先安裝PHP對應的RabbitMQ,這裏用的是 php_amqp 不一樣的擴展實現方式會有細微的差別.
php擴展地址: http://pecl.php.net/package/amqp
具體以官網爲準 http://www.rabbitmq.com/getstarted.htmlhtml
config.php 配置信息
BaseMQ.php MQ基類
ProductMQ.php 生產者類
ConsumerMQ.php 消費者類
Consumer2MQ.php 消費者2(可有多個)this
<?php return [ //配置 'host' => [ 'host' => '', 'port' => '5672', 'login' => 'guest', 'password' => 'guest', 'vhost'=>'/', ], //交換機 'exchange'=>'word', //路由 'routes' => [], ];
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: pc * Date: 2018/12/13 * Time: 14:11 */ namespace MyObjSummary\rabbitMQ; /** Member * AMQPChannel * AMQPConnection * AMQPEnvelope * AMQPExchange * AMQPQueue * Class BaseMQ * @package MyObjSummary\rabbitMQ */ class BaseMQ { /** MQ Channel * @var \AMQPChannel */ public $AMQPChannel ; /** MQ Link * @var \AMQPConnection */ public $AMQPConnection ; /** MQ Envelope * @var \AMQPEnvelope */ public $AMQPEnvelope ; /** MQ Exchange * @var \AMQPExchange */ public $AMQPExchange ; /** MQ Queue * @var \AMQPQueue */ public $AMQPQueue ; /** conf * @var */ public $conf ; /** exchange * @var */ public $exchange ; /** link * BaseMQ constructor. * @throws \AMQPConnectionException */ public function __construct() { $conf = require 'config.php' ; if(!$conf) throw new \AMQPConnectionException('config error!'); $this->conf = $conf['host'] ; $this->exchange = $conf['exchange'] ; $this->AMQPConnection = new \AMQPConnection($this->conf); if (!$this->AMQPConnection->connect()) throw new \AMQPConnectionException("Cannot connect to the broker!\n"); } /** * close link */ public function close() { $this->AMQPConnection->disconnect(); } /** Channel * @return \AMQPChannel * @throws \AMQPConnectionException */ public function channel() { if(!$this->AMQPChannel) { $this->AMQPChannel = new \AMQPChannel($this->AMQPConnection); } return $this->AMQPChannel; } /** Exchange * @return \AMQPExchange * @throws \AMQPConnectionException * @throws \AMQPExchangeException */ public function exchange() { if(!$this->AMQPExchange) { $this->AMQPExchange = new \AMQPExchange($this->channel()); $this->AMQPExchange->setName($this->exchange); } return $this->AMQPExchange ; } /** queue * @return \AMQPQueue * @throws \AMQPConnectionException * @throws \AMQPQueueException */ public function queue() { if(!$this->AMQPQueue) { $this->AMQPQueue = new \AMQPQueue($this->channel()); } return $this->AMQPQueue ; } /** Envelope * @return \AMQPEnvelope */ public function envelope() { if(!$this->AMQPEnvelope) { $this->AMQPEnvelope = new \AMQPEnvelope(); } return $this->AMQPEnvelope; } }
<?php //生產者 P namespace MyObjSummary\rabbitMQ; require 'BaseMQ.php'; class ProductMQ extends BaseMQ { private $routes = ['hello','word']; //路由key /** * ProductMQ constructor. * @throws \AMQPConnectionException */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** 只控制發送成功 不接受消費者是否收到 * @throws \AMQPChannelException * @throws \AMQPConnectionException * @throws \AMQPExchangeException */ public function run() { //頻道 $channel = $this->channel(); //建立交換機對象 $ex = $this->exchange(); //消息內容 $message = 'product message '.rand(1,99999); //開始事務 $channel->startTransaction(); $sendEd = true ; foreach ($this->routes as $route) { $sendEd = $ex->publish($message, $route) ; echo "Send Message:".$sendEd."\n"; } if(!$sendEd) { $channel->rollbackTransaction(); } $channel->commitTransaction(); //提交事務 $this->close(); die ; } } try{ (new ProductMQ())->run(); }catch (\Exception $exception){ var_dump($exception->getMessage()) ; }
<?php //消費者 C namespace MyObjSummary\rabbitMQ; require 'BaseMQ.php'; class ConsumerMQ extends BaseMQ { private $q_name = 'hello'; //隊列名 private $route = 'hello'; //路由key /** * ConsumerMQ constructor. * @throws \AMQPConnectionException */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** 接受消息 若是終止 重連時會有消息 * @throws \AMQPChannelException * @throws \AMQPConnectionException * @throws \AMQPExchangeException * @throws \AMQPQueueException */ public function run() { //建立交換機 $ex = $this->exchange(); $ex->setType(AMQP_EX_TYPE_DIRECT); //direct類型 $ex->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE); //持久化 //echo "Exchange Status:".$ex->declare()."\n"; //建立隊列 $q = $this->queue(); //var_dump($q->declare());exit(); $q->setName($this->q_name); $q->setFlags(AMQP_DURABLE); //持久化 //echo "Message Total:".$q->declareQueue()."\n"; //綁定交換機與隊列,並指定路由鍵 echo 'Queue Bind: '.$q->bind($this->exchange, $this->route)."\n"; //阻塞模式接收消息 echo "Message:\n"; while(True){ $q->consume(function ($envelope,$queue){ $msg = $envelope->getBody(); echo $msg."\n"; //處理消息 $queue->ack($envelope->getDeliveryTag()); //手動發送ACK應答 }); //$q->consume('processMessage', AMQP_AUTOACK); //自動ACK應答 } $this->close(); } } try{ (new ConsumerMQ)->run(); }catch (\Exception $exception){ var_dump($exception->getMessage()) ; }