1、 單例模式php
顧名思義, 單例模式就是隻實例一次,經過一個接口去實現多處須要的同一類對象的需求。web
1 public function __construct($config = []) 2 { 3 Yii::$app = $this; 4 static::setInstance($this); 5
6 $this->state = self::STATE_BEGIN; 7
8 $this->preInit($config); 9
10 $this->registerErrorHandler($config); 11
12 Component::__construct($config); 13 }
二、 工廠模式(策略模式)yii
1 public static function createObject($type, array $params = []) 2 { 3 if (is_string($type)) { 4 return static::$container->get($type, $params); 5 } elseif (is_array($type) && isset($type['class'])) { 6 $class = $type['class']; 7 unset($type['class']); 8 return static::$container->get($class, $params, $type); 9 } elseif (is_callable($type, true)) { 10 return static::$container->invoke($type, $params); 11 } elseif (is_array($type)) { 12 throw new InvalidConfigException('Object configuration must be an array containing a "class" element.'); 13 } 14
15 throw new InvalidConfigException('Unsupported configuration type: ' . gettype($type)); 16 }
1 public function set($id, $definition) 2 { 3 unset($this->_components[$id]); 4
5 if ($definition === null) { 6 unset($this->_definitions[$id]); 7 return; 8 } 9
10 if (is_object($definition) || is_callable($definition, true)) { 11 // an object, a class name, or a PHP callable
12 $this->_definitions[$id] = $definition; 13 } elseif (is_array($definition)) { 14 // a configuration array
15 if (isset($definition['class'])) { 16 $this->_definitions[$id] = $definition; 17 } else { 18 throw new InvalidConfigException("The configuration for the \"$id\" component must contain a \"class\" element."); 19 } 20 } else { 21 throw new InvalidConfigException("Unexpected configuration type for the \"$id\" component: " . gettype($definition)); 22 } 23 }
1 public function get($id, $throwException = true) 2 { 3 if (isset($this->_components[$id])) { 4 return $this->_components[$id]; 5 } 6
7 if (isset($this->_definitions[$id])) { 8 $definition = $this->_definitions[$id]; 9 if (is_object($definition) && !$definition instanceof Closure) { 10 return $this->_components[$id] = $definition; 11 } 12
13 return $this->_components[$id] = Yii::createObject($definition); 14 } elseif ($throwException) { 15 throw new InvalidConfigException("Unknown component ID: $id"); 16 } 17
18 return null; 19 }
1 /** 2 * Returns the database connection component. 3 * @return \yii\db\Connection the database connection. 4 */
5 public function getDb() 6 { 7 return $this->get('db'); 8 } 9
10 /** 11 * Returns the log dispatcher component. 12 * @return \yii\log\Dispatcher the log dispatcher application component. 13 */
14 public function getLog() 15 { 16 return $this->get('log'); 17 } 18
19 /** 20 * Returns the error handler component. 21 * @return \yii\web\ErrorHandler|\yii\console\ErrorHandler the error handler application component. 22 */
23 public function getErrorHandler() 24 { 25 return $this->get('errorHandler'); 26 } 27
28 /** 29 * Returns the cache component. 30 * @return \yii\caching\CacheInterface the cache application component. Null if the component is not enabled. 31 */
32 public function getCache() 33 { 34 return $this->get('cache', false); 35 } 36
37 /** 38 * Returns the formatter component. 39 * @return \yii\i18n\Formatter the formatter application component. 40 */
41 public function getFormatter() 42 { 43 return $this->get('formatter'); 44 } 45
46 /** 47 * Returns the request component. 48 * @return \yii\web\Request|\yii\console\Request the request component. 49 */
50 public function getRequest() 51 { 52 return $this->get('request'); 53 } 54
55 /** 56 * Returns the response component. 57 * @return \yii\web\Response|\yii\console\Response the response component. 58 */
59 public function getResponse() 60 { 61 return $this->get('response'); 62 }