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Julia 是一個 「全新」的高性能動態編程語言,前兩天迎來了其 1.0 正式版的重大更新。Julia集 Python、C、R、Ruby 之所長,感受就像一種腳本語言,而且對交互式使用有很好的支持。並且其天生的高性能、通用性與專業性使得其很是適用於科學數值計算、機器學習項目等前沿場景。我看完這個消息之後也火燒眉毛想嘗試一下。linux
注: 本文原載於 My Personal Blog:, CodeSheep · 程序羊 !
Julia 提供了各類平臺和環境的安裝包,具體能夠去其官網進行下載:機器學習
安裝很是簡單,像 Windows平臺,基本上只須要點按下一步便可安裝到位,而 MacOS平臺使用 brew包管理器也僅需 一行命令 便可完成安裝。異步
下面我以 Linux CentOS 7.4 平臺爲例,介紹一些其安裝過程:編程語言
CentOS7 上 Julia 安裝也無需複雜的過程,只須要下載對應的可執行版本,並置於系統的命令路徑中便可愉快的使用:編輯器
wget https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/bin/linux/x64/1.0/julia-1.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz tar zxvf julia-1.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz cd /usr/bin ln -s /root/julia-1.0.0/bin/julia
此時執行 julia
命令便可啓動 Julia控制檯,順便來向世界問一下好吧:函數式編程
julia> x=10 10 julia> x+1 11 julia> x^2 100 julia> pi π = 3.1415926535897... julia> sqrt(100) 10.0 julia> ~123 -124 julia> 123 & 234 106 julia> ~UInt32(123) 0xffffff84 julia> [1,2,3] .^ 3 3-element Array{Int64,1}: 1 8 27 julia> 1 == 1 true julia> NaN == NaN false julia> NaN != NaN true julia>
julia> 'x' 'x': ASCII/Unicode U+0078 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase) julia> Int('x') 120 julia> str = "Hello, world.\n" "Hello, world.\n" julia> str[1] 'H': ASCII/Unicode U+0048 (category Lu: Letter, uppercase) julia> str[end] '\n': ASCII/Unicode U+000a (category Cc: Other, control) julia> str[4:9] "lo, wo" julia> greet = "Hello" "Hello" julia> whom = "world" "world" julia> "$greet, $whom.\n" "Hello, world.\n" julia> findfirst(isequal('x'), "xylophone") 1 julia> findnext(isequal('o'), "xylophone", 1) 4 julia> findnext(isequal('o'), "xylophone", 5) 7 julia> findnext(isequal('o'), "xylophone", 8) julia> occursin("world", "Hello, world.") true julia> repeat(".:Z:.", 10) ".:Z:..:Z:..:Z:..:Z:..:Z:..:Z:..:Z:..:Z:..:Z:..:Z:." julia> occursin(r"^\s*(?:#|$)", "not a comment") false julia> occursin(r"^\s*(?:#|$)", "# a comment") true julia> match(r"^\s*(?:#|$)", "# a comment") RegexMatch("#")
julia> x = 12 12 julia> typeof(x) Int64 julia> convert(UInt8, x) 0x0c julia> convert(AbstractFloat, x) 12.0 julia> a = Any[1 2 3; 4 5 6] 2×3 Array{Any,2}: 1 2 3 4 5 6 julia> convert(Array{Float64}, a) 2×3 Array{Float64,2}: 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 julia> promote(1, 2.5) (1.0, 2.5) julia> promote(2, 3//4) (2//1, 3//4) julia> promote(1.5, im) (1.5 + 0.0im, 0.0 + 1.0im) julia> promote(1 + 2im, 3//4) (1//1 + 2//1*im, 3//4 + 0//1*im)
julia> f(x,y) = x + y f (generic function with 1 method) julia> f(2,3) 5 julia> g = f f (generic function with 1 method) julia> g(2,3) 5 julia> ∑(x,y) = x + y ∑ (generic function with 1 method) julia> ∑(2, 3) 5 julia> +(1,2,3) 6 julia> x -> x^2 + 2x - 1 #3 (generic function with 1 method) julia> map(x -> x^2 + 2x - 1, [1,3,-1]) 3-element Array{Int64,1}: 2 14 -2 julia> function foo(a,b) a+b, a*b end; julia> foo(2,3) (5, 6) julia> x, y = foo(2,3); julia> x 5 julia> y 6
julia> z = begin x = 1 y = 2 x + y end 3 julia> function test(x, y) if x < y println("x is less than y") elseif x > y println("x is greater than y") else println("x is equal to y") end end test (generic function with 1 method) julia> test(1, 2) x is less than y julia> test(2, 1) x is greater than y julia> test(1, 1) x is equal to y julia> println(x < y ? "less than" : "not less than") less than julia> while i <= 5 println(i) i += 1 end 1 2 3 4 5 julia> for i = 1:5 println(i) end 1 2 3 4 5
julia> struct Foo bar baz end julia> julia> fun=Foo(1,2) Foo(1, 2) julia> fun.bar 1 julia> fun.baz 2 julia> Foo(x) = Foo(x,x) Foo julia> Foo(1) Foo(1, 1) julia> Foo() = Foo(0) Foo julia> Foo() Foo(0, 0)
julia> struct OrderedPair x::Real y::Real OrderedPair(x,y) = x > y ? error("out of order") : new(x,y) end julia> julia> OrderedPair(1, 2) OrderedPair(1, 2) julia> OrderedPair(2,1) ERROR: out of order Stacktrace: [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33 [2] OrderedPair(::Int64, ::Int64) at ./REPL[45]:4 [3] top-level scope at none:0
julia> struct Squares count::Int end julia> Base.iterate(S::Squares, state=1) = state > S.count ? nothing : (state*state, state+1) julia> for i in Squares(7) println(i) end 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 julia> 25 in Squares(10) true julia> using Statistics julia> mean(Squares(100)) 3383.5 julia> std(Squares(100)) 3024.355854282583 julia> Base.eltype(::Type{Squares}) = Int julia> Base.length(S::Squares) = S.count julia> collect(Squares(4)) 4-element Array{Int64,1}: 1 4 9 16
julia> function Base.getindex(S::Squares, i::Int) 1 <= i <= S.count || throw(BoundsError(S, i)) return i*i end julia> Squares(100)[23] 529 julia> Base.firstindex(S::Squares) = 1 julia> Base.lastindex(S::Squares) = length(S) julia> Squares(23)[end] 529 julia> Base.getindex(S::Squares, i::Number) = S[convert(Int, i)] julia> Base.getindex(S::Squares, I) = [S[i] for i in I] julia> Squares(10)[[3,4.,5]] 3-element Array{Int64,1}: 9 16 25