劍橋大學出版社免費開放 Camridge Core 平臺:AI、數據科學、網絡等 700 本教材免費看!

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在冠狀病毒爆發期間,做爲世界上最大以及歷史最悠久的出版社之一的劍橋大學出版社 Cambridge Core 已免費提供 HTML 格式的高等教育教科書,以支持大學及學生,使用,不管之前是否購買過教科書,均可以在 Cambridge Core 上找到 700 多種已出版和當前可用的教科書。網絡


在這期間用戶可以免費瀏覽 Cambridge Core 裏頭超過700本教材,以及多達 21 個不一樣學科領域,例如人工智能、機器學習、數據科學、網絡、養分學等等。機器學習


Cambridge Core 是個由劍橋大學出版社開創的學習平臺,在網頁裏擁有超過 160,000 篇週刊和超過 36,000 本書籍讓用戶閱讀。不只如此,用戶還能在 Cambridge Core 平臺上的任意閱讀和訪問任何資源,而且 Cambridge Core 會爲書籍持續更新至最新的版本,以確保用戶在網頁版能享有最新的資料。ide



Covid-19: A message to our customers人工智能

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic is posing huge challenges for teachers, researchers and learners. At Cambridge University Press we are committed to supporting you at this difficult time.spa

Academic publishingorm

We have made higher education textbooks in HTML format free to access online during the coronavirus outbreak to support universities and their students. More than700 textbooks, published and currently available on Cambridge Core – our online home for academic books and journals – are available online to students through their university library regardless of whether they were previously purchased. We are also providing free access toa growing collection of research related to the coronavirusuntil the end of May. The Press plays a global role in education and research and shares its University’s mission to contribute to society through its work. Sharing that research can play an important role in tackling shared threats such as this. Articles in the collection are drawn from journals including Epidemiology & Infection; Prehospital and Disaster Medicine; Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, and from Animal Health Research Reviews, among others.

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