(8) Provisioning:html
1. 在項目的根目錄下建立文件夾manifests,而後在該文件家中建立Puppet的配置文件default.pp,該文件內容以下: ui
# Basic Puppet Apache manifestclass apache { exec { 'apt-get update': command => '/usr/bin/apt-get update' } package { "apache2": ensure => present, } service { "apache2": ensure => running, require => Package["apache2"], }}include apache
Vagrant::Config.rundo|config| config.vm.box="base" # Enable the Puppet provisioner config.vm.provision:puppetend
(9) 運行Projectspa
爲了使puppet的配置生效,若是不重啓虛機,則須要執行vagrant reload命令。vagrant
$ vagrant reload
(10) 進行端口映射code
修改Vagrantfile, 添加本地端口和虛機端口的映射關係, 而後執行vagrant reload, 而後你就能夠經過本地瀏覽器來訪問:http://localhost:4567. htm
Vagrant::Config.run do |config| # Forward guest port 80 to host port 4567 config.vm.forward_port 80, 4567 end