should dispose texture's engine data (c711c20)
- asset: fix rename asset in inspector: if value not change, shouldn't warn (22eeb02)
- asset: script attribute: sort entries show order; add check script event function/attribute jsObj str; (5185889)
- console: fix "str.split error" bug: fix ConsoleBaseComponent->buildMultiLineStringComponent (272a8ba)
- event: fix FloatInput,IntInput->drag over in pointer lock->movement (a085859)
- event: fix init event job->chrome bug for getMovementDeltaWhenPointerLocked (d60b64f)
- event: fix init event job->chrome bug for getMovementDeltaWhenPointerLocked: use skip(2) instead of skip(1) (6eb7a9d)
- imgCanvas: fix bug: remove texture should redraw material snapshot and remove container gameObj (a51373c)
- imgCanvas: use drawImage func instead of Js.object.type (4c94f56)
- inspectorCanvas: fix texture cache: if change texture asset,clear its cache (c93df9f)
- inspectorEngine: fix bug caused by 192843c39172cd9983ac1ed2f524f10b3015209f (db62c89)
- inspectorEngine: fix bug: stateData no state (8ea3542)
- inspectorEngine: need fix bug (192843c)
- publish: index.html: use contentLength instead of totalByteLength (201e5da)
- resize: fix bug: enter editor; show material inspector; resize to big window; show blank area; (9995f8b)
- ui: mouse over FloatInput/IntInput->drag zone should show move cursor (b0c4b57)
- wdb: need jack fix bug (974710e)
- abUI: finish all asset bundle ui (2c24176)
- ambientLight: add ambient light in inspector canvas (3c00512)
- asset: add "remove script event function, script attribute asset" (119af1d)
- asset: add script event function asset; add script attribute asset; (2e0facb)
- asset: fix rename script attribute asset->attribute name: now update in all script components (fee5180)
- asset: script attribute asset: add "update script attribute in all script components" logic (32d3785)
- asset: script event function asset: add "update script event function in all script components" logic (fe76e2e)
- asset-bundle: add "asset->load assetBundle" logic (51fba9d)
- asset-bundle: add "generate all ab" draft logic(pass compile) (e3876ab)
- asset-bundle: add "generate single sab" (5d6a4cf)
- asset-bundle: add geo.png (ec60c07)
- asset-bundle: add HeaderAssetBundle->"generate single rab" related ui (150ca0c)
- asset-bundle: add SelectTree ui draft (63fb0b1)
- asset-bundle: asset tree->add assetBundle node (f0f289c)
- asset-bundle: begin "import ab at runtime when run": rewrite script api for asset bundle (594684b)
- asset-bundle: export/import wpk add asset bundle (6310e5f)
- asset-bundle: finish "build select tree from asset tree for generate single rab" (75c226b)
- asset-bundle: finish "generateAndDownloadSingleRAB" logic (c973ebf)
- asset-bundle: fix generate single rab: added light material shouldn't add to basic material resource data (b149ac7)
- asset-bundle: fix HeaderAssetBundleGenerateAllAB: change generate-single-sab to generate-all-ab (cf32db3)
- asset-bundle: fix modal: click close button shouldn't generate single ab (a179227)
- asset-bundle: header->"generate single rab" add "name" input (2c34074)
- asset-bundle: publish local: write asset bundle to zip (5e45104)
- asset-bundle: support load "asset bundle zip" to asset (72b90e6)
- assetCanvas: finish asset canvas demo (7cf4536)
- camera: fix scene view->edit camera: fix point scale (bcf22bc)
- controller: add "exec script event functions when run" logic (a676fef)
- engine: update wonder.js to 1.0.2 (15da515)
- engine: update wonder.js to 1.1.0 (dda7c6b)
- engine: update wonder.js version (50402dd)
- engine: update wonder.js version (bcf12f1)
- engine: update wonder.js version (238649c)
- engine: update wonder.js version (f7e1eab)
- engine: update wonder.js version (b429bce)
- engine: update wonder.js, wonder-webgl version (9d41c84)
- export: export mateial snapshot (10fda6d)
- header: add "New Scene" (eb5d73a)
- header: fix "New Scene": should operate in stop (5792121)
- header: fix "NewScene": should clear current scene tree node before exec update_transform_gizmos job (b65da2f)
- imgCanvas: create import wdb/gltf file material snapshot (1c75f35)
- imgCanvas: finish remove material should remove it's imageData from imageDataMap (76c648a)
- imgCanvas: finish TODOs (98e2bb6)
- imgCanvas: fix "create material/wdb snapshot": now clear img canvas before draw (245be64)
- imgCanvas: fix AssetTreeInspectorUtils->disposeContainerGameObjectAllChildrenAndReallocateCPUMemory->_reallocateCPUMemory: add condition judge (90e4a49)
- imgCanvas: store img-canvas context in editorState (2b71dfc)
- imgui: fix scene view imgui: if SceneViewIMGUIUtils->convertWorldToScreen return None, return (-100, -100) (a6a1fdd)
- inspector: finish create material sphere into inspector canvas (8573a77)
- inspectorCanvas: arcball camera controller->event work (bb505cb)
- inspectorCanvas: fix "cache texture": load wdb->extract material assets shouldn't dispose texture (48b4db8)
- inspectorCanvas: fix arcball camera controller: left mouse button can still drag (f236513)
- inspectorCanvas: fix generate material snapshot: generate snapshot in MaterialInspector->willUnmount (5c166e9)
- inspectorCanvas: fix MaterialInspector->update snapshot bug (b6d3a64)
- inspectorCanvas: fix remove material asset: if material is removed, not create material sphere (7fe0f3f)
- inspectorCanvas: fix:restore arcball camera controller->angle before update snapshot (62c8c40)
- inspectorCanvas: improve light (b084951)
- inspectorCanvas: update default material snapshot base64 (c801917)
- inspectorCanvas: wdb inspector: generate snapshot in WDBInspector->didMount (952ff4c)
- inspectorCanvas: wDBInspector, MaterialInspector->didMount add tryCatch (6ab8559)
- inspectorEngine: show sphere and camera (938daed)
- job: init_pipelines remove init_script job (e9ac408)
- language: add arcball camera and light language (30126b9)
- language: add asset and inspector language (14215de)
- language: add camera group language (ef33b41)
- language: add message language (7c08bc0)
- language: change header-edit->zh (6b8efc8)
- language: finish header and controller language (6053827)
- language: fix language data (b7fae29)
- language: restore DomHelper->locationReload to use reload (ce4b198)
- left-header: fix clone gameObject has script component (814aca0)
- mainEditorMaterial: split MainEditorBasic/lightMaterial to MainEditorBasic/LightMaterialForGam (6577143)
- message: change message -> isActive to be immutable (e1860e7)
- message: finish message demo (58f197c)
- message: finish message demo (0710f75)
- message: finish message feature (46ce318)
- message: finish message feature (51aeea2)
- progress: add progress willUnmount off event (90ee1d8)
- progress: finish offCustomGlobalEventByEventName in progress->willUnmount (8a12a22)
- progress: finish progress feat and style (548fa0c)
- progress: load wdb, import package add progress (36b9f75)
- progress: use send local ui state instead of operate dom (7912f99)
- publish: fix publish local->no worker: fix for asset bundle (78af837)
- publish: fix publish local->worker: fix for asset bundle (fe1eb33)
- publish: update engine files (80ab8fe)
- pwa: finish pwa update data (2825e30)
- pwa: finish pwa update data (c322bcc)
- redo-undo: fix redo/undo remove script component (5e8e4fc)
- redo-undo: script component->attribute add redo/undo (cdb392a)
- redo-undo: script component->event function add redo/undo (6e58c7c)
- redo-undo: script event function,script attribute asset add redo-undo (dd482af)
- script: add "store script assets in asb", "relate script assets when import package", "extract script assets when load asset" logic(draft) (5300181)
- script: fix event function->body str: replace "return engineState" to return engineState;" (d1fc979)
- script: fix script component: support Int type (560e7fb)
- script: rewrite script api->asset bundle api->addSABSceneGameObjectChildrenToScene, setSABSceneGameObjectToBeScene, disposeSceneAllChildren (e2fa8cc)
- script: script api now update editor (5fb6843)
- script-component: "add script event function": if no scriptEventFunction asset, warn (bc26270)
- script-component: add "remove script component" logic (3d06aab)
- script-component: add "remove script event function" (0cbcaa0)
- script-component: add "script attribute" logic (afaba0c)
- script-component: add "script attribute"->fields logic (ad54248)
- script-component: add script component logic(draft); add "add script event function" logic(draft); (af77d66)
- script-component: fix "add script event function" bugs (4dbcf39)
- script-component: HideScriptEventFunctionGroupForAdd,HideScriptEventFunctionGroupForChange now not dispatch (f21fa91)
- snapshot: add basicMaterial and lightMaterial closeColorPick and blurShininess event handler (d520210)
- wdb: add imageDataIndex in wdbData (bacfd2a)
- wdb: add WDBInspector.re and refactor didMount and willunMount (29ddbef)
- wdb: finish clone wdb gameObject to other engine state (58c609f)
- wdb: finish export package store wdb snapshot to asb, import package should use it (a7c265b)
- wdb: import wdb create snapshot (abdb9a8)
- wdb: import wdb should dispose inspector canvas gameObject (07e54bf)
- remove ImmutableSparseMapService.re (291b8e4)
- update files (91c58e4)
- update files (e3a5e09)
- update wonder.js,wonder-bs-jest,wonder-commonlib,jest version (3891511)
- img: change img size (a50b2d3)
- inspectorCanvas: optimize render inspector canvas: cache texture (51a9e19)