1. 更改默認端口(默認3306)mysql
2. 刪除掉test數據庫數據庫
drop database test;
3. 密碼改的複雜些ide
# 1 set password for root@localhost=password('test'); # 2 use mysql; update user set password=password('test') where user='root'; flush privileges;
4. 刪除默認的用戶工具
use mysql; delete from db; delete from user where not(host="localhost" and user="root"); flush privileges;
5. 改變默認mysql管理員的名稱spa
use mysql; update user set user="admin" where user="root"; flush privileges;
6. 禁止遠程鏈接mysql
a. 設置賬號不容許從遠程登錄,只能在localhostcode
use mysql; update user set host = '%' where user = 'admin'; select host, user from user;
b. 受權某個特定的用戶能夠從遠程登陸mysql
(1) 設定任務主機,均可以根據某個用戶名|密碼,登陸mysql服務的全部數據庫blog
grant all privileges on *.* to 'myuser'@'%' identified by 'mypassword' with grant option; flush privileges;
(2) 設定特定IP的主機,根據某個用戶名|密碼,登陸mysql服務的全部數據庫it
grant all privileges on *.* to 'myuser'@'' identified by 'mypassword' with grant option; flush privileges;
(3) 設定特定IP的主機,根據用某個戶名|密碼,登陸指定的數據庫(dk--數據庫名)io
grant all privileges on dk.* to 'myuser'@'' identified by 'mypassword' with grant option; flush privileges;