declare ln_plantid number; ln_itemid number; ln_checkResult number; lv_uom varchar(50); ln_isExist number; begin for cur in (select * from xxx x) loop begin select p.plant_id into ln_plantid from hcm_plant p where p.plant_code = cur.plantcode; dbms_output.put_line(cur.plantcode || '------' || ln_plantid); exception when others then continue; dbms_output.put_line('取工廠ID出錯!'); end; begin select i.item_id, i.primary_uom into ln_itemid, lv_uom from hcm_item i where i.item_code = cur.itemcode and i.plant_id = ln_plantid; dbms_output.put_line(cur.itemcode || '------' || ln_itemid || '-------' || lv_uom); exception when others then continue; dbms_output.put_line('取物料ID出錯!'||cur.itemcode); end; select count(1) into ln_isExist from HME_ITEM_ONHAND_QUANTITIES t where t.plant_id = ln_plantid and t.item_id = ln_itemid and t.warehouse_code = cur.warehouse and t.locator_code = cur.locator and t.lot_number = cur.lotnumber; if ln_isExist > 0 then dbms_output.put_line('物料在庫存表裏面已經存在!'); continue; else /*insert into HME_ITEM_ONHAND_QUANTITIES (plant_id, Item_Id, Warehouse_Code, Locator_Code, Loct_Onhand, Lot_Number, Uom_Code, Server_Id) values (ln_plantid, ln_itemid, cur.warehouse, cur.locator, cur.qty, cur.lotnumber, lv_uom, 2);*/ dbms_output.put_line('-------------------------------------------------'); end if; end loop; end;