
      今天晚上又來了興致,決定寫一個linux下的HTK的安裝和測試,若是有人想看windows下的,能夠看我以前的那篇博文。 linux

      首先前提是要確保本身安裝了g++和libx11 shell

sudo apt-get install libx11-dev:i386(

       解壓HTK-3.4.1.tar.gz ubuntu

sudo tar xzf HTK-3.4.1.tar.gz
sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/
config.status: creating HTKLVRec/Makefile
config.status: WARNING:  HTKLVRec/ seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: WARNING: seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting

HTK is now ready to be built.

Type "make all" to build the HTK libraries
and tools.

Then "make install" to install them.

The tools will be installed in /usr/local//bin

Build notes: Language Modelling tools will be
built. HDecode will not be built. You can build
it manually later by running 'make hdecode


 以後試了幾回,都是因爲本身的環境的錯誤給中斷了,可是最後用了忽略錯誤編譯成功了。 windows

以後出現: 工具

zhangju@ubuntu:/usr/local/bin$ ls
Cluster  HERest  HLMCopy    HQuant    HVite   LGList   LNorm
HBuild   HHEd    HLRescore  HRest     LAdapt  LGPrep   LPlex
HCompV   HInit   HLStats    HResults  LBuild  LLink    LSubset
HCopy    HLEd    HMMIRest   HSGen     LFoF    LMerge
HDMan    HList   HParse     HSmooth   LGCopy  LNewMap
zhangju@ubuntu:/usr/local/bin$ HInit 

USAGE: HInit [options] hmmFile trainFiles...

 Option                                       Default

 -e f    Set convergence factor epsilon       1.0E-4
 -i N    Set max iterations to N              20
 -l s    Set segment label to s               none
 -m N    Set min segments needed              3
 -n      Update hmm (suppress uniform seg)    off
 -o fn   Store new hmm def in fn (name only)  outDir/srcfn
 -u mvwt Update m)eans v)ars w)ghts t)rans    mvwt
 -v f    Set minimum variance to f            1.0E-2
 -w f    set mix wt/disc prob floor to f      0.0
 -A      Print command line arguments         off
 -B      Save HMMs/transforms as binary       off
 -C cf   Set config file to cf                default
 -D      Display configuration variables      off
 -F fmt  Set source data format to fmt        as config
 -G fmt  Set source label format to fmt       as config
 -H mmf  Load HMM macro file mmf
 -I mlf  Load master label file mlf
 -L dir  Set input label (or net) dir         current
 -M dir  Dir to write HMM macro files         current
 -S f    Set script file to f                 none
 -T N    Set trace flags to N                 0
 -V      Print version information            off
 -X ext  Set input label (or net) file ext    lab

下面測試DEMO: 測試

tar xzf HTK-samples-3.4.1.tar.gz
cd samples
cd HTKDemo
mkdir -p hmms/{tmp,hmm.{0,1,2,3}} proto acc test
perl runDemo configs/monPlainM1S1.dcf
====================== HTK Results Analysis =======================
  Date: Mon Mar 11 16:45:40 2013
  Ref : labels/bcplabs/mon
  Rec : test/te1.rec
      : test/te2.rec
      : test/te3.rec
------------------------ Overall Results --------------------------
SENT: %Correct=0.00 [H=0, S=3, N=3]
WORD: %Corr=63.91, Acc=59.40 [H=85, D=35, S=13, I=6, N=133]

這兩天寫了兩篇關於HTK分別在windows和linux環境下安裝和編譯的文章,下面可能要繼續開始鑽研如何使用。但願兩篇文章對你們有幫助,歡迎互相討論。 ui

基於windows的那篇見: .net
